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11月大男婴死亡 捐肾给39岁女尿毒症患者--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


"Waiting for more than a year,Didn't think 11 months baby become my help benefactor,I thank you very much for the baby's parents,Made a let me get the new decision."12 month and day at 11 o 'clock,Xiangya 2nd hospital secrete the organ transplantation department transplantation monitoring indoor,39 WangJianPing talking about their new,Said said with tears came out.WangJianPing,JiangXiRen,1 year ago diagnosed with uremia,After he has been on dialysis to maintain life,Until the baby ChengCheng(alias)Because of the serious illness death to make the donation,She was a new life.


It is reported,This is the first baby in hunan province to the donation of body organs case.Xiangya 2nd hospital secrete the organ transplant practitioner for king said,Hunan province is no donor age span so much precedent,But in other provinces and international had a lot of this kind of precedent.


11个月大的婴儿死亡,捐献肾脏 11 months of infant death,Donated kidneys


ChengCheng mother"I hope I can in a way,Let ChengCheng life to continue."


On December 10,A just 11 months baby boy ChengCheng,Because suffer from severe liver failure cause deep coma.The positive after the rescue,ChengCheng condition worsening followed by a brain death.In the last moment,ChengCheng parents refrain from the tore heart crack lung of pain,Made a great decision to donate a kidney, children.


ChengCheng mom said:"My family is unfortunate,The child is poor,But the people didn't is gone,I just hope my ChengCheng can change a way to let the life to continue."


In the face of the child, the parents of the gesture,The staff of the Red Cross society in hunan xiangya 2nd hospital and relevant experts made contact and the detailed preparation,Want to complete the child's parents wish.In order to ensure the successful operation,Xiangya 2nd hospital secrete the organ transplantation department immediately organize the matches,And the operation scheme are discussed.


On December 11, at around 6 PM,The child's heart stopped beating,Xiangya 2nd hospital experts and a line of personnel rapidly implement the organ for surgery.In obtaining before surgery,All the medical staff to ChengCheng observed a moment of silence...


2个鹅蛋大的肾脏当一个成人的肾脏移植 2 a goose egg big kidney when an adult kidney transplants


The doctor"A surgery for four hours,Nearly twice the usual time."


"Because the child age small,Each kidney only goose egg size."December twenty days,For the king told reporters,The biggest difficulty in transplantation,The donor renal blood vessels is small,And ShouJuanZhe are adults,Blood vessels is relatively coarse.The surgery increased a lot of difficulty.At the same time,The ChengCheng two kidneys as an adult kidney transplants to WangJianPing body,The difficulty of the operation is bigger.


On December 11, at 6 PM,ChengCheng kidneys with the fastest speed to the second xiangya hospital,Responsible for transplantation of the doctor is on standby.The king is introduced for,The conventional renal transplant only need 2-3 hours,But the machine operation,Repair renal spent one and a half hours,The transplant surgery for four hours,Is almost normal renal transplant two times time.


At present WangJianPing still in transplantation medicine accept isolation monitoring treatment,Stable vital signs.Three days after transplantation,WangJianPing bed can slow walk,Kidney is returned to normal.At present WangJianPing are gradually recovering,All goes well again lead some day can discharge.


“感觉现在好幸福,我也会经常祝福在天堂的程程” "Feel happy now,I will always bless the ChengCheng in heaven"


WangJianPing"After surgery,The body and restore the vitality of the previous,The stability of sleep."


Lying in the bed WangJianPing,Color is much better than before,Has not the edema,No as before dark.WangJianPing said,"My son eighteen years old,This year just pass the college entrance examination.sick,The thought of children have no I care,Just worry about what should I do?Now ChengCheng gave me new,Children don't but my benefactor,Also we a benefactor the."She said,sick,She has a headache is more and more severe,At the same time, appetite also is bad,Don't like to eat.Accept the transplant surgery,Her body and restore the vitality of the previous,The stability of sleep.Transplant surgery,WangJianPing was reading the son of university,Give her with micro letter sent the information,Wishes mother healthy.At the same time her son's classmates,With the blessing from.Heart is full of gratitude WangJianPing told reporters,"Feel happy now,I will always bless the ChengCheng in heaven,happiness."


Donor and receptor age span so big transplants,In the technical difficulty is mainly embodied in the aspects of vascular anastomosis,The others with general transplant difference.


- xiangya 2nd hospital secrete the organ transplant family doctor for the king


爱心时间线 Love time line

  12月10日 程程陷入昏迷。

On December 10 ChengCheng fell into a coma.

  12月11日 下午6点左右,程程心脏停止跳动。

On December 11, at around 6 PM,ChengCheng heart stopped beating.

  12月11日 下午6点30分,程程的肾脏被送到了医院,王建萍接受了移植手术。

On December 11, at 6 PM,ChengCheng kidney was sent to the hospital,WangJianPing accepted the transplant.

  12月20日 上午11点左右,王建萍告诉记者,她会时常祝福在天堂的程程。

12 month and day at 11 o 'clock,WangJianPing told reporters,She will always be blessed in the ChengCheng of heaven.


医生解读 两个肾脏会长大,但不会长到正常人的肾脏大小 The doctor read two kidney grow,But not grow to normal kidney size


The baby's kidney transplants to adult,Feasible??For the king said,Is feasible.Because the baby is small,But baby kidney function is complete,And donor and receptor matches is successful.The baby's two kidney up,Volume close to an adult kidney,Can meet the needs of WangJianPing.After transplantation,The two kidneys or grow up.Because for renal cell are still in the development stage,There will be a proper development,But due to the change of environment,The two kidneys do not grow to normal kidney size.

  加上程程捐献的两个肾脏,王建萍体内目前有4个肾脏。“肾移植是不需要将病变的肾脏再从体内取出来,以免增添新的伤口。只要有好肾脏移植进去,完成身体的代谢功能等就可以,病变的肾脏在体内不影响健康。”王彧说。至于年龄最小的捐肾个体,能小到几个月?王彧表示,这没有绝对的规定,要看受体的需要,如果捐肾个体太小了就只能捐给小孩子了。(潇湘晨报 记者 刘少龙 通讯员 龚亚军 王建)

ChengCheng contributions and the two kidneys,WangJianPing body there are four kidney."Renal transplantation is not need to renal lesions from the body again to take out,In order to avoid add new wound.As long as there are good in renal transplantation,Complete the body's metabolic function can,The kidney disease in the body does not affect health."For the king said.As for the age of the youngest donate kidney individual,Can the little to a few months?For the king said,There is no absolute rules,To see the needs of the receptor,If the individual is too small to donate kidney can donate it to the child.(Xiaoxiang morning paper reporter LiuShaoLong correspondent GongYaJun wang)
