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武汉今年发生22起艾滋病职业暴露 八成为医护人员--亲稳网络舆情监测室


武汉今年发生22起艾滋病职业暴露 八成为医护人员 Wuhan happened this year 22 up HIV occupational exposure eight become medical personnel


AIDS occupational exposure is to show medical personnel/Laboratory staff/Epidemic prevention staff/Public security and other regulators,In the diagnosis and treatment of AIDS virus infection and related work,By accident contains the AIDS virus blood/Body fluids of polluted mucosa or damaged skin,Or contain virus needle puncture skin.


Data display,As of yesterday,This year a total of 22 in wuhan happened on HIV occupational exposure event,18 of human health care workers.Fortunately, after timely treatment drug block,No man of infected with AIDS.


外地艾滋病感染者求医遭拒引起关注 Nonlocal people infected with HIV rejected healed concern


21 this month,Media reports tianjin a HIV carriers suffering from lung cancer,Seek medical advice often encounter brush-off,Be compelled helpless without his case will copy modification,In another hospital escape the preoperative blood test,To accept the surgical treatment.[Regulations on AIDS prevention and control]provisions,The AIDS virus infection and AIDS patient when go to a doctor,Shall the infection or the fact truthfully inform the accepts the doctor.Medical institutions must not see a doctor for patients is AIDS patient,Shuffle or refused to the treatment of diseases of the other.


After it happened,People in the accused hospital/Sympathy for the patients at the same time,Also for health workers put forward safety concerns - hospital rejected force patients to hide,Let the doctors and nurses in without the knowledge of the surgery,No protection consciousness,Exposure in the larger of the risk of infection.


艾滋病职业暴露八成为医护人员 AIDS occupational exposures eight become medical personnel


To prevent AIDS occupational exposures to harm,Our province 2003 start in zhongnan hospital set up AIDS occupational exposures safety pharmaceutical reserve point,As an occupational exposure personnel provide free virus blocking drug,Prevent them from HIV.


According to the reserve point of statistical data,As of yesterday,This year a total of 22 in wuhan happened on HIV occupational exposure event,The medical personnel account for more than eighty percent,There are 18 people - three people are first aid doctors,They are all in emergency patients for emergency treatment when the wound,Be scalpel he cut his finger,Surgery inspection found that the patient is people infected with HIV;Another 15 people is a nurse,They are all for AIDS patients injections were needle pierced hurt fingers.fortunately,After virus block therapy,The 22 people are not infected with HIV/AIDS.


Zhongnan hospital AIDS experts pointed out that GuiXiEn professor,People infected with HIV hide condition of medical situation is more common,Mainly because of medical staff existence discrimination/Rejected the phenomenon of AIDS patients,Eventually form a vicious circle,Medical staff occupational exposure to HIV/AIDS incidents.


接受阻断治疗者无一人感染艾滋 Accept blocking healers no one was infected with AIDS


According to introducing,Healthy people were contain the virus that causes AIDS after needle injury,The risk of infection was 0.33%,The mucosal surface of the exposure to the AIDS virus,The risk of infection was 0.09%,Was bitten by AIDS patients after infection odds somewhere in between.Once produce the above condition,Shall immediately take block the spread of HIV/AIDS drugs,Can make your chances of infection reduced by 75%.


AIDS occupational exposures safety pharmaceutical reserve point set up in the past 10 years,All happened in wuhan after occupational exposure in reserve point take block measures of medical personnel,No person has HIV infection.It shows that as long as serious prevention,The AIDS virus is not terrible.

  桂希恩教授呼吁医护人员,不要歧视艾滋病病人,应给他们创造良好的就医环境,这样艾滋病病人才不会隐瞒真实病情,有利于降低艾滋病职业暴露事件的发生。(楚天都市报讯 记者 罗茜 通讯员 高翔)

GuiXiEn professor called for medical staff,Don't discriminate against AIDS patient,Should give them to create a good medical environment,This AIDS patient won't conceal the real condition,To reduce the occurrence of occupational exposure to HIV/AIDS.(Chutian metropolis daily news reporter, rosie correspondent towering)
