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男子坐出租被艾滋针头扎伤 3个月内失去工作女友--亲稳网络舆情监控室

男子坐出租被艾滋针头扎伤 3个月内失去工作女友


Passengers xu day(alias)When taking a taxi,Hidden in the car a needle pierced injury.The inspection,In the needle in the liquid residue,Tested positive for HIV antibody.Xu day not eat drugs,Also began a"Pseudo AIDS"Of life of the patients.Just 3 months,He lost his job and his girlfriend,Become negative/depressive,Appreciate the AIDS all pain.Although the final result,He has not been infected with the virus that causes AIDS,But this period of singular journey effects,Seems to be not so easy to eliminate.When to end,Is a mystery.


 ■记者探访 S reporter visits

  90天的碎片式生活 90 days of debris type life

  最苦是等待 The most bitter is waiting for


"Walking in the way of Beijing,I like a rat crossing the street,All the people watching me."


Xu day life is a needle tube bundle into fragments.From August 22,,The first detection of needle on tested positive for HIV antibody,To November 22,,Finally testing results show that xu day not infected with the AIDS virus.Three months,More than 90 days,Xu day life path is not linear,But a fragment.He can do is wait for the results.

  徐天第一次向多家媒体一起讲述事件原委的时候,是在他从海淀区东升派出所做完笔录出来。虽然不是第一次讲 ,但仍然越说越激动。看见有人举起相机,立马用手挡住,不让拍。讲着讲着,他猛地一回头,发现摄像机正对着他的背影。他抬手指着摄像机阻止,眼里冒着红。

Xu day first to several media about events together when the whole story,When he was from the ascent of the haidian district police station finished notebook out.Although not the first time speaking ,But still more say more excited.See someone raised the camera,Immediately stop by hand,Don't let take.Spoke about the,He flung a look back,The camera is found on his back.He raised my hand against the stop by camera,Risking red eyes.


XuTianTing fear.The reporter walks into his house,The first feeling is"Neat clean".But xu said,He has more than two months didn't pick up a room.Is neat,Also because of this more than two months he didn't move anything.


"fear."Xu said,He will be too afraid to sleep at night.Outside the lamp is voice-activated,Night as long as someone come back,A stamp light,He was startled.Until two o 'clock in the morning after,"nobody,better."


"Sense in waiting for trial."Although the needle on the leg,But as if into xu face the same day.He dare not go out.Just take the medicine that a few days,Door a lock,Turned off the light,Pull a curtain,Just stay inside,What also not stem.


"Myself like stray dog,What also can't go to,On which all feel someone was watching me.September I back to my hometown,Sat in the car,I feel all people are watching me,I must be careful/careful,And pretend doesn't matter.Nerve highly centralized.""Be careful"/"careful"/"Pretend doesn't matter"This a few word,Xu said to grind one's teeth.


Xu days memories,He was flying back to coach,In the car,"A child has been to see me,Look at my hair,I took the clothes covered my face.The child wow the cry,His parents come to question me,You just do?"


"Walking in the way of Beijing,I like a rat crossing the street,All the people watching me."Xu day quietly said,"I'm sick,I was taken."


Is there a river near the house,Those days,Etc it got dark,Xu day he ran to the river,wondering.He wants to most is,"The life,The world,The United States/The British are hopeless."


Xu day then asked the reporters:"You know in the world the most painful is what?You know what??"He said:"I can tell you,The world's largest pain is waiting."silence.He takes a sip of beer,No longer tells his fear.


 理解女朋友 Understand girlfriend


"Even now it's all right,Could not reconcile.Love is not pray and begging."


XuTianTing sad.roof,Hang a string of bits and pieces of gadgets.A straw hat/bell/Blessing CARDS,The bottom is a runt puppet.Xu said,This is his business trip to four places,To buy my girlfriend of different gifts.Dallas puppet,Is the go to nanjing to buy.


"nannan(alias)Because of this the break up with me."Xu said,Later he's seen her once,Is his own secretly went to see one eye.


Xu day girlfriend than his little 4 years old,Is also working in Beijing northeast person.In the eyes of xu day,Nannan is very beautiful,tall,Eyes big,Eyelash long,"Like loulan like the bride."


XuTianHe girlfriend about three more months of love,"I think I'm good to her.She work bag snacks never broken,But she never know what time I put."


For the choice of his girlfriend,Xu days of pain after.He used to drink down sorrow,"I'm,We had a sweet together,Together happy,How could you forget said forget,I understand.But others say with me,‘This is the social,This is the physical world.you,Endure it!’"Even memory,This is xu day talking to reporters in communication,The most exciting one.


Xu said,He understands/Respect the choice of his girlfriend."I fully accept."Xu day very understand,"In this,No choice.If you,Your first idea is,He will not infect me."


In the heat of the moment,In xu day most need with time,His girlfriend left him.It makes xu day hold,"Even now it's all right,Could not reconcile.Love is not pray and begging."


Xu day state very depressed,Speak off and on,awkward."Isn't it too suppress the?""You let her come back."He was referring to the hanging a calf puppet.


XuTianTing depressed.He's house put a he and his mother/Sister's photo.Photos on xu day,A look at is a reckless young man."That day I had eighteen years old birthday."Xu said,After the age of eighteen,He walked out of the Harbin their hometown,Drifted out.He took the photo frame,Wipe the dust on the above,See a.


In September,Xu day to go home.After more than ten years' disappeared from my hometown,To take home to,But with block HIV drugs."I stayed home 21 days,Dare not tell my parents and sister."Xu said,Afraid they know,But parents or suspected that he had an accident.Because he was at home one day and would not eat."You want to lose weight??Eat this medicine,Can not eat five days,No appetite."Xu day take blocking drug,Have strong side effects,Let him dizzy/nausea/No appetite,Murkily all day.


"You dare not and they have a meal together,Fear of infection?"The reporter asked xu day,Xu day hang one's eyelids,nodded.


"I'm four years ago to live in the countryside.Our old house home backyard kind of a lot of food,eggplant/leek/cabbage,What are.Those days,I will write in the vegetable on suicide note."


本应该高兴 This should be happy


"I'm very want to go home.But after we go back,How do I face?"


Drug just eat a month,Finally don't eat again,But xu days of appetite is not better.Back to Beijing,Xu day continue to accept the check every month.Finally waited until the final inspection result.The result is good,Xu day lucky not to be infected with AIDS.Others think,It's all right,All over,Should be happy.But xu day has had no idea to work,Lift not spiritual life.He is still a silent every day to fall asleep/Only slept for two or three hours/Don't eat a day.


Xu said,There is a program to cover a for mother-to-child transmission,13 years old children infected with the AIDS virus,Program last,The host asked:"Now you want to do?"The little boy replied:"I think mom."Xu said:"I'm very want to go home."


"But after we go back,How do I face?"


Xu day very difficult.Still waiting for,"A knot in,Always held to."Xu day now and taxi company engage in a lawsuit,"Which is so easy,Can only wait for news."


Xu day day,It is not who's birthday,What festival is not,But on August 22,.The desk with a piece of glass plate is placed,Using fluorescent color pen to write with"August 22".That's plunge into an xu days of needle of fluid is determined for the days of people living with HIV.


therefore,Xu day whole life were recorded.Xu said,City criminal investigation corps recorded his hand cut/Feet grain,In order to eliminate the first time he suspected crime.He went to nanjing on business record has also been called up,And his description of the taxi ride route,Every place surveillance video are tuning out.


On August 21 night,He went out of the Beijing south station,Is the camera to smoke a cigarette.


■关于起诉 S prosecution

  起诉费上万,没钱打官司 Prosecution fee of,No money go to law


Xu day to court to submit the indictment,The taxi driver and its affiliated taxi company to court.


Xu said,The other day,He went to court to see progress,In the driver and taxi company manager.


A few days ago,Media reports,Xu days waiting for the test results of three months,Weight loss and jin.Xu said,He and the driver say "hello",Thought the driver saw his first words he said:"Didn't you thin and jin ah."this,Xu day in distress situation.Let him angry is,The manager said:"Don't talk to me ah,Have words to tell the court."


Xu days of indictment on October 29, has been submitted to the court."I am a person ShenChanLiBo,Present condition is not good for a lawsuit,And I also have no money."Xu day looking for a law firm,Lawyer told his,Sue fee to 10000 yuan.


"My family just bought the house,Father and operation.I also didn't think the economy will have so embarrassed condition,And left,Don't have so much money.I would like to draw your attention and help."Xu day to lawyer said.


After hearing the whole event process,Law firm to xu day charge the $100 cost."Why take the case,The first,I am also the taxi;The second,This is the Beijing capital public traffic safety problems.Case I answer the,Free impossible,You give me 100 dollars it."


Xu day present medicine fee and testing fee is paid by the.The taxi,Don't have a surveillance camera.XuTianCeng find a taxi company,But the company says,Can't tell the source of the needle,How to bear the responsibility,This is the first time meet,There is no way to follow.


■记者手记 S reporter notes

  “快来采访,我怕反悔” "Come interview,I'm afraid I call back"


And xu day communication is not smooth.Xu day times back,Declined to be interviewed.The last time,In he again refused to interview after more than one hour,Xu day call said:"You come here this afternoon,Had better hurry up,I'm afraid...I call back."He still be careful/careful,Spirit highly centralized.


Every time before speaking,Big xu will silence more than ten seconds,Seems to be to think about it.His speed is slow,Also I have exciting time.Xu day told reporters:"You are a purpose of,I don't like."Until the end,Xu day suddenly asked the reporters:"True words to you have much value?"


But xu day also know,He needs to concern and help.Almost HIV,It didn't who turn head,Who all don't know AIDS terrible and it mental abuse and torture.


Xu day with a AIDS person gesture life for three months,People fear/lonely/inferiority/Helpless is amplified.If he would face a real AIDS people,Will not deliberately not to look at him,Afraid of him I thought I was being discriminated against;The initiative will shake his hand,Afraid of him afraid that others have rejected him......Will do more than we are good.


The interview,Is already in the evening.Xu day heat some food,And steamed bread.He blew the steamed bread on the heat,stop,Told reporters:"I'm very healthy."And then continue to blow.


 ■徐天其人 S xu day known

  北漂东北人 North drift northeast person


Xu day 36 years old this year,male,unmarried.Harbin people,Eighteen years old to leave home,Become north drift has been 13 years.XuTianChang have a bit like Vietnamese,His hometown is located in the northeast of Harbin,Close to the Russian border.Winter snow depth for several meters,Frozen 6 ft.


Xu day is an agile person.His hair is agile brush cut,He is wearing clothes is very agile.


Xu day home,In the feet.Is a place with a crackage second floor of illegal rooftop structures,Head of the first house.Several other room also live the tenants.The house,Less than 10 square meters.Each month's rent from the last 400 yuan this year up to 900 yuan.


Although the house small,bed/desk/table/cabinet,From soup to nuts,Put in perfect order.Even store content ark in the bottle,Also to behave"Avail oneself of every opportunity"Up the.Put the small bookshelf about marketing and financial management books.


Xu day talking,Whether fast or slow,Rarely has nonsense.He resigned this matter before,Work in sales.He said,Do sales,Thinking and others are different.He said,He talk with other people,Know the first sentence say,Within ten words to express what do you mean,The last sentence say.


Xu day is a typical northeast man,enthusiasm,Also pretty careful.Good capacity for liquor,Beer drink eight bottle no problem.But these days,Because the heart has something to,Drink a bottle of sick.


■事件回放 S event playback

  ●8月21日 挨扎 On August 21, took the plunge


intense.Xu day in nanjing on business last day,He is ready to take the train back to Beijing.The train was late,9 PM to arrive station.He went out of the Beijing south station,In the road edge lit a cigarette.This time,He doesn't know a camera is to him,His track record.


About half past ten,Xu day came to wudaokou nearby.He want to go to see his girlfriend qinghe,Then hit a taxi.Xu day in a cab back seat on the right,Also near to forestry university,He wants to see the leg to relax,The car just round the corner.XuTianGang to tilt right leg top to the front seat on the back of a newspaper support,Tingling spread.


"Like something taken me."Xu days hurriedly called the driver to stop.Stopped after,Xu day rolled up jeans,Found near the knee was taken a small mouth,Around some red.He carefully hand along the newspaper support at the bottom of the stroke his flat,In the left corner to touch to a needle,Tried a 扥,扥 a syringe needle.Needle have cigarette weight,About 25 cm,There is a needle sleeve,But there is no cover in the needle.Syringe has very small amounts of light yellow liquid.

  徐天给女友打电话:“你家附近哪有医院,赶紧跟我说。” 女友担心害怕,徐天安慰她,放心吧,遇到点小麻烦,晚点回去。徐天和司机师傅直奔医院,他们先到清河附近的京北医院,后到北医三院,最后到地坛医院,但都没查出结果。徐天只能先回家休息。但他本能地感到恐惧。

Xu day to call his girlfriend:"Which has a hospital near your house,Hurriedly say with me." Girlfriend fears,Xu day to comfort her,Stop worrying,Had some little trouble,Late back.XuTianHe driver teacher went straight to the hospital,They first appear to nearby Beijing north hospital,After BeiYi to twenty,Finally to ditan hospital,But didn't find out the results.Xu day had to go home and rest.But he instinctively feel fear.

  ●8月22日 检测

- August 22 detection


Xu day with a needle to chaoyang district center for disease control were detected.The results show,Needle on residual liquid in tested positive for HIV antibody.


XuTianYou may be infected with AIDS.

  ●8月23日 服药

- August 23, take medicine


Xu days to the hospital blood test,The results show,Xu days of HIV antibody were negative.The doctor is introduced,This shows that xu day had no AIDS,Was not infected with the AIDS virus,But completely ruled out the possibility to infection in the three months to three times any detection.


The hospital to XuTianKai 2500 yuan on HIV the blocking effect of the drug,Xu it began to take medicine.


Xu day hope drivers and their huatai taxi company responsible for,But often get the cheese.Think nobody tube,Xu day dialed several media hotline.

  ●8月24日 调查

- August 24 survey


Media began to report xu day was stabbed a taxi,Needle or contain the HIV virus,Concern immediately.Haidian police investigating.


In the afternoon at half past one,Xu day should be haidian criminal investigation department requirements,The receipt to subordinate rises from the police station under investigation.Until 6 o 'clock,XuTianCai coming out from the police station.Xu said,He is alone accept police questioning,The police is very detailed understanding of the course of events,Specific to which points which seconds.


The taxi driver kung teacher also in the police station to accept the investigation.Kung teacher said,He does not know the origin of needles.Kung teacher memories,Xu days before the passengers on the co-pilot position,And before a few passengers,All on the back seat,But he also didn't notice someone to put things in the newspaper support.


After four or five hours of record,Xu day near at the police station on a vacant lot,And to wait for his long reporters once again about the course of events.He was still wearing the jeans wear,And a short sleeve blouse.In his phone has been firm took after the needle, video,He to reporters to see,And rolled up the leg let reporters to see the wound, a tiny red stythe eye of a needle.Xu day some excited,She said his girlfriend broke up with him for this.

  ●11月22日 定论

On November 22, had determined


With a needle contains HIV antibody positive paper xu of day,Still in short sleeve T-shirt;Take his body virus for negative inspection report of xu day,Has been put on the long sleeve shirt.Three months,Is not a short time.For XuTianLai said,longer,More difficult.


Xu day last test,Final results show that:Not infected with the AIDS virus.


But another more lasting battle has just begun.Xu day have charged a taxi driver and company,Haidian court rises from the court to put on record.Case grinding people,Just take some heart.For XuTianLai said,Greater enemies,Is the heart.


