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European parity solar alliance(ADASE)Recently released a statement,Warning protectionist don't in Europe solar market built protectionist high strength.

  随着EU ProSun承认正式向欧盟委员会提交反补贴诉讼,AFASE也表示自己才代表了欧洲太阳能产业的声音,反对向中国制造商征收反补贴关税。

Along with the EU ProSun admitted to the European commission formally submitted countervailing litigation,AFASE also said he just represents the voice of the solar energy industry in Europe,Against to the Chinese manufacturers collecting countervailing duties.

  “过去几个月中,我们收到了巨大的支持。许多欧洲太阳能企业,进出口商和政客反对惩罚性关税。德国总理默克尔也呼吁欧盟委员会等有关各方通过政治对话解决这一纠纷。” AFASE发言人Greg Spanoudakis表示。

"The past few months,We have received great support.Many European solar energy enterprise,Import and export business and politicians against punitive tariffs.German chancellor Angela merkel also appealed to the European commission and other relevant parties through the political dialogue to solve this dispute." AFASE spokesman Greg Spanoudakis said.


Against trade protectionism is the one of the themes of European pv exhibition,Many of the attendees says trade war against renewable energy industry's reputation,Photovoltaic industry will make the financial crisis to worsen.

  “目前,一个典型的太阳能项目的建设需要经过以下流程,制造设备和原材料由德国提供,在中国加工成光伏系统设备,由荷兰物流提供商将货物运往德国或意大利,在那里,当地工程师设计并建设太阳能电站。自由的市场环境是保证欧洲光伏领先地位的先决条件。”AFASE成员企业,德国项目开发商Soventix的首席执行官Thorsten Preugschas表示。

"At present,A typical solar project construction need to pass the following process,Manufacturing equipment and raw materials provided by Germany,In China processed into photovoltaic system equipment,By the Dutch logistics provider goods to German or Italian,there,The local engineer design and construction of solar energy power station.Free market environment is the guarantee European pv leading prerequisites."Members of the enterprise AFASE,Germany project developers Soventix Thorsten chief executive Preugschas said.
