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上班族患上年关“焦虑症” 专家:需转移注意力--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Year-end summary writing/Unit annual assessment...2012 is the past,With the arrival of the year-end settlement,A lot of professional personage anxiety/nervous/insomnia.

  圣诞、元旦、春节接踵而至,节日的气氛越来越浓烈,不少市民的心态却变得莫明地焦虑起来, 被称为“年关焦虑症”。这类患者年龄都集中在20—45岁之间,他们大都表现为晚上失眠、心慌、整日坐卧不宁、脾气急躁等焦虑情绪。 每年到年底都会出现情绪焦虑患者增多的情况,年尾工作指标压力、学习压力、找工作压力,让不少人都心情低落、头晕脑涨,严重会出现情绪抑郁,甚至内分泌紊乱,不少职场人士纷纷感叹“年关难过”。

Christmas/New Year's day/The Spring Festival come,The atmosphere of the festival more and more powerful,Many people mind became are outwardly harmful anxious, called"The end of the year anxiety".These patients age are concentrated in the twenty - between 45 years old,Most of them for the performance of the night suffer from insomnia/dismayed/Feel restless all/A quick temper anxiety, etc. By the end of each year will appear anxiety of patients is on the rise,Year end performance measure pressure/The pressure of study/Job pressure,Let many people are depressed/Dizzy brain up,There will be serious emotional depression,Even the endocrine disorder,Many people work in succession exclamation"The end of the year sad".


面对绩效考核不知所措 In the face of the performance evaluation at a loss


34 sales manager Mr. Ma recently eat not sweet,sleep,Bad mood,Ask the reason,He says,Immediately to the New Year's day,The thought of recent again want to face the company employees on performance evaluation,He malaise,Frets unbearable.


"My own several months sales result is not ideal,Just came in new employees are good results,If the assessment in the bottom three inside will be played out,Think of sleep all night."so,Mr. Ma tossing and turning in a night,During the day the spirit is more difference,Forced to the hospital to see insomnia,Thought the doctor said anxiety.


年终应酬 纷至沓来 The end of a service


45 years old ZhaoJingLi is a managing director of the company,Near the end of the year in all kinds of entertainment,In addition to the unit size conference and cocktail party outside,Cooperation unit/Authorities before the visit is practice"Big not preferred/1 can't be little",Not only in time intensive bombing,More from dinner party/Wine bureau.


At ordinary times is heavy workload to get tired ZhaoJingLi,At this time more into anxiety,Not only mental stress/Pins and needles,Even the body also is often not,Intestines and stomach often pain unceasingly.

  节日接连不断 花销比比皆是

Festival continuously spending can be found everywhere


"See Christmas Eve just passed,Christmas is coming,Haven't persist for a few days,New Year's day is again."26 white-collar butyl ding sigh over the holiday can.

  丁叮告诉记者,从这个月20日开始,朋友们就通过各种联系方式告知她, 在即将到来的平安夜、圣诞节和元旦等节日中,邀请她参加各式各样的聚会,“昨天平安夜就参加了三场朋友的聚会,钱也花了,玩得太晚,身体也明显透支了,在接下来的圣诞和元旦,我是有点无福消受了。”丁叮说,这三个节日,就会让她花去一个月的工资,弄得她精神紧张,焦虑不堪。

Ding ding told reporters,From this month and to start the day,Friends through the various contact way told her, In the upcoming Christmas Eve/Christmas and New Year's day in the day,Invite her to participate in all kinds of party,"Christmas Eve yesterday took part in the three games friend's party,Money is spent,Play too late,The body also is obvious overdrawn,In the next Christmas and New Year's day,I am a little no ca ot enjoy it."Ding ding said,The three festivals,Will let her take the salary of a month,Get her mental stress,Anxiety to.


专家:转移注意力 自我调节焦虑心理 experts:Distracting self adjusting anxiety


Lanzhou city the first people's hospital doctor said cao,Workplace anxiety widespread,To the end of the year so that a particular point in time especially easy to outbreak.Generally speaking introverted people are more likely to have social anxiety,Because this kind of person usually less with the others,Want to borrow the end of the year to contact with the feelings of the motivation is particularly strong,The more placed high expectations,More pay special attention to,The easier it is to be swayed lost,Causing anxiety.

  对于年末焦虑,曹医生建议大家可以多发展兴趣爱好,适当转移对职场焦虑的注意力,学会与人交流沟通,宣泄压力。对于遭受人情压力困扰的职场人,建议量入为出,量力而行。当通过自我调节焦虑无论如何也不能缓解,并且出现程度较重的失眠、激动、沮丧等症状时,可以考虑求助专业的心理医生帮助。(鑫报 记者 海小燕)

For the end of the year anxiety,The doctor suggested that everyone can development interests,Appropriate transfer on the workplace anxiety attention,Learn how to communicate with people communication,Catharsis pressure.To suffer with human pressure workplace people,Suggest make ends meet,Does what one can.When through the self adjusting anxiety no matter how to also can't ease,And appear degree heavier insomnia/excited/When the symptom such as depression,Can consider to help professional psychological doctor to help.(Xin news reporter sea xiaoyan)
