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专家称医院举债扩建或催生看病贵 不利于深化医改--亲稳舆论引导监测室


本报曾深度调查县级医院举债扩张 This newspaper has depth survey hospital debt expansion at or above the county level


专家认为盲目扩张 有碍公立医院改革 Experts think the blind expansion is a hindrance to the public hospital reform


On October 29,This newspaper has to[XianLi hospital impulse expansion]issues,In our province to(shandong)Several public debt expansion at or above the county level hospital were investigated interview.After been inundated,Cause huge social repercussions.Three days later,The national development and reform commission/The ministry of finance/The ministry of health/The CBRC is jointly issued the[Strict limits on public hospital at or above the county level shall be borrowed the urgent notice of new debt].

  在本报此前调查采访中发现,规模庞大的县级医院,正在各地拔地而起,它们耗资大都数亿甚至上十亿,各种VIP病房、VIP电梯一应俱全。除了高标准“不差钱”的硬件,各地县医院的自我定位,也都随着楼层高度的增加而拔高:在仅有54万人口的兖州,其新建的人民医院,预计年门诊量50万人次,拟成为“鲁西南一流三级甲等医院”。而百公里之外的菏泽曹县人民医院扩建,则规划耗资10亿元,喊出的口号是“打造鲁苏豫皖医疗高地”。光鲜背后,却是这些医院并不可观的年收入和结余。9月26日,卫生部卫生发展研究中心《县级公立医院经济运行研究报告》 发布,该报告显示,2011年,全国5311家县级公立医院中,36.7%的医院存在资产负债,为有资产负债数据以来的最高值。县级公立医院长期债务规模达到658.5亿元,其中基本建设和设备负债占73%。

In our previous survey found in an interview,The size of the hospital at or above the county level,Are all rises straight from the ground,They cost hundreds of millions of even most of one billion,All kinds of VIP ward/VIP elevator from soup to nuts.In addition to high standards"Not bad money"hardware,Around the county hospital self positioning,Also with the increase of the floor height and high:In the population of only 540000 people of yanzhou,The new people's hospital,In MenZhenLiang is expected to 500000 people,Intends to become"First-class southwest three level of first-class hospital".And kilometers from heze fresh people's hospital expansion,The planning cost 1 billion yuan,Shout slogan is"Make lu Sue jin-lu-yu medical heights".Behind bright,Is the hospital is not significant revenue and balance.On September 26,The ministry of health health development research center[Public hospital economic operation at or above the county level shall report] release,The report shows that,In 2011,,The nation's 5311 public hospital at or above the county level,36.7% of the hospital existing assets and liabilities,For have assets and liabilities of the highest since the data.Public hospital long-term debt scale at or above the county level reached 65.85 billion yuan,The basic construction and equipment debt accounted for 73%.


this,Have assisted-suicide debate has been fueled concerns,Debt expansion at or above the county level of the public hospital will not only make private medical institutions living space more and more small,More will open up new the doctor your phenomenon.

  卫生部卫生发展研究中心专家应亚珍教授认为,公立医院长期负债形成的是国有资产,这些资产的营运在缓解医疗资源总体不足、满足群众医疗服务需求等方面发挥了积极作用。但是,长期负债过重,将产生两大弊端,不利于深化公立医院改革。(记者 冀强 孙珂)

The ministry of health health development research center should be the expert professor Jane think,Public hospitals long-term liabilities formation is state-owned assets,These assets operating in alleviating medical resources overall shortage/Meet the masses medical service needs to play a positive role, etc.but,Long-term liabilities overweight,Will have two big drawbacks,To deepen the reform of public hospitals.(Reporter JiJiang SunKe)
