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yesterday,Journalists to investigate yunnan some chickens enterprise.According to the culturist introduced,In the industry to use antibiotics breeding is a common phenomenon.


记者调查 Journalists to investigate

  鸡场老板:云南普遍使用抗生素 Farm owner:Yunnan commonly used antibiotics


Yesterday reporter through the interview to understand,Aquaculture industry in yunnan use of antibiotics is common phenomenon.


Nearly thirty years breeding time of kunming green chicken farm,There are 250000 only layer,Kunming is one of the large chicken farm.The farm owner li wei said,Their chicken farm also can give a chicken using antibiotics.He told reporters,To prevent infection and illness,In the process of chicken in the use of antibiotics,Is a common phenomenon in the industry.


It is understood,Currently used antibiotics basically has two kinds.One kind is to feed itself contains of antibiotics,One is the drug,That is in addition to feed besides other dosing.According to utility is divided into two aspects,On the one hand is to prevent drug,On the one hand is infected after use,the,After the disease medicine more difficult to control,Farmers in order to keep clients,Add more/Many feeding antibiotics is very common.


"We have a layer,In the use of antibiotics is killed or,Or live not go down."Li wei introduced,They farm under the layers,General breeding cycle for a year and a half,During this period at least three times to use antibiotics.For antibiotics will influence of eggs,Li wei said"Haven't heard about influence".


For online about 45 days crash chicken,Li wei had heard of,But for how to push into,Due to his farm is not production crash chicken,Li wei told,"Don't know".


But li wei also told reporters,Generally speaking,As long as it is a chicken,Can use antibiotics,"Now every chicken farm environment is not very good,So chicken easy to produce all kinds of disease,If you don't use antibiotics,The chickens don not live down."


It is understood,At present domestic allow poultry enterprise use of antibiotics is the number ten many,But for layer clear provisions do not allow the use of antibiotics.


At the same time,According to the investigation,Our country each year about 210000 tons of raw materials production of antibiotics,There are 97000 tons of antibiotics used in animal husbandry and aquaculture,In accounts for 46.1% of the total,And animal breeding using a large amount of antibiotic almost is a common phenomenon.

  但是,就肉类含有的抗生素的相关标准,农业部在2003年、2005年相继出台了《绿色食品-禽肉NY/T 753-2003》、《无公害食品-禽肉及禽副产品 NY 5034-2005》,其规定,土霉素、金霉素、磺胺类以及环丙沙星每公斤的含量均应少于0.1毫克,克球酚少于每公斤0.05毫克。

but,Is meat contains antibiotics related standards,The ministry of agriculture in 2003/In 2005 the releasing[Green food - poultry NY/T 753-2003]/[The pollution-free food - poultry and poultry by-product NY 5034-2005],The provisions,terramycin/aureomycin/Sulfa cipro and per kg of content which shall be less than 0.1 mg,G ball phenol less than 0.05 mg per kilogram.


In recent years, with the rapid development of meat,Together with the domestic use of antibiotics for aquaculture industry lack of supervision of the system,Antibiotics abuse has reached the point.


 3大疑问 Three big questions

  “速成鸡”安全吗? "Crash chicken"Safety??

  相较于传统土鸡较长的100多天生长周期,速成鸡从破蛋到出栏只要45天,速成鸡较快的生长速度也导致了部分消费者的担心。“它们长得很快是现代鸡产业的基本常识。目前商品肉鸡大部分在42日到48日龄出栏。40多天就能长到5斤属于正常水准 ,最快的还有33天。”从事肉鸡产业多年的正大集团农牧食品企业中国区资深副董事长赵守宁告诉记者。

Compared with the traditional native longer more than 100 days growth cycle,Crash chicken from broken eggs to the market as long as 45 days,Crash chicken faster growth rate also led to some customers' worry."They grow fast is the basic knowledge of modern chicken industry.At present, most of the commodity chicken in 42 to market and age.Forty days will grow to 5 jins belongs to the normal level ,The fastest and 33 days."For many years engaged in the chicken industry c.p group of agriculture and animal husbandry food enterprise China senior vice chairman of the board of directors ZhaoShouNing told reporters.


“速成鸡”是“激素鸡”? "Crash chicken"is"Hormone chicken"?


"Crash chicken"Why would grow so fast?Don't really use the hormone?this,China agricultural university animal nutrition professor zhang jun said, formerly,Chicken feed in adding hormone do not please painfully.Hormone high cost/Technology complex,And add hormone to promote the growth of chicken and no effect,Also increases the risk of chicken and mortality."At present the market also fail to chicken growth hormone,Only a small amount of hormone for cows/Pigs breeding stock the aphrodisiac or maternity disease,And the national strict rules the use scope."Zhang jun said,.


滥用抗生素危害人类? The overuse of antibiotics is harmful to human?


A universal view is,Breeding animals after the overuse of antibiotics,Is very easy to create the super bacteria appear and reproduction.After the human consumption,The drug residues in the human body,Make human body infection is resistant bacteria.Even if the breeding animals were not edible,But its own drug residues breeding super bacteria,And through the food chain and survival environment spread to the human body,Human infection caused by the bacteria.


The reporter interviewed yesterday of yunnan medicine industry association WangWeiSheng,He said,Chicken in the use of the after antibiotic,It is easy to create antibody,Usually eat this kind of chicken will not directly affect the safety of the human body.


But there are experts fear,If fish breeding and poultry raising excessive abuse of antibiotics,People long-term edible is eating"Time bomb".As part of the absorption of antibiotic - penicillin,Absorbs the chicken meat and bones inside,To the table,Will people have great harm.


this,They called for the use of antibiotics should be regulated.And it was reported,In the breeding industry,In 2006 the eu has been banned in feed use auxin or antibiotics as feed additive to growth.In the United States/Japanese are also issued relevant laws and regulations,Restrict or prohibit the use of antibiotics in feed.


45天的鸡是怎么催成的? 45 days of chicken is how to push into?

  选种 Seed selection


White chicken,The chicken fast growth/General forty days or so market,The average weight 5.5 jin,Is the world grow the fastest chicken.


 多吃饲料 Eat more feed


Reporter noticed,The chicken farm no matter night or day are brightly lit,A chicken farm boss told reporters,The chicken farm keep 24 hours lighting,Mainly in order to let more than chicken feed,The feed intake,The chicken will grow faster.Because regardless of day and night to keep choice,Their long-term of sub-health state.Growth too fast,Internal development couldn't catch up with,vbi.

  喂违禁药 Hello illicit drug


In addition to the withdrawal kept outside the medicine,The reporter returns discovery in investigation,Some chicken farm in order to further shorten the breeding period,Let already crash white chickens grow faster,Will also secretly to chicken feed some drugs.


In YuanGuZhuang chicken farm,The boss for chicken feed ribavirin and drugs,These drugs are drugs.According to our country[Veterinary medicine management regulations]regulations,It is forbidden to people use drugs used for animals.


In recent days,Domestic media have exposure Kentucky Fried chicken/McDonald's fast food chains and other large Fried chicken/Roast chicken,Use of 45 days"Crash chicken".And the crash chicken,Much is illegal use of antibiotics and hormones into the chicken breeding.


According to the investigation of CCTV,In shandong,Some farmers in order to make the chicken can fast growth,Illegal use amantadine and antiviral drugs and dexamethasone as push chicken growth hormone drugs.According to the provisions of the veterinary medicine management domestic,Above all drugs are banned from using drugs.


 事件动态 Event dynamic

  农业部:禁止人用药用于养殖业 The ministry of agriculture:Forbid people drugs used for breeding


The media and day exposure shandong parts YangJiHu in breeding process,Ultra dose/Beyond the problem of illegal use of antibiotics,The ministry of agriculture attaches great importance to,Immediately to instruct the relevant departments in shandong province and quickly,And immediately sent to the investigation group in shandong province.


The ministry of agriculture banned again with drugs used for breeding production/Banned in feed and animal drinking water add hormonal drugs and veterinary departments under the state council provisions of other banned drugs/Banned the sale of contained banned drugs or veterinary drug residues in edible animal products more than the standard,The animal husbandry and veterinary departments and requires all should earnestly according to[Veterinary medicine management regulations]provisions,Further strengthen breeding link use of veterinary drug supervision,And the ultra dose/Overspray veterinary drug use/Do not implement Hugh medicine period system behavior of crack down on,To ensure the quality and safety of animal products.The xinhua news agency


 百胜餐饮:今年5月后再没进过六和肉鸡原料 Yum brands:In may this year after a chicken and not into raw materials


According to media exposure shandong part of farms"Crash chicken"Without inspection into the yum brands group Shanghai logistics center,Shanghai food department and also said yesterday,Has been the first time organization supervisor of their products sampling inspection,Overall check the source and self situation,Correlation detection is.


According to the Shanghai food also preliminary investigation department,Yum brands group Shanghai logistics center in May this year and in the group to buy the last batch of chicken raw materials,Sold out,Since this year has not from surplus Thai company to purchase a chicken raw materials.Regulators already from logistics center in the current inventory,Extraction eight varieties 32 samples related,The fastest 3 working days will be out of the results.Such as the discovery of food safety problems,YanChu according to law.


Shanghai food and drug supervision and the data display,Since this year,Shanghai common check 450 pieces of poultry sample,19 a antibiotics overweight,Have been investigated,Was not detected hormone.The xinhua news agency


企业回应 Enterprise response

  麦当劳:山西粟海集团不是供应商 McDonald's:Shanxi SuHai group not suppliers


According to media reports recently part of shanxi SuHai group related events,McDonald's says public response,Shanxi SuHai company is not McDonald's suppliers.


It says,McDonald's has always been depending on the food safety as the top priority,Strict supplier management system and standards to ensure that McDonald's has always been to provide customers with safety and high quality food.McDonald's only from pass strict selection approval suppliers to buy meat,McDonald's use of the raw materials of strictly abide by the food quality standards and comply with relevant standards,Chicken products are safe.


肯德基:不存在封存3万斤鸡肉说法 KFC:Does not exist sealed 30000 jins chicken statement


Will crash chicken event,China yesterday responded that KFC,China attaches great importance to chicken breeding industry possible food safety hidden trouble.Require suppliers to breeding/Slaughter links implemented strict management and self measures,Actively cooperate with local government inspection and quarantine,And KFC also set the multichannel levels to ensure food safety.

  同时,肯德基在进货后会对所有鸡肉原料进行药残抽检。目前肯德基上海物流中心正在积极配合相关政府部门的检查,相关索票索证完整合格,不存在封存3万斤鸡肉之说。(黄世杨 普焘 刘相妙 陈懿然)

At the same time,Kentucky Fried chicken in the purchase of raw material after all chicken for medicine residual check.Now KFC Shanghai logistics center is actively cooperate with the related government department's inspection,Related rope ticket record complete qualified,Does not exist sealed 30000 jins of chicken.(HuangShiYang PuDao liu phase wonderful ChenYiRan)
