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小伙携带艾滋病就医屡遭拒 隐瞒病情成功手术(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室


For preoperative was found with HIV/AIDS,Tianjin 25 patients with lung cancer small peak(alias)When the doctor repeatedly rejected.In the third to the hospital,Small peak SiGai medical records to hide the illness,Finally the operation smoothly.yesterday,Small peak has go home rehabilitation.


recently,The matter in the online aroused widespread discussion,AIDS in sympathy for medical treatment difficult at the same time,Most netizens rebuked the small peak hide condition,Think patients encounter"rejection"when,Should be to the disease control department or the competent department of health of the complaint,For normal way to solve.


Experts say,Medical institutions must not see a doctor for patients is AIDS patient,Shuffle or refuse to the other disease treatment.


Hide condition led successful operation of hot debate


"The good news:Tianjin infections lung cancer surgery success,Now severe medicine.Estimate 3-4 days can visit!The tumor hospital after being rejected,Be compelled helpless will change medical record copy,In another hospital escape the preoperative blood tests.To get the treatment!"


November 13,China AIDS virus carriers league north China area manager LiHu issued the micro bo,Released the news,Caused many users to pay attention to and debate,As of yesterday when 20,The micro bo has been forward 5346 times,Article 3406 comments.


review,Most netizens rebuked the small peak hide condition surgery,To carry out the operation of the medical personnel to bring the risk of infection,Have net friend called for a rational view,The hospital should not rejection and discrimination against AIDS patients.


Part of the hospital said do not have conditions cannot be treated


According to LiHu revealed,Small peak preoperatively,Had been to Beijing ditan hospital infectious disease hospital -.yesterday,Ditan hospital venereal disease AIDS, director of the center for WenHui Aaron said,Did not hear the small peak.Ditan hospital as AIDS were designated hospital,For small peak such patients were can be,But ditan hospital and no thoracic surgery,So even if small peak were accord with the standard,Hospital also does not have the operation qualification,Unable to treatment.


yesterday,The reporter interviewed more than non-communicable doctor,All said the hospital does not have to the AIDS virus carriers operation conditions.These patients will generally be advised to inductive control conditions of the infectious disease hospital for treatment.


Reporters then and for small peak surgery a hospital of tianjin contact,The hospital staff said a male acknowledgement,Just from the net with the patient's mouth heard about this matter,But at present the hospital did not verification,Still need to clinical verification,For other patients infected to the operating room concerns,The officials say,In one to two days to give a reply.

  - 讲述

- tells

  患者怕再遭拒 私改病历逃避血检

Patients fear again rejected SiGai medical records from blood tests


According to Chinese AIDS virus carriers league north China area manager LiHu revealed,Surgery after the success,Small peak has go home rehabilitation.


LiHu introduced,On November 6,,Himself in the understanding of the small peak after the encounter,With small peak contact."He began to live in tianjin tumour hospital,Preoperative check out HIV positive,The doctor to let him turn to other hospital operation".


LiHu provide a tianjin tumour hospital discharge record,The hospital admission diagnosis in a column to write a,"Epidemic inspection results:HIV(+),The patient is not suitable for surgery,discharge,In the outer court to continue treatment".LiHu said,Is this the reason,Let xiao feng lost in tumour hospital surgery opportunity.


LiHu said,Is cancer hospital after rejection,Small peak and toss to Beijing ditan hospital,At the ditan hospital,Small peak and was told,Although can patients infected with HIV,But since there is no thoracic surgery,Do not have the qualifications of lung cancer operation,So suggest he turn tianjin sanitation and epidemic prevention department,To do further coordination.


Small peak after return to tianjin,He found the third hospitals,Think of frankly illness will be rejected,Helpless under,On admission to hospital in disease duration,Small peak will tumour hospital HIV positive test results after covering copy hand in,Escape blood tests.On November 12,,Small peak in tianjin a 3 armour hospital surgery smoothly.


"Surgery just end,Relatives and friends will tell medical staff he is infected with HIV,To let the medical staff to strengthen the defensive measures,Avoid infection."LiHu said,The fifth day,He had to go to the hospital to visit small peak,The nurse injections far away,See a thermometer to him(Small peak)The 70 - year - old grandmother holding turn around,Refused to touch.

  - 对话

- dialogue


The hospital can't refuse to AIDS patients surgery


yesterday,Beijing union medical college professor of epidemiology/The red ribbon fund expert team leader ZhangKong to and a did not wish to be named, infectious disease experts the events of the issues involved in the solution.


Focus 1


Rejection AIDS patient is psychological fear


The Beijing news:If a requirement to AIDS to designated hospital for surgery?


experts:In the infectious disease hospital,If the hospital disinfection and isolation system strictly carry out,Receiving AIDS person wasn't a problem.No requirements AIDS people must go to the designated hospital surgery.[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]provisions,The AIDS virus infection and AIDS patient when go to a doctor,Shall the infection or the fact truthfully inform the accepts the doctor.Medical institutions must not see a doctor for patients is AIDS patient,Shuffle or refuse to the other disease treatment.


The Beijing news:A lot of AIDS people reflect,They because other disease need surgery,Is often hospital rejection.Cause the cause of this situation is what?


experts:AIDS people surgery has been rejected,Mainly including medical personnel, there to AIDS fear.This is a problem of the whole society,It is difficult to let all people do not discrimination.


On the other hand,China's most of the infectious disease hospital are medical hospital,No surgical,No surgeon,Also does not have the operating room,Only a handful of hospital opened surgery.Even so,Because of hard to introduce talents,These hospital also only in some areas can surgery.


Focus 2


From illness increase medical staff infection rate


The Beijing news:Hide AIDS illness operations,Can cause what consequence?


experts:The surgeon in the surgery was split gloves is common,For non infectious diseases for the doctor,Of the fear of AIDS will be very big.The doctor has the right to know the patient is infectious disease virus carriers,The patient have the obligation to accept related detection.


If the patient to conceal the illness,Medical staff become high-risk groups.One thousand in surgery, doctors hand cut,Is likely to be infected.


Beijing's a big hospital had been a thing,Because of knowing the AIDS virus detection results,Emergency medical personnel for an AIDS patients undergoing salvage,After a doctor to detection positive,Fortunately medical staff taking drug after six months into a negative.


Focus 3


Postoperative disinfection unlike hepatitis b c complex


The Beijing news:AIDS patients had surgery in the operating room/Medical devices/Medical waste and how to deal with?


experts:On hospital for,Preoperative and no special preparation.Postoperative is to bed sheet/Quilt cover/Medical equipment strict disinfection.


The Beijing news:If there is higher than the second liver/Hepatitis c or other infectious diseases disinfection requirements?


experts:The AIDS virus and hepatitis b/The risk of hepatitis c virus is the same level.The virus that causes AIDS disinfection is better than second liver/Hepatitis c is also simple,The AIDS virus is very sensitive to alcohol,In vitro survival ability than hepatitis b/Hepatitis c virus will be sent.Can give hepatitis b/Patients with hepatitis c surgery,Can give the AIDS virus infections surgery,But the people of the fear of AIDS,Often more than to hepatitis b is fear.In order to eliminate fear and discrimination,Still need further AIDS popular science propaganda.

  本版采写/新京报记者 王卡拉 李禹潼

This collection &composition/Beijing news reporter wang Carla LiYuTong
