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专家称“三聚氰胺无毒”惹风波 评估权利被滥用?--亲稳舆论引导监测室

专家称“三聚氰胺无毒”惹风波 评估权利被滥用?姚雯 漫画 YaoWen comic


因为发表“三聚氰胺无毒”言论,北京大学公共卫生学院教授李可基被炮轰。目前,事件以他道歉收场,但专家食品安全评估中该扮演怎样角色的话题,引发社会强烈关注—— Because published"Melamine non-toxic"speech,Beijing university professor with the school of public health LiKeJi grins.At present,Event to apologize end,But experts in food safety assessment of how the play the role of the topic,Trigger social strong concern --


吃得放心,专家说法是否信得过? Eat the rest assured,Expert view is trustworthy?


In the face of YiQiQi food safety accidents,Various specialists are commented,Even opposite opinions,There is bound to be experts for enterprise endorsement and speak for interests,To be fair evaluation,Misleading the public.so,Who can give a neutral/accurate/scientific/Authoritative conclusion?Experts in food safety accident assessment of what role should be what?On August 12,In the central university of finance and economics and Yale university Chinese law center, jointly organized"China and the United States food safety seminar"on,The researchers related problem is discussed.


塑化剂风波,“专家”遭炮轰 Plasticizer storm,"experts"Was cannon


The Sudan red/melamine/Lean lean fine after,Strange chemical noun plasticizing agent at the end of 2012 is again in the public view.Chinese liquor plasticizer event exposure,More than one thousand years civilization that wine is famous for its Chinese wine industry face unprecedented credit crisis,Also let food safety problem has once again become the focus.


"As the authority,The ministry of health the national food safety risk assessment center has not formally respond to,Responsibility shall be after."Beijing university law school professor ShenKui said.


Not long ago,Drunkard wine plasticizing agent after the incident,Consumers first see is issued by the authority plasticizing agent exceed 260% of the report.then,You will sing me my debut,"Non-artificial add said"/"Industry latent rule says"/"Foreign hide said"/"Share price conspiracy said"Appear in succession,But in truth clarification of gold in time,Consumers are not always can be convincing expert advice.


On December 9,,Net friend"Crystal huang"In the blog published the 53 degrees flying maotai Hong Kong inspection test results,Maotai detection plasticizing agent content of 3.3"G/L,This data than the Chinese wine industry association previously quoted national standards high 120%.The report just a,Immediately caused a sensation.


On December 12,,Maotai official press conference held in guiyang,Respond to all questions.Peking University health LiKeJi professor at the meeting said,Plasticizer influence on man and not verified,Plasticizer is relatively safe material.LiKeJi also said,Melamine basic is non-toxic material,Adult continue to drink it won't harm the human body.He explained the reason is,Human millions of years are not destroyed,That human discharge poison/Jiedu ability is actually very powerful.Over the past one hundred years,All kinds of poisonous and harmful material,Such as lead/arsenic/mercury/Dioxin and so on these matter is dozens of times/One hundred times on the increase,But the life of the people in the past one hundred years also doubled."So all kinds of poisonous and harmful material we basically all deal with off."


LiKeJi point of view the media immediately after being cannon,They are the maotai press conference/Without charge endorsements was also questioned the public.After a few days,Lee again in the face of the media to the public apology,But said these views are based on relevant policies and their own understanding of the scientific level,"I still hold to my point of view".


For expert apology,Someone said,"I don't understand,Why a enterprise appear food safety events,There is always the experts can stand up for them to clear,They are in for science or speak for interests endorsement?"


Liquor plasticizing agent how much harm?At present,There is still no authoritative statement,The public this confusion will last long?
