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  中新网11月20日电 据卫生部网站消息,为进一步加强职业健康检查机构的管理,规范职业健康检查工作,保护劳动者健康,根据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》,卫生部起草了《职业健康检查管理办法(征求意见稿)》,向社会公开征求意见。以下为征求意见稿全文:

Beijing on November 20, according to the ministry of health news website,In order to further strengthen the management of occupational health inspection agencies,Regulate the occupational health examination work,Protection of laborers' health,According to[The prevention and control of occupational diseases of the People's Republic of China],The ministry of health has drafted the[The measures for the administration of the occupational health examination(draft)],To the public to solicit their opinions.The following is the full text draft:

职业健康检查管理办法(征求意见稿) The measures for the administration of the occupational health examination(draft)


第一章 总则 The first chapter general rules

  第一条 为加强职业健康检查机构的管理,规范职业健康检查工作,保护劳动者健康,根据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》(以下简称《职业病防治法》),制定本办法。

Article 1 in order to strengthen the management of occupational health inspection agencies,Regulate the occupational health examination work,Protection of laborers' health,According to[The prevention and control of occupational diseases of the People's Republic of China](Hereinafter referred to as[The prevention and control of occupational diseases]),formulated.

  第二条 本办法所称职业健康检查是对从事或可能从事接触职业病危害作业的劳动者的健康状况进行医学检查、监测的预防医学行为,包括上岗前、在岗期间、离岗时和应急健康检查。

Article 2: for the purposes of these measures, says the occupational health examination is engaged in or may be engaged in the occupational-disease-inductive operation of the employee's health medical examination/Monitoring of preventive medicine behavior,Including mount guard before/During on-the-job/Leave and emergency health examination.

  第三条 用人单位应当依法组织劳动者进行职业健康检查并提供职业健康检查所需要的相关资料。

Article 3 the employing units shall, in accordance with law, organization workers for the occupational health examination and provide the occupational health examination need relevant information.

  第四条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府卫生行政部门(以下简称省级卫生行政部门)应当根据本地区实际需要,统一规划、合理布局,充分利用现有医疗卫生资源,设置职业健康检查机构。

Article 4 the province/Autonomous region/The administrative department of health or municipalities directly under the central government(Hereinafter referred to as the provincial administrative department of public health)Shall, according to the actual needs of this region,Unified planning/Reasonable layout,Make full use of existing medical and health resources,Set the occupational health examination mechanism.


第二章 职业健康检查机构 The second chapter the occupational health examination mechanism

  第五条 医疗卫生机构承担职业健康检查,应当经省级卫生行政部门批准。省级卫生行政部门应当及时向社会公布职业健康检查机构名单、地址、检查类别和项目等相关信息。

Article 5 medical and health institution shall bear the occupational health examination,At the provincial level shall be subject to the approval of the administrative department of public health.The provincial administrative departments for public health shall timely publicize the occupational health inspection agencies list/address/Check the categories and project and other related information.

  第六条 职业健康检查类别分为接触粉尘、化学因素、物理因素、生物因素、放射线或放射性物质及特殊作业人员等六类,每类职业健康检查根据职业病危害因素不同设立若干项目。

Article 6 the occupational health examination category divided into dust exposure/Chemical factors/Physical factors/Biological factors/Radiation or radioactive substances and special operation staff and so on six classes,Each type of the occupational health examination according to the occupational-disease-inductive factors different set up a number of projects.

  第七条 职业健康检查机构的职责是:

Article 7 the occupational health examination mechanism is the responsibility of the:


(a)In the approved the occupational health examination category and project range to carry out the occupational health examination work,And issue the occupational health examination results;


(two)Perform laborers' health damage/Occupational taboo to inform obligation,And occupational-disease-like diseases to inform and reporting obligations;


(three)The occurrence or acute occupational-disease-inductive accidents may occur when,According to the local health administration department or unit of choose and employ persons entrusted requirements,To suffer or may suffer from acute occupational disease hazard workers for emergency health examination;


(four)The administrative department of health to the jurisdiction of the annual report occupational health examination work;


(five)According to the employer's occupational health surveillance commissioned by evaluation;


(six)bear[The prevention and control of occupational diseases]Provisions of other duties assigned by the administrative department of public health and other work.

  第八条 医疗卫生机构承担职业健康检查应当向省级卫生行政部门提出申请,并具备以下条件:

Article 8 medical and health institution shall bear the occupational health examination shall apply to the administrative department of health at the provincial level the application,And meet the following requirements:


(a)With independent legal person qualification or legal person qualification authorized;


(two)hold[The "practice license of medical institution]and[Emission permit for diagnosis and treatment],The occupational health examination shall be in conformity with the category and the project practice range requirements;


(three)Have relatively independent health examination places/Boarding places and checkout room,A total construction area of not less than 400 square meters,Each independent examination room use area of not less than 6 square metre,X ray and other special examination room usable floor area according to relevant provisions;


(four)With to carry out the occupational health examination category and project adapt to the medical and health technical personnel;


(five)With to carry out the occupational health examination category and project adapt to the instrument/equipment;


(six)Set the occupational health examination management department,Set up quality management system/system.

  第九条 医疗卫生机构申请职业健康检查资质,应当提交以下资料:

Article 9 medical and health institution for the occupational health examination qualification,Shall submit the following information:


(a)The occupational health examination institution qualification application form;


(two)The legal person qualification copy material;


(three)Practice of a medical institution and the emission permit for diagnosis and treatment(Including copy)copy;


(four)Apply for the in the occupational health examination category and project;


(five)And apply for the occupational health examination category and project adapt to the medical and health technical personnel material;


(six)And apply for the occupational health examination category and project adapt to the instrument/Equipment and the workplace material;


(seven)The occupational health examination quality management system relevant information;


(eight)The public health administrative department for submission of the other material.

  第十条 省级卫生行政部门收到申请资料后,应当在五个工作日内作出是否受理的决定。

Article 10 the provincial administrative department of health after receiving the application materials,In five working days shall make a decision whether to accept the decision.


Agree with accepted by the,Within 60 days shall be in complete material review and technical review,In the end of the technical review within twenty days to make a decision on approval or disapproval;Will not be accepted by the,It shall explain the reason and written notice to the applicant.

  第十一条 对批准的职业健康检查机构颁发职业健康检查机构资质证书,并注明相应的职业健康检查类别和项目。不批准的应当以书面形式通知申请单位并说明理由。

Article 11 for approval of the occupational health examination organization to issue the occupational health examination institution qualification certificate,And indicate the corresponding the occupational health examination category and project.Don't approved shall by written notice to the applicant and explain the reasons.


The occupational health examination institution qualification certificate is valid for five years.

  第十二条 职业健康检查机构资质证书有效期届满需要延续的,职业健康检查机构应当在资质证书有效期届满六个月前向原批准部门申请延续,经审查合格的予以办理延续手续。

Article 12 the occupational health examination institution qualification certificate to the expiration of the valid period of the need to continue,The occupational health examination institution shall, in a qualification certificate the expiration of the valid period of six months ago to the original approval department application continues,If found qualified through examination be processed continue formalities.

  第十三条 职业健康检查机构需要变更职业健康检查类别或项目的,应当向原批准部门提出申请,并进行资质审定。

Article 13 the occupational health examination institutions need to change the occupational health examination category or project,To the original approval department shall apply,And qualification examination and approval.


Change legal name/Legal representative(Or person in charge)And address of the,Since the change shall be within thirty days from the date of the original approval organ to apply for alteration.


Lost the occupational health examination certificate of approval,Shall timely statement,And to the original approval department apply for reissue;Replacement of the qualification certificate of approval date for granting reissue date,After such date print"reissue"".


Changes or replacement of the occupational health examination institution qualification certificate original valid constant.

  第十四条 职业健康检查机构有下列情形之一的,由原批准部门注销职业健康检查机构资质,并登记存档,予以公告:

Article 14 the occupational health examination agency has one of following cases occurs,By the original approving department the cancellation of the occupational health examination institution qualification,And registration file,Shall make public announcement of the:


(a)Medical and health institution for the cancellation;


(two)Qualification certificate to the expiration of the valid period did not put forward the continuation of application;


(three)Revoked by the administrative department of public health[The "practice license of medical institution]of.
