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大河网讯 近日,大河网友将一篇题为《平顶山湛河区妇幼保健院大赚黑心钱竟然无人管?》的帖子发布在大河论坛上,引来网友们的极大关注和质疑。
Big river network - recently,The river net friend will be an essay on[Pingdingshan ZhanHeOu maternal and child care service centre to make HeiXinQian actually nobody tube?]Post published in the river on the BBS,Draw net friends with the great attention and questioned.
GaiTie says:ZhanHeOu pingdingshan city health bureau in order to make money,Have put ZhanHeOu maternal and child care service centre back to the contract management from the boss,And these "dirty" the boss make money by hook or by crook,If you live in the hospital,Will threaten you must caesarean section,Baby medicine have to live,To defraud the high cost...
The net friend in the post in question:Don't know contracting the hospital boss and ZhanHeOu the leader has the relations?Lead to government hospital held by individuals,Then entrap unaware of the truth of the common people.At the same time also remind everybody,Please your sisters to polish eyes,Don't the black heart boss when!
recently,According to the net friends leaks and questioned,Many times reporter contact ZhanHeOu health bureau director of the horse,Trying to understand the related information of the hospital,Although after repeated efforts failed to fulfill a wish.
And the morning,Reporter received a claim to system ZhanHeOu maternity and child care centers XinXing of vice President of the phone,ZhanHeOu health bureau said the horse let its contact reporter,Communication about net reflect related problems.
According to the hospital have been contracted by the individual,Vice President of the symplectic is sure to say,No thing,The hospital has been belong to public medical properties,And always bear the ZhanHeOu relevant public health service work.
"As for patients in the hospital must reflect the cesarean section,Baby medicine have to live,To defraud the high cost that is nonsense,Because the puerpera most nutrition surplus,Fetal lay particular stress on,If eutocia words potentially dangerous,So a lot is required to do a cesarean section."Vice President of the symplectic explained.
A reporter as before,GaiTie in"The river BBS"Visitors to the more than 8000 times,62 a reply.
Net friend"YingCheng less green"Reply say:Estimate the boss and ZhanHeOu health between the leadership's trading?
Net friend"LiLao dad bone pain away"Reply say:Black hospital too much,For money,Regardless of the patient's feelings.
Net friend"Has been injured"Reply say:Now there are a few pingdingshan hospitals can let people can count on it?YuanFang you??
Net friend"so147"Reply say:Now that's it bai,The close to make money without conscience.
Net friend"PDSLBX"Reply say:ZhanHeOu related department leader should have many benefits it?Or how to service for people of public hospital privately to the individual contracting business boss,And then to entrap people?
Net friend"Shaman wu niang"Reply say:The hospital for important means,Especially women and children's hospital,The government must pay more attention to it.
"ZhanHeOu maternal and child care service centre has been personal contract management for several years,Name is symplectic vice President is entrusted by the contractor of the managers."One insider leaks.
"The reason they dare not admit that the hospital has been individual contract,Because they use public hospital credibility good attract unaware of the truth of the masses to go to a doctor.The most important is to use the government's public health resources and the government policy of public hospital care,Avoid charges and also can show the government related subsidies."The insider's words were,Recognizes the contractor why is trying to cover up the hospital has been the fact that individual contract.
Reporter login ZhanHeOu maternal and child care service centre official web site to see,In the hospital site navigation under the influential position the logo"Pingdingshan ZhanHeOu maternal and child care service centre,Public hospital,Example the livelihood of the people"slogan.And the site from time to time of the popup window service also emphatically shows"Public non-profit hospitals"slogan.
该医院是否已被个人承包经营几年之久?是否已成为个人利用政府的公共医疗资源来进行牟利,享受着政府对公办医院的政策照顾,逃避相关费用进而套取政府的相关补助?大河网将继续予以关注。(郭俊华 蔡长伟 文/图)
The hospital is personal contract management for years?Whether or not has become a personal use of the government's public health resources to make profit,Enjoying the government to public hospital care policy,Avoid charges and show the government related subsidies?Big river network will continue to pay attention to.(GuoJunHua CaiChangWei text/diagram)
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