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要有钱,我就可以捐骨髓给哥哥了 Want to be rich,I can donate marrow to brother


17岁的邱贵准身患白血病,8岁的妹妹与其骨髓配对成功,可是50万元的医药费却让一家人一筹莫展 17 year old QiuGui quasi with leukemia,8 years old sister instead of bone marrow matching success,But 500000 yuan of medical expenses but let family can find no way out


17 year old QiuGui quasi could like other high school students as,In the classroom,Running on the playground,But in August,Always healthy he was suddenly find out chronic myeloid leukemia,Need to the hospital for treatment and implement a bone marrow transplant.Although QiuGui quasi 8 years old little sister and bone marrow matching success,But more than 50 ten thousand yuan operation but beats the poverty of the house.


厕所挑灯夜读,高二无奈辍学 Toilet stay over night,High school but


August QiuGui must be checked out suffer from chronic myeloid leukemia,GaoErXin term,He only on a day of class was family from the school to pick up the back.In order to be afraid increase small high psychological burden,Small high father has high the longest"cheat"Son said him just have lymph.


"I only in primary school grade one,Greatest wish is to see the small high pass the college entrance examination."When the yangcheng evening news reporter asked about high longest and biggest desires,He thought of it hope QiuGui quasi can like other children,Read more books,Pass the college entrance examination.High longest told reporters,QiuGui quasi junior middle school to go to school in residence time,In order not to affect the other students of rest,Evening use toilet light reading,Until 1:00 a.m.;Even in bed,Every day he will still be to read English.


In the face of sudden son of leukemia,High is the longest in the heart very was not the taste.High longest told reporters,QiuGui quasi from childhood is uncle pull big,Now have been living together with brother-in-law,But uncle already 70 years old,Once stroke had two need to care for.In addition to the firstborn QiuGui quasi,High is the longest and two daughters and a 4 year old son.A 7 mouth people life pressure, pressure in the high the longest and his wife's shoulder.


骨髓配对成功 巨额药费难筹 Bone marrow matching success huge expenses for medicine difficult to raise

  从8月至今的3个月里,邱最长一直陪伴在邱贵准身边,辗转于大亚湾、坑梓与广州三地之间。9月9日,邱最长将儿子送到广州的省第二人民医院检查,此时,他身上的几万元医药费都是靠亲戚朋友捐助和向别人借来。当时,医生说小邱的病情已恶化,到了慢性粒细胞白血病急变期,最有效的治疗方法就是做骨髓移植。随后,医院对邱贵准及其两个妹妹做了骨髓配对,令人欣慰的是,小邱8岁的小妹妹邱贵娜与他骨髓配对成功。但做骨髓移植手术要五六十万元,这让原本看到希望的邱最长再次一筹莫展。(羊城晚报 记者 李斯睿)

From August to three months,High longest stayed with QiuGui quasi side,Toss in daya bay/Pit catalpa and guangzhou between three places.On September 9,,High longest will son to guangzhou province second people's hospital inspection,At this time,Him the tens of thousands of yuan medical expenses are to rely on friends and relatives donations and borrowed from others.At that time,The doctor said small high illness that has worsened,The chronic myeloid leukemia leaps period,The most effective form of therapy is to be a bone marrow transplant.then,The hospital to QiuGui quasi and two sister made bone marrow pairing,It is encouraging to see,Small high eight years old with his little sister QiuGuiNa bone marrow matching success.But do bone marrow transplant to - 60 - ten thousand yuan,This let originally see hope high longest helpless again.(The yangcheng evening news reporter Reese gruppo)
