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54岁男子13年114次献血 相当于19个成年人血量--亲稳网络舆情监控室

54岁男子13年114次献血 相当于19个成年人血量


yesterday,Military is brave 114th voluntary blood donation.

54岁男子13年114次献血 相当于19个成年人血量

  武勇的无偿献血证书。 朱鼎兆 摄

The military is brave certificate of blood donation without compensation. ZhuDingZhao perturbation


Offer to offer from whole blood platelet,In huaian to other cities in the province to all parts of the country more than 30 cities,This year 54 military is brave in huaian citizens free blood donation way has already left 13 years.Yesterday morning he again came to huaian center blood stations,Finished his 114th voluntary blood donation,Offer a therapeutic dose of platelet(The equivalent of 800 ml of whole blood),So far,The military is brave blood donation amount created huaian personal free blood donation s new record:90600 ml.

  通讯员 张艳

Correspondent ZhangYan

  扬子晚报记者 朱鼎兆

Yangzi evening news reporter ZhuDingZhao


His blood donation amount


13 years XianXieLiang over 90000 ml


Military is brave is huaian health belongs to the person in charge of the ministry of education to continue medical association,Yesterday he told yangzi evening news reporter,From 1999 January 6, the first offer 200 ml after whole blood,He semi-annually offered 400 ml of whole blood;By September 2004,He comes to voluntary blood donation 11 times/4200 ml of whole blood.2004 years after September,He has donated platelets.In accordance with the relevant regulations,Each month can offer a platelet,But also can be extended to twenty-eight days,Military is brave is to stick to twenty-eight days offered a platelet.Yesterday to,He has offered 103 times platelet.


Every time to offer a"Therapeutic dose"The platelets can be reduced to 800 ml of whole blood donation,Military is brave had five times is offered two therapeutic dose of platelet,This calculation down,He offered the platelets can be reduced for 86400 ml of whole blood,19 healthy adults is equivalent to the total health.


His blood donation experience


He has been to 16 provinces and cities of blood donation


Huaian center blood stations staff told reporters yesterday yangzi evening news,As long as the interval time limit in accordance with the provisions,Both wind and rain,Whether it is extremely hot or cold weather,Military is brave will meet to appeared in huaian center blood stations stroke his sleeve to donate blood.


period,In the face of domestic common appeared"Blood shortage"Against all odds of,He grew up at one's own expense"Ring province blood donation"and"Across the province to donate blood"Thought and action immediately.So far have been military is brave in this province XuHuai salt even Yang tai pass soaring zhenning 13 city and national 16 provinces and cities close to 30 large and medium-sized cities voluntary blood donation.Province city he at one's own expense to donate blood,Go to provincial he and huaian YunGuanChu coordination,Let him sit on free to provincial bus,back,At the station the out of himself in the local blood donation card as well as their employee's card,Sometimes it can be free,Sometimes it can take the car at half price.


His physical condition


Hair is less,The body is pretty good


In the military is brave office,Yangzi evening news reporter saw him for 13 years ZhangQuanGuo 44 all voluntary blood donation card.He told reporters,In accordance with the provisions in,A voluntary blood donation card can record three blood donation,But because he is huaian center of blood bank"meets",So he have several in huaian free blood donation card is a record of 6 times.


13 years 11 times 103 times to donate blood donated platelets,The body of the military is brave stand?In the face of the reporter's question,Military is brave touch his hair said with a smile:"You see my hair in addition to the partial less because stay up late,In fact I'm still pretty good,Every time the medical unit index is normal."But his statement,Reporters from the huaian center blood stations got confirm.


News disabuse


13 years of blood donation 114 times?This can be


13 years of blood donation 114 times,Huaian citizens of the military is brave blood donation record is quite amazing,Even may be improved.But the yangzi evening news reporter yesterday from jiangsu province blood center confirmed,The military is brave the astonishing number of blood donation and total amount or a spectrum of.Blood stations staff also said,Healthy middle-aged under the guidance of a doctor to blood donation amount to the body not only harmless and benefits.


13 years 114 times of blood donation is ok


Jiangsu blood center blood donation FuWuKe section chief ZhouZhiXiang yesterday told yangzi evening news reporter,Such as military is brave 13 years of blood donation 114 times"record"Can exist."In this July,According to the regulation of platelet donation is once a month,Each contribution not more than two therapeutic dose.In this year after July,A month to donate to a cause two platelet."At this is down,13 years,Military is brave contributions and donations of whole blood platelet number is 114 times by the spectrum.


ZhouZhiXiang also said,Voluntary blood donation love people donated platelets in statistics, converted into a certain XianXieLiang.A time to donate a therapeutic dose of platelet can convert into 800 ml of whole blood,So the military is brave blood donation amount reduced down 90600 ml,Also depend on the spectrum of.


Apply a healthy middle-aged blood donation

  淮安血站工作人员徐扬荪告诉扬子晚报记者,无偿献血对身体非但无害反而有利。徐扬荪说,人到中年大多经济状况良好,膳食质优,营养丰富,稍不留神,就会导致营养过剩、肥胖,出现血铁、血脂等指标超标,血液粘滞度增高等,从而诱发各种疾病。而献血时血液中减少比例最大的是血铁和蛋白,还可降低血液的粘滞度。因此,健康的中年人在医生指导下适量献血或血液中的某种成分,可以刺激骨髓等造血器官保持旺盛的造血状态,不断增加血液中年轻红细胞的比例,提高机体免疫和抗病能力,预防疾病,延年益寿。 扬子晚报记者 杨甜子

Huaian blood stations staff XuYang shoots tell yangzi evening news reporter,Voluntary blood donation to the body not only harmless advantageous instead.XuYang shoots said,That middle-aged people most of the economic situation is good,Dietary quality,Rich nutrition,A bit not careful,Will lead to nutrition surplus/obesity,Appear blood iron/Lipid parameters such as overweight,Blood viscosity increase, etc,Which may lead to a variety of diseases.And when the blood donation of blood reduction percentage the largest is the blood iron and protein,Also can reduce blood viscosity.so,Healthy middle-aged under the guidance of a doctor in the blood of the right amount of blood donation or a composition,Can stimulate bone marrow hematopoietic organs such as keep vigorous hematopoietic state,Increase in the proportion of young blood red blood cells,Improve the body immunity and disease resistance,Prevent disease,Prolong life. Yangzi evening news reporter Yang sweet fruit


Policy link


The ministry of health new gauge:One year may offer 24 times platelet


In July the ministry of health issued new edition[Blood donor health inspection requirements].According to the new[requirements],Offer whole blood platelet and offer the shortest time interval between from the original 6 months adjustment for 3 months;Donated platelets of lead time from the past not less than 4 weeks,Changed to"No less than two weeks,No more than 24 times per year";Offer whole blood of blood donation interval no adjustment,Still is not less than 6 months.
