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79岁退休老人钻研性学 自创“护阳秘笈”走红(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Wuhan retired oil experts zhao joint sentence"fire"the!Our November 7 5 edition published his[Twice a day"Keep pear operating",79 years old"sex"f]The secret of health after,Editorial office received hundreds of phone,The nearly elderly,All is to ask"A pear"of.It is reported,There are more than ten of the reader the door took the,A Beijing endowment service company of wuhan branch will be copied to a newspaper of the employee to study.


On November 27,Zhao close other interview is very excited,"You for sex care for acceptance and was not expected."


把养梨操当成工间操 冬天午睡醒了做最好 Put a pear operating as work break exercises winter afternoon nap woke up to do best


A lot of people ask,Every day do two operating,Is there anything in particular on time pay attention to?Zhao close to say,"Keep pear operating"Time free agile,As long as convenient,Always can do."Morning reading,Write an article in the afternoon,General by more than one hour will need to have a rest,This time do exercises,Is relax,Also can have health care function,Kill two birds with one stone.I regard it as‘Work break exercises’do,So easy to adhere to the."


He suggested that,Winter might as well take the afternoon operation is changed to a nap after wake up to do.Way by the quilt is more convenient,Also warm;Secondly just rest well,energetic,Body more relaxed.This time do exercises,Health effect is better.


“男练珠,女练乳” "Male practice bead,Female practice milk"


Many ancient health books are mentioned"Male practice bead,Female practice milk",Zhao close other interpretation,"Male practice bead"Is often massage testicles,with"Keep pear operating"Is one thing.The man"A pear",The woman to do??Women can also practice,but"Practice milk,Is often massage breast,Not only can make a breast rich elasticity,And can stimulate the secretion of hormones,Maintaining a youthful body state."My wife often do,Sometimes I also will help her to do."


专家点评 Expert comments


“养梨”经验值得推广 "A pear"Experience is worthy to be popularized


Wuhan will be the vice chairman of the standing QiYuCai:"Keep pear operating"Is a very suitable for middle-aged and old human health method,It is easy,effect,Well worth popularization.Zhao close a 79 - year - old body is so healthy,In addition to his usually pay attention to the health,Very important reason is that he insisted on massage"pear".


Testicular is an important organ in men,Often massage to promote local blood circulation,At the same time also stimulate the male hormone secretion,Do have enhanced sexual role.The breast is also important organs,Many massage can maintain its shape tall and straight,Stimulate the production of estrogen.


建议 Suggestions


老两口别分床睡 The old couple don't divide a bed to sleep


独身老人要找“另一半” Single old man to find"half"


In zhao close other writing of words[Sexuality revolution]in,In addition to advice to strengthen the education of teenagers,Special mention old man to keep his property rights.


Now many people more than fifty years, and he points out of bed,It is not emotional.Zhao close other think,Even if no sex,Sleep together with physical contact and touch,To enhance feelings is also very good.There are many single old man,In the sexual very depressed,Best can find as soon as possible"half",pursuit"year".


注意:无论是按揉睾丸还是乳房,动作都要轻柔,这些部位娇嫩,容易受伤。 Pay attention to:In both the massage testicular or breast,Movement should be gentle,These parts and delicate,Vulnerable to injury.


“养梨操”(节选) "Keep pear operating"(And screening)

  转揉腹 双手搓热,重叠放在气海穴,逆顺时针各揉50次;

Turn knead abdomen hands rub heat,Overlap in the air sea hole,Counter clockwise rubbing the fifty times;

  捻精索 用拇、食指轻捻生殖器根部左右精索各50次;

Twist spermatic cord with thumb/Forefinger slubs genital root around the spermatic cord fifty times;

  兜睾丸 一手兜睾丸,一手放在小腹阴毛处,双手同时向上兜擦睾丸100次;

Pocket testicular a pocket testis,With one hand on the lower abdomen pubic hair place,Hands up at the same time take wipe testicular 100 times;

  擦睾丸 双手搓热,一手抓起生殖器和睾丸,另一只手轻擦睾丸50次;换另一侧做50次;

Wipe testicular hands rub heat,A grabbed genital and testicles,The other one handle gently wipe testicular fifty times;The other side do fifty times;

  提拉生殖器 用手轻轻提拉生殖器100次;

His genitals, and gently pulling genital 100 times;

  通背 双手半握拳,左手捶右侧肩井穴,同时右手揉左肾俞穴,然后换右手,交替捶揉10-20次。

Pass back his half clenched fists,The left hand beat the right shoulder well hole,At the same time, the right hand massage left shenshu point,Then in the right hand,Alternate beat knead 10 - twenty times.


“练乳操” "Practice milk operating"

  左右拍打 用左手拍打右乳,再用右手拍打左乳,各50次;

Beat around with his left hand slapping right breast,Garnish with right hand slapping left milk,Fifty times each;

  捻乳头 用左手拇指、食指轻捏右乳头,捻转50次,再换右手;

Twist nipple with left thumb/Forefinger gently knead right nipple,Turning fifty times,And in the right hand;

  左右揉搓 双手搓热后,用左手掌轻揉右乳房,左转50次,右转50次,再换右手;

Or so rub hands after hot rolling,Use the left hand gently rub the right breast,Left fifty times,Right fifty times,And in the right hand;

  上下摩擦 左手掌上下摩擦右乳50次,再换右手;

The left hand up and down the friction under friction right breast fifty times,And in the right hand;

  提乳 左手拇指和食指捏住乳头,抖动50次,再换右手。(记者 刘璇)

Mention milk left thumb and forefinger knead nipple,Jitter fifty times,And in the right hand.(Reporter LiuXuan)
