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孕妇为保胎“倒挂”100天 长6斤肌瘤差点大出血--亲稳舆论引导监测室

孕妇为保胎“倒挂”100天 长6斤肌瘤差点大出血               孙晓娇看到刚出生的孩子心里很是激动。首席记者李东摄                SunXiao jiao see newborn children is very excited.LiDongShe chief reporter孕妇为保胎“倒挂”100天 长6斤肌瘤差点大出血                 医生表示,巨大的瘤体只比孩子稍微轻一点儿。首席记者李东摄                  Doctors say,Great occlusion of the child only a little more than a little light.LiDongShe chief reporter


编前 Knitting before


mother,Is the world's most beautiful name.


In October,They are children pour into all love,For the children,She can lay in bed for three months to defend,For the children,She can stand in the womb cancer growth if pain.For the children,She can give everything.


It is in the mother's love,We can be a healthy life,Grow up happily.And we human children,More to know how to respect the mother,Love mother,Take care of mother.Let us all say to the mother:I wish you health and peace!


 病床“倒挂”100天产下“珍贵儿” bed"fuchsia"Gave birth to 100 days"Precious son"


Reporter WuWenBo reported yesterday morning,The mother SunXiao charming in bed the second saw was born only two day's daughter.She held her daughter was in tears.The child is her nearly"inverted"Lying in bed motionless for 3 months,Palace mouth two open two suture to keep,The whole family said,The child is not easy to come too!


September day,Be pregnant 6 months of 26 years old pregnant women SunXiao charming and her husband HuNan children to the hospital for regular prenatal care.The doctor surprising patients obviously premature signs.


In the department of obstetrics and gynecology hospital director LuHaiYan said,If night time is found that half the children.


In order to defend,SunXiao charming the hips and legs block up,Nearly stand lying on the bed motionless,Eat and drink pull scatter in bed.Look at his wife by so much suffering,HuNan is very love dearly.This had never done housework 26 years old young man keep in his wife's bedside keep close to,care.


in"fuchsia"Looking forward to the 100 days after childbirth,12 months and days afternoon 3 when 16 points,36 weeks of pregnancy SunXiao jiao finally cesarean section 6 jins under 4 two daughter,Peace and.Because the child preterm,Her daughter was born in the operating room in a hurry with mother saw the side will be held to neonatal wards oxygen.

  昨日上午,孙晓娇再次看见了出生仅两天的女儿。保胎再疼再苦她没流过泪,当抱着这个来之不易的珍贵儿,孙晓娇第一次泪流满面。胡楠说,“女儿长大后一定要告诉她,妈妈为了她所付出的辛苦。 ”

Yesterday morning,SunXiao charming again saw was born only two day's daughter.Defend to pain and suffering she didn't flow through tears,When holding the hard-won precious son,SunXiao charming tears for the first time.HuNan said,"Daughter grow up to be sure to tell her,Mother for her pay hard work. "

  腹生6斤肌瘤差点引发大出血 Abdominal born 6 jins fibroids almost cause massive haemorrhage


Doctors say,Great occlusion of the child only a little more than a little light.LiDongShe chief reporter


Reporter HuYi male reported yesterday morning at about ten,Quasi mother ZhangJuan(alias)Pushed to the operating room.After a few months after suffering pain,She finally to meet with the fruit of the children.And want to meet easier said than done,ZhangJuan belly a weighed WuLiuJin occlusion of the at any time may cause massive haemorrhage,Her life is threatened.


ZhangJuan 32,Before pregnancy diagnosed with uterine fibroids,But when small tumors,Diameter only 4 cm,Does not affect the pregnant.Early pregnancy,ZhangJuan nor feel abnormal.Until five months pregnant when,She suddenly felt right lower quadrant abdominal pain,Sometimes like cramps like son,Pain can't help.

  彩超检查后,医生发现她的腹中竟有个巨大的子宫肌瘤。鞍山市中心医院产科医生张潘军介绍:“瘤体巨大且上面有比成人小手指还粗的血管,很可能造成流产、胎死腹中或者早产。 ”

Color dopplar ultrasound examination,The doctor discovered that her belly but there was a huge uterine fibroids.Anshan central hospital maternity doctor ZhangPanJun is introduced:"And it has large tumors than adult pinkie also coarse blood vessels,Is likely to cause abortion/Fetal distress or premature birth. "


In order to save the child,ZhangJuan always defend,And in a doctor's supervision control tumors growth.Until yesterday,According to the month and doctor check results,Fetal lung maturation judgment womb has,Can the cesarean section.


After surgery,ZhangJuan gave birth to a 6 jins 6 two boy,The safety of the mother and.


surgery,The doctor found the huge fibroids nearly 6 pounds,And the child size little difference.

  张潘军医生提醒,目前30岁以上的女性中20%患有子宫肌瘤。怀孕期间如果发现长了子宫肌瘤,要定期复查,以便及时掌握胎儿和肌瘤各自的生长情况,及时采取措施。如果瘤体不大可不用手术,如肌瘤已经阻碍胎儿生长就需要到正规医院详细检查及治疗。需要注意的是,怀孕期间为了避免肌瘤猛长,应尽量少吃羊肉、鸡蛋和虾等。( 辽沈晚报鞍山版 )

ZhangPanJun doctor remind,At present more than 30 women 20% with uterine fibroids.Pregnancy if found long uterine fibroids,Want to periodically review,In order to keep abreast of the fetus and fibroids their growth,Take timely measures to.If not occlusion can need not operation,If fibroids have hinder fetal growth will need to normal hospital detailed inspection and treatment.Need to pay attention to is,Pregnancy in order to avoid fibroids has soared,Should try to eat less mutton/Eggs and shrimp, etc.( LiaoShen evening anshan edition )
