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中新网沈阳11月25日电 (记者 秦逸)由中国性病艾滋病防治协会主办的2012年世界艾滋病日高层论坛25日在辽宁省沈阳市举行。辽宁省副省长滕卫平在论坛上说,自1991年在外籍来沈阳人员中发现第一例艾滋病病毒感染者后,截止到2012年10月底,辽宁省累计报告艾滋病病毒感染者/病人3521例,其中艾滋病病人998例,死亡464例。辽宁省14个市均有报告,艾滋病疫情波及范围广,地区差异大,三种传播途径并存。
Beijing, nov. 25 - in shenyang (Reporter QinYi)By the China venereal disease prevention and control of HIV/AIDS association 2012 world AIDS day top BBS 25 in held in shenyang, liaoning province.Liaoning province vice governor TengWeiPing in BBS says,Since 1991 in foreign to shenyang researchers found that the first case after AIDS virus infection,By the end of October 2012,Liaoning province accumulated report of AIDS virus infection/patient 3521 examples,The 998 cases of HIV/AIDS patients,464 patients died.14 cities of liaoning province are reported,The epidemic spread to a wide range,Area differences,Three kinds of transmission way coexist.
According to TengWeiPing introduced,Liaoning province in 1991 in foreign to shen researchers found that the first case of HIV infection,1994 from returned labor personnel first found in AIDS patients.Begin from 1995 found cases in the province,Every year the AIDS virus infections found increasing number,Since 2005, the number of infection was significantly increased trend.
By the end of October 2012,Liaoning province accumulated report of AIDS virus infection/patient 3521 examples,The 998 cases of HIV/AIDS patients,464 patients died.Liaoning province 14 city have the report,The epidemic spread to a wide range,Area differences,Three kinds of transmission way coexist.
TengWeiPing said,Epidemic analysis shows that,Liaoning province the HIV/AIDS epidemic main three characteristics:One is the AIDS epidemic continued to rise,Epidemic overall is still at the low level of hair;The second is sexually transmitted has become the main route of transmission,Gay men sexually transmitted rising velocity obviously;The third is the epidemic area wide distribution/Difference big,The HIV/AIDS epidemic factors exist widely.
According to introducing said,In recent years,Liaoning province each region/All relevant departments actively carry out the prevention and control measures,"The government organization leadership/The relevant departments of the individual/Joint efforts of the whole society to participate in"The prevention and control of the basic pattern formation,Infected people and the patient's quality of life improved obviously,Social discrimination has decreased.
Since 2002,Liaoning provincial government set AIDS special funds 1 million yuan a year.In recent years,Constantly increase the funds investment,Every year since 2005 provincial financial funds investment is in 10 million yuan,For updating at various levels complement of institution of disease prevention and control of AIDS laboratory equipment.
TengWeiPing said,For the implementation of the national"SiMian a care"and"Five expand six strengthen"policy,Reduce people infected with HIV and AIDS patient morbidity and mortality,Liaoning province since 2004 has carried out AIDS free arv treatment work.By the end of October 2012,Free arv treatment work of liaoning province covers 14 city,Accumulated treatment 891 people,In the governance toll to 749 cases.At present liaoning free arv treatment management at all levels mainly by center for disease control and medical organizations jointly.
It is reported,Liaoning province AIDS research institute is the ministry of health in the field of AIDS the only key laboratory,Liaoning province is the only one for infections and patients with diagnosis/Condition monitoring/Antiviral treatment/Resistance monitoring and opportunistic infection therapy, and so a full range of medical services of professional institutions.Since its founding in 1999,Its under the red ribbon outpatient service since 1999 since the establishment of the already accumulated nearly 1200 cases of people infected with HIV follow-up,The antiviral treatment in 508 cases,Accumulated nearly patients were followed-up,For people infected with HIV and AIDS people provide diagnosis/Condition monitoring/treatment/Resistance detection, etc"one-stop"service.(finish)
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