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广东一项最新调查显示:超六成烟民赞同控烟立法 Guangdong according to a new survey:Over sixty percent of smokers agree with smoke control legislation


Guangdong province public health research institute released yesterday, according to a new survey,At present guangdong public areas and the workplace smoke control situation is not optimistic,But there are eighty percent of these places for tobacco control legislation.


Guangdong institute of public health in the selection of guangzhou/zhuhai/qingyuan/Huizhou meizhou and five cities as DiaoZhaDian,Using random dialing method call home phone,Of 942 15 years old and above the smoke control permanent population legislation attitude survey.Investigation shows that,Residents of guangdong province of smoking was 22.2%,The male smoking was 38.7%,Significantly higher than female(2.6%).Non smoking the crowd,60.6% of those surveyed the recent week in a public place or the workplace around to see a man smoking.This suggests that,Guangdong public areas and the workplace secondhand smoke exposure, the situation has been very serious.


Survey found,Residents of guangdong public place and workplace smoke control legislation in favor of rate were 77.7% and 76.3% respectively.The non smoking ban in two kinds of lawmaking crowd smoking approval rate was 81.5% and 79.1%,Smoking the crowd in favor of rate were 64.6% and 66.5% respectively.This suggests that guangdong most popular support to public areas and the workplace smoke control legislation.

  成功执法的关键在于民众对控烟法规执行的支持。本次调查显示,如果发现有人在禁烟场所吸烟,47.2%的人表示会劝阻吸烟者停止吸烟;47.7%的人会告知禁烟场所的经营者或管理者履行控烟职责;29.4%的人会对不履行控烟职责的经营者或管理者,向有关行政管理部门举报投诉。另外,71%的受访者赞同对在禁烟场所吸烟的人进行罚款,其中51.6%的人赞同罚款金额50元;赞成罚款100元占25.6%,赞成罚款200元及以上的占22.9%。(记者夏杨 通讯员梁宁)

The key to successful law enforcement for people smoke control regulations execution support.The investigation shows that,If you find someone in the smoking ban,47.2% said they would dissuade smokers to stop smoking;47.7% of the people would tell smoking places operators or managers to perform duties tobacco control;29.4% of the people will not to perform duties for tobacco control the operator or manager,The relevant administrative departments to report complaints.In addition,71% of respondents agree to ban smoking in the fine people,51.6% of the people agree with fines 50 yuan;In favor of a fine of 100 yuan accounted for 25.6%,In favor of a fine of $200 and above 22.9%.(Reporter correspondent XiaYang LiangNing)
