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  昨日下午, 副省长林少春主持召开了广东省政府防治艾滋病工作委员会全体会议,传达国务院防治艾滋病工作委员会会议精神,分析当前全省艾滋病防治形势,研究部署做好下一阶段工作。省政府防治艾滋病工作委员会有关成员单位负责人介绍了艾滋病防治有关情况。通过实施有效干预措施,广东16年来减少了近16万人感染艾滋病病毒,减少社会经济损失480多亿元。

Yesterday afternoon, Vice governor of guangdong province government LinShaoChun presided the prevention and control of AIDS working committee plenary meeting,The state council working committee convey the prevention and control of AIDS conference spirit,The analysis of the current situation of the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS,To study the deployment of the next phase.The provincial government AIDS working committee member concerned person in charge of the unit, introduces the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS.Through the implementation of effective intervention measures,Guangdong 16 years reduced nearly 160000 people infected with HIV,The reduction of social economic losses of more than 480 yuan.


Yesterday afternoon,Provincial department of the provincial government in the prevention and control of AIDS the plenary meeting of the committee of guangdong province about 2012 HIV/AIDS epidemic situation(See chart),By October 2012,Accumulated report now address for guangdong province of AIDS virus infection and 37723 patients,The patient 12605 examples/8957 patients died.2009 to October 2012,The accumulated report HIV/AIDS cases,The proportion of mainlanders increased from 34.0% to 46.0%.The expert urgently called for,AIDS treatment should be included in chronic disease category.

  疫情变化: Epidemic change:

  男同发病率逐年增高 Male with incidence increased year by year


Provincial center for disease control HIV/AIDS prevention and control of the institute/LinPengShui chief expert,Common cylinder HIV transmission for five years has declined,Methadone maintenance treatment coverage/To improve utilization rate,The spread of drug control to strengthen,At present the overall incidence of a disease in 3% ~ 5%,New hair infection rate lower than 1%,"The province shows that HIV/AIDS prevention and control situation is going well".


At the same time, also want to pay attention to,Sexually transmitted especially male-male same-sex sexual contact transmission is growing rapidly,Especially the pearl river delta region of guangzhou/shenzhen/zhongshan/The dongguan/Zhuhai city,2011 ~ 2012,Around the city of male with AIDS average infection rate has reached 10%,New hair infection rate was 6% ~ 8%,At a higher level."This situation with the national/Global similar,The same is fast growth,Infection is also relatively high knowledge level,The awareness of AIDS high,But it is difficult to control".


Male with AIDS to QingZhuang crowd give priority to,Due to the more sexual partners general situation,Cross infection base big,So the number of infections is still on the rise.

  专家呼吁: The experts urged:

  高危性行为后主动检测 High-risk sexual behavior after the initiative detection


"Have increased this year more than 3100 new cases infected treatment,At present more than 8900 cases in governance,Accumulated treatment more than 10000 people.The treatment of side is expected there will be more than 15000 respectively/20000 people."Lin said frankly that,In the face of HIV/AIDS cases rise/Strength is insufficient for disease control of the situation,Appealed for more health center/Community health service center to participate in prevention and control of HIV/AIDS.At the same time,AIDS into the major disease management,Of course covering strength than normal disease high,But free medical/Detection mechanism and will not endure,The prevention and control of medical establishment that decide a dot enthusiasm is not high also,therefore,In urgent need of HIV/AIDS prevention and control of chronic diseases treatment will be incorporated into category.


"Rarely see the active detection,All have been ill by attending doctor found,Toss a few to diagnose,Tuo is a few months."The ministry of health AIDS clinical expert group members/Guangzhou eighth people's hospital infection of director of division of CaiWeiPing said,The most common is prenatal/Check-up exsanguinate found.


Expert urgently called for:High-risk sexual behavior happened after,To the early active detection HIV,Even by early detection/Intervention the sexual partners.

  中国至今无医护人员 China has no medical personnel

  因职业暴露感染艾滋 Due to occupational exposure to HIV infection


a,The ministry of health issued[On strengthening AIDS patients infected with the virus and medical service notice],Notice points out that,According to the medical institutions[The regulations on the administration of medical institutions]and[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]Relevant requirements,Strictly implement the first diagnosis(ask)Responsibility system,It is strictly prohibited to shuffle or refuse to make a diagnosis and give treatment.


yesterday,Guangdong AIDS experts expressed,"First diagnosis system"Pointing to medical personnel of AIDS patients of evasiveness,According to the medical world itself is for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS knowledge don't understand/Fear of the concept of risk exposure.Everyone said"Occupational exposures is also one of the ways to infected with AIDS",but"China so far have not a case for AIDS occupational exposure to infection".

  蔡卫平估计,艾滋病成为慢性病的问题将会日益突出,也就是说,患者不是死于艾滋病,而是心、肺、肝、肾等疾病,本身就需要其他医疗机构处理。如果医护人员不及时转变观念,那等于迫使越来越多的艾滋病患者隐瞒病情,最后害的是自己。(记者何雪华 通讯员粤卫信)

CaiWeiPing estimate,AIDS become chronic problems will be increasingly outstanding,That is,Patients is not died of AIDS,But heart/lung/liver/Renal diseases such as,Itself need other medical institutions processing.If medical personnel not timely change the idea,That is forcing more and more AIDS patients to hide the illness,The last of the damage is oneself.(Reporter correspondent HeXueHua guangdong WeiXin)
