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 明年3月1日四条例同时实施 March 1, four regulations and implementation


yesterday,The municipal people's congress standing committee held a press conference to release:[Kunming urban underground pipeline management regulations]/[Kunming regulations on the protection of sea water]/[Kunming hobo family planning regulations(revised)]/[Kunming thunder and lightning disasters regulations]On March 1, implementation at the same time.In addition,By the municipal people's congress standing committee of the thirteenth 12th meeting through the,Province of the 11th National People's Congress standing committee meeting 35 approval,current[Regulations on the protection of dianchi lake]Will also be in[Regulations on the protection of dianchi lake in yunnan province]The date of enforcement of next year is January 1, abolished.

  市人大常委会副主任夏静、戚永宏、郭子贞在发布会上进行了情况介绍, 副市长杨皕参加新闻发布会。

The municipal people's congress standing committee, deputy director of the XiaJing/QiYongHong/In the conference GuoZiZhen are introduced, Vice mayor Yang Bi attended the news conference.


《昆明市流动人口计划生育条例(修订)》 [Kunming hobo family planning regulations(revised)]

  在昆外地孕妇可免费5次产检 In the field of pregnant women can free five production inspection


[Kunming hobo family planning regulations(revised)]The principle of urbanization of outstanding service,Is greatly increased the equal access to the service aspects of content,Clear family planning technical service institution or planned fertility technical service qualification of medical and health institutions for floating population adult women of child-bearing age provide free family planning technical services and reproductive health inspection.Provisions of the floating population to accept family planning technical services,Conform to the provisions of the state free basic project,The charge by financial commitment.Living in this city of floating population maternal,At 12 weeks in medical and health institutions designated to obtain WeiChan care manual,Enjoy five free prenatal care and postpartum visit services.will[Baby is a proof of the floating population]The rush object by adult floating population limit for floating population adult women of child-bearing age;Cancelled without[Baby is a proof of the floating population]The flow of the population of the provisions of the economic sanctions;Emphasis on the floating population to provide family planning service content;According to the illegal behavior and punishment quite principle,Legal responsibility for the perfect complement.


To achieve complete coverage of service management,[regulations]Adds education/The responsibilities of the civil affairs department,The education department urged the school regulations in floating population when their children to school to understand the student family planning related information obligations.Departments of civil affairs regulations in handling marriage registration bulletin hobo family planning related information obligations.In the city/County department of two levels of population family duties of,Increased to establish and perfect the hobo family planning information reporting system,And with the relevant departments to establish information sharing mechanism.Increased reside a dwelling place and census register seat township(town)People's government/Street agency reported each other/Verify the married women of child-bearing age contraceptive information regulations,Broaden the channels of information collection,Improve the hobo family planning information collection mechanism.


[regulations]Clear the city hobo family planning service and management of the floating population by reside a dwelling place and census register seat government jointly responsible for,To reside a dwelling place to give priority to the government,Census register seat shall cooperate with the government;Combined with practical work,Further adjust and improve the relevant government department's duties;Refining the floating population unit of choose and employ persons/Realty service enterprise/Housing intermediaries/Houses out(rent)Borrow in floating population family planning work obligations.Through the above provisions,To form the government leaders/Departments with/Public participation in/Units responsible for the/Protecting comprehensive service management mechanism.To fails to perform the duties and obligations,Respectively set corresponding legal responsibilities,Ensure the linkage service management mechanism of practical operation.


《昆明市雷电灾害防御条例》 [Kunming thunder and lightning disasters regulations]

  学校、医院、景区要评估雷电灾害风险 The school/hospital/To estimate the lightning disaster risk


Our city is thunder and lightning disasters multiple areas,Lightning protection safety belongs to public safety,so[Kunming thunder and lightning disasters regulations]The construction engineering safety lightning protection system for the rules,Clear lightning protection device and construction engineering subject design at the same time/construction,And by the local competent meteorological departments after acceptance,The main body of the project may be put into the use of safety system.Provisions school/hospital/Tourism scenic area and other urban and rural areas prone to lightning disaster area or construction project,In the project feasibility study and preliminary design,If we want to develop the lightning disaster risk assessment.


《昆明市城市地下管线管理条例》 [Kunming urban underground pipeline management regulations]

  擅自迁移、变更地下管线最高罚5万 Do STH without authorization transfer/Change of underground pipeline highest penalty 50000


[Kunming urban underground pipeline management regulations]Clear the function division of work and planning/construction/Information and file management and operation and maintenance/Legal liability, etc.The applicable scope is set in the center of the city outside of the cities and towns,On the rural underground pipeline management is not made adjust.the[regulations]For special/comprehensive/Regulatory detailed planning made specific provision,Determine the organization establishment responsibility department,Refining planning for cohesion.Regulation construction/Line the ownership and use of units of the obligation,Effectively solve the planning/Management lack/Level is not clear problem.Requirements of urban and rural planning administrative departments should establish unity of underground pipeline information management system,And regulations in the new city construction,The main city road or by urban planning need to master the main line of the road,To adopt the comprehensive pipe trench for pipeline construction.The completed comprehensive pipe trench to load before,The same path planning and construction is no longer the same line.Urban underground pipeline administrative departments should according to the urban underground pipeline special planning organizations to develop all kinds of pipeline annual construction plan.Attached to the urban road underground pipeline with the urban road synchronous construction.Project completion within five years after not excavation.The construction organization design not included in an underground pipeline protection plan and the emergency plan,Housing and urban and rural construction administrative departments shall not be issued construction permit.Underground pipeline ownership/Use the unit shall not without authorization migration/Change of urban underground pipeline.Really need to transfer/change,To the approval of the departments of administration of urban and rural planning.Urban underground pipeline after waste,Line ownership/Use the unit to promptly to the urban and rural planning administrative departments and the urban underground pipeline of the administrative departments for the record registration.Endanger public security abandoned underground pipeline,Line ownership/Use the unit to take measures,Eliminate safety hidden trouble.Line ownership/Use the unit increase or decrease in the number of line pipe trench,To urban and rural planning administrative departments for the record,Such as illegal urban and rural planning law enforcement department will instruct its deadline to correct,Refuses to make corrections,Will place more than 10000 fine below 50000


 《昆明市清水海保护条例》 [Kunming regulations on the protection of sea water]

  一级保护区迁出居民可获补偿 The first-grade protection zones emigration residents can compensation


[Kunming regulations on the protection of sea water]to"Lead to clear the"A phase of the project involved in the scope of protection shall prevail,The scope of protection of the sea water to be defined,Provisions including water sea water sea water reserves and water engineering facilities reserves,Water sea water reserves with a total area of 314.81 square kilometers,Divided into primary and secondary drinking water source protection zones.And follow the principle of dependency administration,A hierarchical classification management,Because of the main water source in XunDianXian,By the municipal government set up in XunDianXian sea water protection mechanism,Clear song Ming/panlong/Guandu etc counties government responsibilities,Sure within their jurisdiction of the sea water management departments,city/Related county(area)Environmental protection/water/Yunnan tube/Immigration department responsibility.The municipal government regulations to build water conservancy investment compensation mechanism,Well water alternative work.From level 1 to move out of the inhabitants of the area,Compensation shall be made and make appropriate arrangements for them.

  《条例》规定在二级保护区内新建、扩建排污口;新建、改建、扩建排放污染物的建设项目;新建陵园、公墓;新建、改建、扩建与供水设施和保护水源无关的建设项目;建设影响输水设施安全运行的建筑物、构筑物及其他设施的,由清水海保护机构或有关行政管理部门依法责令拆除或者关闭,处以10万以上50万以下罚款。(记者 杜仲莹)

[regulations]Provisions in the secondary protection area new/Expansion drainage outlet;new/reconstruction/The construction project of the discharge of pollutants;New cemetery/cemetery;new/reconstruction/Expansion and water supply facilities and protection of water sources of the construction project has nothing to do;Construction influence the safe operation of the building water facilities/Structures and other facilities,The sea water protection agency or the relevant administrative departments according to law shall be ordered to dismantle or shut down,Impose a fine of more than 100000 below 500000.(Reporter DuZhongYing)
