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The day before yesterday,Reporter from city science and technology commission and the municipal health bureau held"The third major disease prevention and control technology innovation peak BBS"about,At present,This city has established the China first male-male gay high-risk groups dynamic follow-up cohort,Is increased to 6000 people.
男同性恋感染率高 Gay men infection rates high
Experts revealed that,This city of 100000 AIDS high-risk population survey:drugs/Sex workers, such as the crowd infection rates below the national level,The incidence of homosexuality is far higher than this,Especially gay rates.
"Follow-up cohort not only for male-male gay AIDS high-risk groups for follow-up early screening,Also on the pathogenesis of AIDS process/Pathogenic base bedding/Diagnosis and treatment research has important significance."The capital AIDS science research project chief expert/Beijing youan hospital professor Ann WuHao is introduced.It is understood,This city not only established the male-male gay high-risk groups dynamic follow-up cohort,Has also established the world largest and most comprehensive HIV infected people queue in the acute phase,Scale up to 400 people.The acute phase pathogenic AIDS infection rates ManXingQi is 1000 times more,The 400 cases of acute period pathogenic control to reduce infection rates will play an important role."If the acute phase pathogenic to block,Proper protection,Will make this city AIDS patient number decreased obviously."
The city has developed for testing HIV infection of nucleic acid set detection method,Testing costs from each 1000 yuan reduced to 20 yuan.At the same time,The domestic antiviral drugs,Optimize the suitable for China's national conditions and low price/Effect optimal/Side effects of low AIDS first choice treatment,Has been written into 2011 new edition[AIDS diagnosis and treatment guidelines]And wildly used in the whole country,Save related medical cost hundreds of millions of yuan.It is reported,The second phase of HIV/AIDS in this city science and technology research goal is to make new HIV infections and AIDS case fatality rate than the number 2010 decrease by 25% and 30% respectively.
心梗威胁中青年 Myocardial infarction and threat
In cardiovascular diseases in the tackling of key scientific and technological problems,The city building information monitoring platform acute myocardial infarction,Integrate the city centers for disease control and prevention of all the crowd death detection system,And built the city discharged patients registered reporting system,In order to collect all the crowd of acute myocardial infarction information.So far,This platform has gained a lot of Beijing people the incidence of acute myocardial infarction/Fundamental data such as mortality.
Monitoring results show that:Nearly five years,This city acute myocardial infarction incidence was significantly increased trend,And younger trend obvious,Especially between 35 and 44 years old men.In addition,This city outer suburbs area county incidence rate rise far more than urban and suburban residents.
高血压患病知晓率不足一半 Hypertension disease less than half awareness
In the capital ten big disease in the tackling of key scientific and technological problems,"Six types of major chronic disease epidemiology comprehensive investigation and study"Is the first large-scale synchronous to set six types of chronic an epidemiological survey data.
The results showed that:In 2011,,In the permanent population hypertension illness level is 33.8%,Compared with 2002 rose by about 25%,Male disease rises significantly higher than female.The crowd hypertension awareness is only 49.5%,Less than half,Drug therapy is 42.8%,Control is only 13.3%.Diabetes sick awareness is 62.6%,Therapy is 59.4%,Control 23.9%.
23万样本入重大疾病样本库 230000 sample into major disease sample library
The relevant person in charge of municipal science and technology commission said,By 13 home medical institutions to participate in the construction"Ten big disease clinical database and sample library"Is the lead in the start/In accordance with international standard sample resources platform,Now about save clinical information of 28000 cases,Have serum/cell/Genetic material and 230000 cases of sample resources.The second phase of scientific research goal is to realize the group 50000 cases,The total number of samples of 400000,Single disease repository at least 5000 cases of new cases,At least 50000 copies of new samples.
It is reported,The sample database in May, 2009 start,Involved in 11 hospitals and 12 kinds of disease,Key research development cardio-cerebrovascular diseases/Tumor major disease diagnosis and early warning.
样本资源库将进一步推动疾病资源共享与利用。随着城市环境污染、食品安全、人口老龄化加剧,本市还考虑扩大疾病资源库的病种范围,纳入呼吸系统和消化系统疾病及神经变性疾病,新增脑肿瘤、白血病、肺癌、食管癌、胃癌等恶性肿瘤资源库建设。(记者 刘欢)
Sample bank will further promote disease resource sharing and utilization.Along with the urban environment pollution/Food safety/An aging population increased,This city is considering expanding the disease of the resource pool of diseases,Into the respiratory and digestive system disease and neural degenerative disease,New brain tumor/leukemia/Lung cancer/Esophageal cancer/Gastric cancer and malignant tumor resource pool construction.(Reporter liu joyfully)
[Beijing containment and HIV/AIDS"1025"Action plan]Recently issued,AIDS orphans to will be fully integrated into the orphan security system,To infected with the virus that causes AIDS children or children,Will appropriate allowance basic living expenses.
Civil affairs departments will strengthen the infection and the patient's rescue and terminal of the patient friendship support and hospice care,To meet the conditions of the patients and patients will be included in the minimum life guarantee,To protect their privacy.
This year's report this city with AIDS patients,Super ninety percent is sex way disease.therefore,The city will put AIDS and venereal disease inspection into the key public service personnel health physical examination,For detection of AIDS patients/Venereal patients to provide treatment timely service.
At the same time,Relevant departments should implement the hotel and so on public place put the provisions of condoms,Improve condom accessibility.City AIDS working committee must be clear about the condom set on sale of public facilities,A medical institution should take the initiative to provide AIDS testing service issued,This paper explores the possibility of using antiviral treatment drug prevention between spouses and male sex between the transmission of the method.
The city will rely on 10 community methadone maintenance treatment clinic medicine,Establish extension service point,Improve the service of accessibility.To explore the community rehabilitation and community rehabilitation in place to carry out rehabilitation drug maintenance therapy,Do forced isolation detoxification personnel out after that to pharmaceuticals for drug addiction treatment maintenance treatment mechanism of referral.
依据行动计划目标,到2015年,本市高危行为人群和青少年的艾滋病综合防治知识知晓率达到90%以上。(记者 方芳)
According to the plan of action target,By 2015,This city high-risk behavior the crowd and adolescents comprehensive prevention and control of AIDS knowledge about above 90%.(Reporter FangFang)
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