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孕妇每天用“热力贴”险流产 老人婴幼儿应慎用--亲稳网络舆情监控室
"Thermal paste/Warm baby..."Cold winter days,Appear on the market a lot of convenient similar plaster type heating stick.Many people also prefer the heating mode.Ms. Zhang village located a friend is pregnant,With almost every day"Thermal paste",No ChengXiang,A few stick down nearly make oneself abortion.
孕妇用“热力贴”险流产 Pregnant women with"Thermal paste"Risk abortion
Yesterday morning,Ms. Zhang out from my friend's house,Heart hanging of the big stone finally fell the earth.Ms. Zhang said,About a week ago,She and her friend to go shopping,In a small store saw"Thermal paste",The shopkeeper said strongly recommend this thermal stick use is very convenient,Like plaster that,A torn a stick can be,And it warmth retention property is very good,The effect can keep warm for five or six hours.Winter female friend for beauty,Don't want to wear thick clothes,Can the body be afraid cold parts with a stick,Can keep beautiful not freezing the effect.Pregnant women with thermal paste,Sleep at night can no longer use warm water bag, etc.
Ms. Zhang and friends on the other side of the recommendation of the heart,Two people were spent ten dollars each bought some stick.Returned home,Ms. Zhang in the knee attached two stick,Soon came the knee felt the warm current,Ms. Zhang to heart"Thermal paste"admiration.Who ChengXiang,Ms. Zhang contact with friends,Just know pregnant friend but for use"Thermal paste"Almost out of the event.Continuous days will be friends"Thermal paste"Posted on the belly on the clothes of the nearby,Nearly abortion,But fortunately, timely diagnosis,Has no serious.Ms. Zhang to visit a friend's house yesterday hurriedly.
不少人用“热力贴” Many people use"Thermal paste"
Reporter in the ShengHuiShi field visit found,Many businessmen are sold"Thermal paste",Price range,The cheapest a few cents to buy a stick.When the reporter asked to use"Thermal paste"If there is a need to pay attention to what matters,Many businesses have said,Not to be thermal stick stick on the skin directly,In addition,And no other.
Reporter in the street random stopped ten people,Eight woman,Two men.Two men in one of the men said heard of"Thermal paste"This kind of thing,But he had never used.Another man in the thermal paste is what we don't know.Eight woman has five said used,There are two are using.When the reporter say whether to know how to use"Thermal paste"When some of the matters needing attention,Ladies are said clearly"Thermal paste"Cannot be directly used on the skin,For the others don't really know.
“热力贴”不适合所有人 "Thermal paste"Don't for everyone
"Thermal paste"Exactly how to use the most safety?Union street community health service center director of the song dynasty said,Some people in winter easy typhoid cold,There are some people winter easy cold hands and feet,From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine on speaking,If winter let the body more warm,Will play a certain bulk cold/Action such as removing,So use"Thermal paste"There are still certain benefits.but,On the market at present"Thermal paste"Quality the good and bad are intermingled,Also I heard someone use"Thermal paste"The results are not careful burn the skin.In fact,"Thermal paste"Heating principle is to use some special material,These materials through chemical reaction,Change into heat energy.If the quality is poor"Thermal paste",The temperature control is bad,It is quite easy to cause burns.
“热力贴”并不是适合所有人群。宋主任说,一些皮肤热敏感度较低的人最好不要使用“热力贴”,如老人、婴幼儿、糖尿病患者。由于“热力贴”是利用化学原理产生热量,里面的化学物质稍不注意就容易被人体吸收,如果孕妇将“热力贴”贴在子宫附近,很容易造成流产等症状。建议人们最好不要过度依赖外界热源,否则时间长了,会令自身的抗寒功能降低,有损身体健康。(记者 秋实)
"Thermal paste"And is not suitable for all people.Song said,Some skin thermal sensitivity low had better not use"Thermal paste",As the old man/infants/Diabetes patients.because"Thermal paste"Is the use of chemical principle generate heat,The chemicals inside a little do not pay attention to is easy to be absorbed by human body,If pregnant women will"Thermal paste"Stick around in the womb,Very easy to cause the symptom such as abortion.Advise people had better not overly dependent on outside heat source,Or a long time,Can make their own cold resistance function is reduced,Beneath the body health.(Reporter with)
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