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Shandong wudi haifeng street health service center,The doctor is to xu heavy DeLiang blood pressure.

  本报记者 李维娜摄

Our reporter LiWeiNa perturbation


[Research background]


Since August 1st,Shandong province in the implementation of the county hospital"Full reimbursement"system,All the new agriculture together/Urban resident basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents in the township health center(Including two place street community health service center)hospital,After paying 200 yuan,Basic medical treatment charge all reimbursement.


In terms of weak situation,Wudi in the province takes the lead in pushing"Full reimbursement"system,Implementation situation how to?Still needs a large number of financial subsidies?Whether there are excessive medical treatment?With these questions,The reporter walks into wudi were investigated.

  ① 住院人数会不会“井喷” (1) the number of hospital will"blowout"

  自己要交200元 没病不会瞎住院 You want to make 200 yuan have no disease not blind in hospital


"Before hospitalization cost too much,I can't afford the rural people,Got a disease can drag will drag;Now only pay 200 yuan,I don't have other expenses from the pipe."In wudi haifeng street community health service center hospital patients TanBaoFeng said.


TanBaoFeng suffer from serious hypertension,Often have a headache since last September/dizziness.He always worry about before hospitalization costs more,Just drag.In that hospital"Full reimbursement"Policy after,He decided to hospital.


For medical burden,Farmers often said"The ambulance rang,A cow white have",Hope that through in company"Full reimbursement"End this become financially-difficult situation.


Since August 1st,Wudi to"Free medical care"since,Haifeng street community health service center of medical staff every day busy.According to haifeng street community health service center, deputy director of the GuoShuJun is introduced,In August 2011 to November,Service center hospital patients have more than 130 people,And in August to November,427 people hospitalized patients,September month alone hospitalized patients with more than 150 people.


"Township hospital patients increased greatly and even double is normal,Mainly some originally should be in hospital at home and conservative treatment of patients,In the new policy encouragement to hospital,After four months of time has been basically finished digestion."County health bureau deputy director SheHongLin said.


According to the deputy director of the county agricultural joint WangQingQuan said,Patients in the township hospital,Accepts the doctor is to sign the whole responsible,And not just want to live live,Want to live as long as you live long,Patients in hospital"blowout"Phenomenon will appear.


He said,Implementation of hospital"Full reimbursement"policy,Effectively solves the common people sick delay treatment phenomenon,To improve the people's health awareness.Some common diseases/Frequently occurring disease/Chronic disease and convalescence patients only in rural hospitals spend 200 yuan can get very good treatment.At the same time,difficult-and-rare-case/Potential disease/Urgent severe and complicated cases can be found early and realize the two-way referral to promote the patient reasonable shunt.The common people's health level is a big promotion.


"Home has a big stall business,Have no disease no plague of,Who will run the hospital?"Is the west wang township center health center hospital ZhangXiuYan said,"Like the common cold this disease,In the village in the clinic medicine injections,Dozens of dollars is enough,To this hospital have to spend 200 dollars,Don't bang for the buck not,The key is left their homes of delay time ah.Sometimes have to make family with,Now a days work still earn eighty pieces of it,Put aside who have no disease live down?"

  ② 医保基金能不能承受 (2) the medical insurance fund can bear

  资金源于新农合 加强控制降费用 Capital comes from the new agriculture together to strengthen the control of cost down


The company 430000,hospital"Full reimbursement"Will be a big spending.As financial weak county,Company how to burden?


Wudi farmers joint GuanXiuLin director told reporters,This policy involves the capital basic and county financial independent,hospital"Full reimbursement"Sources of funding is a new agriculture joint fund.


According to GuanXiuLin introduced,In 2012, wudi new farmers joint fund amounting to $137.7085 million,Every new farmers joint fund balance basic balance,And the implementation of hospital"Full reimbursement"Policy after,New compensation fees amounted to 13.52 million yuan.To ensure that hospital"Full reimbursement"sustainability,Digest new compensation fees,In the premise of increasing financial burden,Through the implementation"Find double control",Ensure that the new agriculture joint fund can be full/fair/Effectively used in ginseng add up to ginseng protect people body.


"find",Adjustment is the new start to pay compensation in line/Reimbursement ratio.New farming villages and towns health center hospital close to start to pay of the line/Reimbursement ratio by 150 yuan/80% adjustment for 200 yuan/100%;Basic medical insurance for urban residents in township health center start to pay of the line/Reimbursement ratio by 500 yuan/70% adjustment for 200 yuan/100%.


"Double control",Is not only control the new times are cost and single disease cost,The county and control other medical institutions of medical expenses are not reasonable growth.


"Township health center this year 1, 5 months time are to submit an expense account fee is 2275 yuan.Now the new times are to submit an expense account fee is 1200 yuan,More than 1200 yuan of part,The hospital for yourself,Year-end summary is."GuanXiuLin said,According to the calculation,A single disease are the most cost can reduce 50%,The county other medical institutions second all cost decrease 20%.Through the control realized the county hospital overall cost/Second all cost/The patient out-of-pocket costs"Three down".The county can reduce new farmers reasonable or unreasonable spending 17 million yuan or so,Can digest"Full reimbursement"After the new charges.


SheHongLin said,Guide like high blood pressure/High blood fat, as well as other potential patients to the hospital,The early intervention,In order to avoid develop into serious illness,To avoid the common people became ill pain,Also for people to save money.At present,Through the establishment of health records,The punch out more than 40000 potential with a chronic illness,The intervention treatment,Conservative estimate per capita cost saving 300 yuan,It can reduce the burden of people more than 1300 yuan,The bill is pretty good!


By the end of November this year,hospital"Full reimbursement"policy,Save the total medical costs 5.8545 million yuan,Save hospital out-of-pocket cost 1.9132 million yuan,To reduce the cost of the hospital.

  ③ 过度医疗会不会产生 (3) will produce excessive medical treatment

  不靠卖药来补医 工资全额走财政 By selling medicine to make a full medical wages go financial


"Full reimbursement"policy,Township health center will through the excessive medical treatment to make the new agriculture joint fund?and"Double control"The implementation of measures,Whether it will make the hospital worry exceed the prescribed fee,And give patients"Conservative treatment"?


On December 14 morning,Haifeng street Yang fang village ZhaoZhenXia is lying in the community health service center hospital room to play DiaoPing,She was suffering from cerebral infarction sequela,The left half paralyzed couldn't move,In the center hospital rehabilitation therapy for 3 days.Her attending doctor tan have wei told reporters,According to the condition,She need to be hospitalized for two weeks or so,About to spend 4000 yuan.


"Patients hospitalized duration will have a reference standard,And accepts the doctor to the responsible for."Tan have wei said,Like ZhaoZhenXia this of course not in treatment costs 1200 yuan let her discharge,For the patient's condition is responsible for.


GuoShuJun said:"Each patient situation of be in hospital,County hospital and to check,If there is excessive medical treatment,Is shall be investigated for responsibility of health center,Any charges for the health center.Of course treatment does not reach the designated position also not line,Because the patient to the hospital satisfaction assessment.For some severe patients,Health center will keep up referral,Fear of delay the disease."


In haifeng street community health service center hall,A piece of electronic screen display the basic drug prices/Check the project price public charge,Convenient people supervision.In order to control with medicine for medical bad habits,Provisions of company,"Full reimbursement"Drug range as the basic drugs,Health center sell medicine practice basic drug zero spread.


Essential drugs without the medicine for the medical market,so,Township health center will take the essential drugs for profit it?SheHongLin said,The township health center essential drugs sort very rich,Basic can satisfy the patient treatment needs;Instead of essential drugs only twenty kinds of.County health bureau also provides use a basic medicines costs no more than 10% of the total cost in hospital patients,Beyond part shall be borne by the township health center.


In hospital for supporting"Full reimbursement"policy,The new company will become full funding institution,Township health center worker pay unified by the county finance issue,Effective to eliminate the medical personnel from patients"hijack".


At present,"Full reimbursement"Also only in the township health center,Can be extended to the hospital at or above the county level or higher level?


this,GuanXiuLin explain,If the trial run,Hospital is a full implementation at or above the county level hospital"Full reimbursement",New farmers joint foundation bear.The next step,For hospital"Full reimbursement",On the basis of summarizing experience,Will be supporting reforms,The hospital"Full reimbursement"Gradually to the hospital at or above the county level.


