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"sometimes,They not only don't let you,Also scold you.The worst is met an accident on the motorway,Not a emergency lane not blocking the,Don't plug a half an hour is not normal."Hefei first aid center ambulance driver xue teacher told reporters,if,Highway emergency lane not plug,City take emergency lane,Life channel unobstructed,maybe,They were able to save a few people.


急救医生看着她陷入昏迷 The doctor looked at her first aid fell into a coma


WangZhuo,Hefei first aid center doctor.In the summer of 2006 a night,He and his colleagues received instruction to hefei north bicyclic and fuyang road and road intersection save a flat car hang down the injured woman.

  “我们赶到那个地方也就5分钟,由于修路,只有半幅路面通行,加上车祸,路上堵得水泄不通,救护车进不去,在离车祸现场五六百米的地方停下来。我跟两个协助员一起推着担架车,拿着药箱、氧气、固定支架往现场跑。“堵得太死,不仅急救车进不去连担架车都推不过去,只能抬着跑。赶到现场,发现那个女伤者的大腿已经轧成了泥状,毁坏伤十分严重,简单处理后我们抬她到车上。到车上立即上了心电监护,心跳、呼吸都有,由于流血过多,就是测不到血压。我们看着她脸色苍白,陷入昏迷,到医院抢救了十来分钟后就宣布死亡了。如果没有堵车,一路能畅通无阻,也许我们在路上来回奔跑的那十几分钟就能挽救她的生命。” 在王琢的记忆中,这种现象在前几年并不鲜见。

"We arrived at the place also is 5 minutes,Due to the road,Only half of the road traffic,Plus car accident,The road block to jam,The ambulance into not to go,From the scene of the car accident after meters place to stop.I with two assist member push DanJiaChe together,Take medicine/oxygen/Fixed support to site run."Plugging too die,Not only ambulance into not to even DanJiaChe push all over,Only ran up.Arrived on the scene,The girl found the injured leg has been rolling became muddy,Destroy injury is very serious,Simple processing we carried her to the car.To the car immediately on the ecg monitoring,heartbeat/Breathing has,Because of too much blood,Is not measured blood pressure.We looked at her pale,Fell into a coma,To the hospital for ten minutes after they announced the death.If there is no traffic jam,Can all the way unimpeded,Maybe we are running on the more than ten minutes to save her life." In WangZhuo memory,This phenomenon is not unusual in the last few years.


急救车司机:有人不仅不让 还回头骂人 Ambulance driver:Someone does not let also return call names


Teacher:,Hefei first aid center driver.He is the worst,In every high speed emergency task will see wounds sight of governance."Every time,Can say no one exception,Emergency car isn't plug under rigid control.Plugging half an hour is very normal.The accident on the highway is very heavy,Further delay for a couple of hours,One can imagine the consequences..."


"For electric motor lane,Motor vehicle of pavement,Pedestrian stood in the middle of the road...The peak is wrong,This kind of mess with the habit of citizens and the quality.We hate most is straight for the vehicle right lane,Once the blocked up,Even if the traffic police to make."Open ambulance years of master li told reporters:"Many people don't understand,‘How to ambulance is empty also called,Will we let’,They don't know,This time the patient/The wounded are home or the road for us against time to rescue.They not only don't let,Some still back scold you."


记者体验:急救车高峰出行 平均时速12码像散步 Reporter experience:Ambulance peak travel at an average of 12 yards like for a walk


ZhuHui,1998 start driving ambulance.On December 10 late,Reporters followed zhu teacher experience ambulance ambulance peak time travel.And when the whole,On the road from hefei jixi hefei first aid center start,The right way to FeiXi meishan road.Meishan road,Two train car discharge nearly meters long dragon and red light.See the left each other lane doesn't have a car,And the master to borrow lane,Right on the anhui first all the way - road.Just after crossing,Less than twenty seconds,In the second intersection is blocked.Zhu teacher had to take bus lane and the red light.Reporter discovery,Two car also take the bus lane.After through bus lane,The ring road/Huaihe road/MengCheng north road/ShouChun road,These a few hefei city downtown areas,Twenty minutes later,Master zhu arrived at hefei first people's hospital emergency room door.The whole trip with less than four kilometers to twenty minutes,Count down,Master zhu the average speed of less than 12 yards,Equivalent to an adult in for a walk.the,Although zhu teacher on dome light,But no one vehicle active to give way,The emergency services had to follow normal vehicle round and light.


"They don't let me,I think the objective cause is greater than the subjective reason,The roads are blocked,They don't have a place to let ah;Sometimes the front is a red light,He didn't dare to rush,Rushed through the way you want them to/fine!"ZhuHui told reporters:"They have special bus lane,To save life for an ambulance,The more need a green channel,Because we are a race with a god of death."


对策:120求助122 急救、交警联动 countermeasures:120 help 122 first aid/Traffic linkage


In order to get through life channel,The second half of 2010,Hefei first aid center with hefei public security bureau traffic police detachment reached linkage agreement.


"Emergency work no law,Not only did not rule is unreasonable,Sometimes the road blocked,First aid, the higher the frequency;The weather is bad,Frequency is higher.From the second half of 2010 began,As long as we ambulance on the road is blocked,And the patient's condition is critical,We can directly dial the telephone traffic police detachment,Request them to send a road traffic police unblock roads/Cars to the hospital."Hefei first aid center information scheduling department strict section chief told reporters:"On December 1 to 10,They have eight request police opening up the road."The move greatly ease the ambulance stuck situation.but,Even so,The traffic police also have nothing - the way the grind,No way out.


Hefei there are 24 emergency point,Each point has one ambulance,On an average day out ambulance frequency 200 times or so.This means that,The city every day there are nearly 200 people waiting for life rescue,In order to their,In order to you/I/he,Please get out of the way life channel.(KongHua)
