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办公室“瞎忙族”易患心理疾病 应活用“死时间”--亲稳网络舆情监测室

办公室“瞎忙族”易患心理疾病 应活用“死时间”


"What are you doing recently?""fussing!"When you meet with friends is also have such greetings?Sohu network has health channel/39 health network of more than 1500 people to participate in a network survey,A third of people feel"fussing".Reporter through the enterprise qq group further survey found,"Blind busy family"Many young people for the office.


个案 case


半年没见父母却不知在忙啥 Half year saw in busy parents but don't know what


Yuzhong district in a advertising company work Laurie(alias)Told reporters,She went to the unit a little more than half a year,Eight o 'clock every morning to the office,A sit on the front of the computer,First MSN/QQ/fetion/Prosperous login,Then several news home page to pop up,Round finish see,Brush again micro bo/Check mail/Look at the net information...Be busy day,Hardly do practical,The boss assigned work is"time"dry.One day down,Laurie said he didn't do what matter.


In a real estate company's handsome,Meet a new project development,The content of the work involved in more,Be involved in the related departments of a dozen.Often is that he is doing it,Another thing and find came up.So always put down a thing to do another thing,Hanging in his heart that he haven't done.So go round and round,Only to find out in the end,Things are not do one thing.He said:"For half a year didn't go home seen parents,Sometimes I don't know what the hell am I doing some what,A piece of vacant."


Li dong, 24, graduated from university to work soon,Every time the students meet greetings are:"What you doing lately?"Although his work is easy,He is used to answer:"Is busy"."Everyone is busy,If I too idle,Be afraid to give people the feeling is very good for nothing."Li dong said.


调查 survey


1500人有三分之一自认“瞎忙” 1500 people had a third"fussing"


In sohu network health channel/39 health network a more than 1500 people who took part in the survey,52.2% of the people said"Too busy,Almost no time to rest",56.6% of the people will habitually ask friends"Recently what are you up to",38.4% said almost no leisure time every day,32.1% of the people think"fussing",One day does not know busy??????,Just think don't have the time.


Reporter according to the survey results in the enterprise qq group for further investigation,Not a few net friend active stood"Blind busy family"ranks,And these"Blind busy family"Most young people for the office.


分析 analysis


“瞎忙族”分真忙和假忙 "Blind busy family"Points really busy and false busy


An associate professor of psychology at the university of southwest YangDong pointed out,work"Blind busy family"Is divided into two:One is workplace pressure is too great,Idle down when he anxiety,Not afraid busy,They were afraid have nothing to do,Think busy to get higher recognition,So just let sleeping dogs lie in the busy to seek psychological comfort,Is false busy.Another kind is really busy,but"busy"Efficiency is not high,No specific time planning,multitasking,Be all kinds of matters,Are so busy every day,But in the end to the work is of practical significance.


Third military medical university hospital DaPing senior psychological consultants in the said,Many people"Loading busy""Looking for busy",When a"busy"And not to achieve the desired results,But frustration multiplication,More psychological pressure.If in the long term"fussing"state,Easy to cause psychological disease,Not only lead to job burnout,Still can cause exhaustion of body and mind,Produce tired/irritability/anxiety/Depression and other bad mood.


建议 Suggestions


活用“死时间” 从忙碌中解脱 of"Dead time" Free from busy


YangDong professor said,Should learn from his busy freed,Live ZhangYouChi/Happy full,Half way to.this,He put forward the following Suggestions:


1. Use"Dead time".Half an hour for the unit to make a detailed schedule,Know the time of the day is how to spend,Analysis and what time is wasted,A sense of slipping away"Dead time".Will these time to do some trivial matter,Such as make a phone call/Fill documents/Reply mail, etc.


2. Don't go"fire".Tonight is the first to,Will one day affairs list,Then spend 80% of their time to do first is urgent and important,Second to do important things.


3. A just concentrate on one thing.Finish with the fastest speed,Immediately after the next job,Don't a lot of things at the same time processing.


4. Learn to say"Don't".Clear their own career planning and core values;Respect for the feelings of the heart,Don't bandwagon,Don't be other criteria"kidnapped";To the demands of others know appropriate refused,Learn to give up.

  5.每天有1个小时不使用电子设备。(重庆商报 记者 叶惠娟)

5. 1 hours every day without the use of electronic equipment.(Chongqing business newspaper reporter YeHuiJuan)
