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北京就地封存库存“六和鸡” 大型超市暂未发现--亲稳网络舆情监测室


According to media exposure and shandong"Crash chicken"events,Beijing animal health supervision activated a baseline survey report system,To enter the city of shandong and enterprise group by chicken products regularly,Clear of its origin/Inventory quantity/Inventory quantity and distribution of land,Do tracking supervision.


yesterday,Beijing animal health supervision issued by the[On strengthening the shandong and chicken products besides group supervision emergency notice],In this city is now inventory and chicken products implementation in situ seal/Sampling test,According to the results of disposal.Unified organization of the city's animal health supervision and law enforcement special activities,Around breeding/slaughter/transport/storage/Management link,Focus on veterinary medicine/Feed additives and banned substances such as inputs and origin and slaughter quarantine and so on,To ensure the quality of listed livestock and poultry products.


According to media reports,Shandong some farmers in breeding in the process of chicken,Or no strict implementation of the provisions of the antibiotic drug withdrawal period,Or add drugs.part"Crash chicken"In the farmers to shandong and group/Surplus Thai company after the slaughterhouse,Without inspection and quarantine will be killed,Some products into yum brands group Shanghai logistics center.

  ■ 探访 S visit

  北京超市暂未现“六和鸡” Beijing supermarket is yet to be"And chicken"

  鸡肉上市要求供货商提供产地证明、检测报告 Chicken listing requirements suppliers provide certificate of origin/Test report


Recently exposure"Crash chicken"Let many people begin to pay close attention to Beijing chicken products.Reporters yesterday visited Beijing some large supermarket,Chicken product outer packing label for local production of enterprise,Temporary not found by exposure of shandong and product group.


Yesterday afternoon in store both department store/Both carrefour store of chicken in the counter,Frozen chicken/wings/Whole chicken and other products,Is Beijing huadu/Double big group,And huairou/Miyun enterprise,There are a few department store is hebei langfang/Shandong weifang enterprise chicken products.Wal-mart drive-way shop/Tesco supermarket, such as no and the group's frozen chicken,Is Beijing local chicken product mainly."We have preliminary side again,Not found and the group's chicken",In a supermarket.


Many supermarkets said,For are sales of chicken products,Generally a record rope ticket,Will require suppliers provide relevant certificate of origin/Test report.But the reporter asks found,For chicken supplier provide test report,What is involved in the antibiotic to chicken/Hormone project detection,A lot of people said that is not too clear,"We are requirements prescribed by the state shall be controlled/Involved in food safety project should have".

  目前北京市卫生监督所已在餐饮环节对快餐业的鸡肉产品全面抽检,而对北京的鸡肉生产企业,以及超市、市场的鸡肉产品销售企业是否也会展开排查,质监工商部门尚没有做出相关表态。 新京报记者 廖爱玲

The present Beijing health supervision have already in the catering to link the chicken products comprehensive check,But to Beijing chicken production enterprise,And supermarket/The market of chicken products sales enterprise will not spread regularly,The ministry of commerce and quality supervision is not related to comment. The Beijing news reporter LiaoAiLing

  ■ 进展 S progress

  “六和鸡”两年8次被检不合格 "And chicken"Two years were detected eight times unqualified

  上海食安办称,百胜集团曾自检发现六和鸡类产品抗生素残留不合格 Shanghai food Ann do say,Yum! Group had self found and chicken products antibiotic residues is unqualified

  据新华社电 上海市食品安全委员会办公室20日通报,经初步调查,2010年至2011年,百胜集团共自检山东六和集团鸡类产品19批次,其中有8批次产品抗生素残留不合格。

According to xinhua Shanghai food safety commission office twenty days bulletin,After the preliminary investigation,From 2010 to 2011,Yum! Group were self shandong and group chicken products and batch,There are eight batch products antibiotic residues is unqualified.


According to Shanghai food Ann do relevant controller introduces,The self is to entrust Shanghai institute of food and drug,All the results are in the form of test report offer yum! Group.For the enterprise is not a qualified inspection report in accordance with the relevant measures were adopted,Regulators will make further investigation.


Since this year,Yum! Group a total of 283 batches sample self-inspection,But some of them are not included and the group's products.Shanghai food Ann do say,Regulators are on, and from yum! Group Shanghai logistics center draw-out sample testing,If found in violation of[Food safety]situation,Will take the most severe supervision and punishment.


According to Shanghai food Ann do is introduced,Since 2005,Shanghai food YaoJianSuo and yum! Group signed entrust detection protocol,By the use of group entrusted,The raw material/Half-finished self-checking provide third party service.Yum! Group every two months cleared a sample,Sample number/The test items are determined by yum! Group,Inspection standard mainly based on the national standard of related products,After testing is done according to the actual testing project fee.

  ■ 链接 S link

  隐含抗生素让大众面临过量摄入危险 Implicit antibiotics make public face excess intake of danger


Media reports,Shandong YangJiHu part from the chicken into the field to the market,Forty days every day to use antibiotics,Total want to eat and kind.At present the ministry of agriculture has sent group in shandong province survey.But in the chicken antibiotic residues exactly how many overweight,There is still no answer.


China agricultural university in food science and nutrition engineering institute, an associate professor at ZhuYi said,If you do the traceability management,Consumers to eat chicken know it's company provides clients,When to immunization,When to use antibiotics,These should be a complete record."But now look to do the traceability,Consumer still don't believe,May record itself is false."

  过量摄入抗生素,容易导致产生耐药性,当人身体感染,需要用到抗生素的时候,导致药物不能起到作用,严重的,甚至会危及生命。食物中隐含的抗生素,就让大众在不知不觉当中面临过量摄入抗生素的危险。 据央广报道

Excess intake of antibiotics,Easy to result in drug resistance,When the person body infection,Need to use when antibiotics,Lead to drug can't play a role,serious,Even endanger life.Food in the underlying antibiotics,Let the public in imperceptible in facing the danger of excess intake of antibiotics. According to reports from wide
