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考研进入倒计时 专家提醒“途书族”防两类眼病--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网南京11月25日电 (盛捷 谢瞻 吴倪娜)2013年考研已进入倒计时阶段,考生小聪(化名)走到哪都带着本复习资料,地铁上、公交车上随时看书,每晚熬夜复习凌晨才休息。最近小聪出现了眼睛干涩、酸胀,头昏,记忆力下降等不适症状,25日,小聪来到江苏省人民医院眼科就诊,主人医师刘虎在为其检查后诊断小聪罹患视疲劳和干眼症,刘虎特别提醒,“途书族”需当心这两类眼病高发。

Beijing, nov. 25, nanjing (ChengJie XieZhan WuNi na)2013 one's deceased father grind has entered the countdown stage,Examinee JXC(alias)Go where with this review material,subway/Bus read at any time,Stay up late at night review to rest.Recent JXC appeared dry eyes/Acid bilges,dizziness,The unwell symptom such as memory decline,25,Small chung came to jiangsu province people's hospital ophthalmic,Master LiuHu physicians for its examination diagnosis JXC suffering from visual fatigue and dry eyes,LiuHu special remind,"Way book family"Need to be careful of the two types of high incidence of eye disease.


 “途书族”易患视疲劳和干眼症 "Way book family"Easy to suffer from visual fatigue and dry eyes


"Every November/December,Ophthalmic clinic will have a lot of visual fatigue/Dry eyes young patients,Most patients sick due to excessive to one's deceased father grind with eye."LiuHu said,Like small chung like on the subway/bus"dynamic"Reading more and more young people."Way book family"The bus or subway to,Like out magazine/Mobile phone and electric paper books and reading."Long time checking out moving targets,As in the bumpy road to see things,And blink reduce,Light shortage or too strong,Uneven distribution of light flickered or wait for a reason,Will create the eye‘overload’,Cause eyestrain and dry eyes."


 别仅依靠眼药水缓解症状 Don't rely on eye drops to alleviate the symptoms


"Patients are advised appear obvious visual fatigue and dry eye symptoms,In time to the hospital regularly causes,Don't rely on eye drops to alleviate the symptoms."LiuHu said,For disease causes visual fatigue and dry eyes,Should focus on the treatment of the primary disease,Such as refractive error caused by the visual fatigue,Patients need scientific optometry glasses;trachoma/Blepharitis infection such as eye table with chronic inflammation is one of the important incentive dry eyes,If not for the cause,Use only supplementing moisture eye drops,Treatment is often in vain."Patients can judge to use some does not contain preservatives artificial tears.Change bad habits with the eye is the prevention and control of two kinds of eye disease‘Grand opera’."


睡觉前别忘记关灯 Don't forget to turn off the lights before you go to sleep


LiuHu remind,The candidates don't forget to turn off the lights go to bed.It is understood,Melatonin in the middle of the night to 11 in the morning the most exuberant secretion,When the glare,To reduce the secretion;In the half-light its secretion increase.Sleep if light is big,Melatonin production will be suppressed,Night human sympathetic system and parasympathetic system dynamic balance will damage to the brain has been in a state of stimulated,Easy to cause insomnia/palpitation/Labored breathing/Raised blood pressure,Even during the day will appear dizziness upset/inattention/The body lack of power and similar neurasthenic symptom.


 熬夜适当补充维生素 Stay up late appropriate vitamin supplements


Now is the students one's deceased father grind for raging fire when,Stay up late reading unavoidable.Experts suggest the students who need to stay up late,Can be appropriately vitamin supplement.Vitamin B/Vitamin A, or carotene can protect liver bright eye.Stay up late when drinking green tea is refreshing and can eliminate excess of free radicals;Intestines and stomach bad people can convert the fruit of Chinese wolfberry make tea.For to stay up late have black rim of the eye can be use chips apply eye,Every time, about 5 minutes,And rinse thoroughly.Eye acid expansion can be daily with hot towel apply eye 4-6 times,Every five minutes.Qiu dong season diet should be added dryness nourishing food,Such as tremella/Lotus root/spinach/honey/apple/grapes/Grapefruit, etc.(finish)
