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北京今年新报艾滋病感染2031例 老人感染数倍增--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

北京今年新报艾滋病感染2031例 老人感染数倍增


December 1st is world AIDS day.Nearly five years,This city AIDS report number increased obviously,With an average annual growth has reached 17%,The 60 years of age or older people infected with HIV multiplication.yesterday,The municipal bureau of health, published this city AIDS cases the latest figures:This year the new report infections and patients has a total of 2031 cases,More than ninety percent through the sexually transmitted,Other provinces and cities more than seven become household.


According to another report the ministry of health,About 490000 cases of the people infected with HIV,Survival of the patients and patients about 380000 cases.

  外省市感染者超七成 Other provinces and cities infected super seventy percent


According to introducing,This city since 1985 report the country's first since AIDS cases,By the end of October 31,,Already accumulated report of AIDS virus infection and 12424 cases of patients.The registered permanent residence of this municipality of twenty percent,Other provinces and cities census register more than seventy percent.In addition,There are a small number of foreign staff infections.


This year 1 to October,This city report of AIDS virus infection and patients to reach 2031 cases,Nearly five years,This city AIDS report number average annual compound annual growth rate of 17%,Show clear ascendant trend.The sexually transmitted accounted for 94.4%.


60以上老人感染数倍增 More than 60 old man infection number multiplication


It is important to note that,This city 60 years of age or older is the AIDS virus infection and patients report number in recent years also shows increasing trend,From 2008 in 25 cases,Increased to 2012 years up to now in the 59 cases.Old group of AIDS virus infection and patients in sexually transmitted 82.7%.


this,AIDS prevention and control center expert explained,Many men over the age of 60 still existence needs,And their partners in the 60 s demand significantly,This makes this part of the crowd outside seek stimulation,Virtually increased by the risk of infection.


 艾滋病年死亡率降至1% AIDS years mortality rate dropped to 1%


In view of the present growth trend of infection,The city in recent years are also increasing strength test.So far,Hundreds of testing tower point covered the male actors/demimondaine/whoremaster/Drug addicts, etc and group.At the same time,To expand coverage antiviral treatment,This city has accumulated free treatment of 3110 patients of AIDS,More than 91% of the successful treatment of the patients,The patient's annual death rate fell to 1%.


全国艾滋感染者约49万 The national AIDS infections of about 490000


The ministry of health reported yesterday in prevention and control of HIV/AIDS situation.First 10 months of this year,The country's new report of AIDS virus infection and nearly 69000 cases of patients,AIDS death toll for 17740 cases,Compared to the same period last year increased by 8.6%.


The ministry of health for disease control bureau deputy inspector SunXinHua is introduced,As of October,The accumulated report of AIDS virus infection and patients about 490000 cases,Survival of the patients and patients about 380000 cases.The epidemic of male-male same-sex sexual transmission ratio rose significantly.In 2012 shao point monitoring found,Men crowd sex AIDS virus infection rate was 6.7%.

  晨报记者 徐晶晶 吴亭

The morning paper reporter XuJingJing WuTing


S related news


 山西20名艾滋感染学生游北京 Shanxi 20 AIDS infection students swim Beijing

  晨报讯(记者 吴亭)昨日11时许,20名来自山西红丝带学校艾滋病病毒感染的孩子们在老师陪伴下走下1146次列车,他们将参加12月1日在北京举办的防治艾滋病的活动。

Morning news(Reporter WuTing)Yesterday at about 11,20 from shanxi red ribbon school children infected with the virus that causes AIDS in the teacher company walk down the 1146 train,They will take part in December 1, held in Beijing the prevention and control of AIDS activities.


As the train slowly home,Dressed in pink down jacket of 16 years old girl QiaoLi(alias)Pull small than she easily(alias)Out of the car.Reporter to ask whether QiaoLi for red ribbon school students,She consumedly square square to tell reporter yes.Eight-year-old little girl xiao yu(alias)When they hear the teacher introduced her age,Quickly turned correct said:"I was nine years old."The original light rain always like people say he is older children,So it is often said nominal age.Xiao yu told reporters:"Listen to the elder sister said,Beijing tian an men and the bird's nest especially fun,So I would like to go there to play."


LiuLiPing is red ribbon the life of the school teacher,She is also an active public their AIDS patients identity teacher.She told reporters,Like QiaoLi such big children know oneself get what disease,But smaller children but don't too clear own condition.Red ribbon school guo President told reporters,This special schools existing 23 AIDS virus infection students,The teacher in addition to LiuLiPing outside all not infected with the AIDS virus.

  首席摄影记者 蔡代征/摄

Chief photographers tsai levying/taken
