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formaldehyde/Industrial salt/Plasticizer...The original and food are far removed things,In 2012 the people on the table.Look back 2012 years,The of a soldier"Protect stomach war"Played quite hard,Still faces three big trouble to break through.


非法添加之困 Illegal add the trapped


This year the state council issued the[On strengthening the food safety work decision],Put forward three years time,Make food safety regulation and has achieved remarkable success.Add food illegal has been classified as a national food safety illegal crime against the key behavior,From this year's situation,Illegal add local regions is still the major cause of food safety,Formaldehyde and industrial salt which is the leading role of food safety accidents this year.


In January 2012,Anhui solve manufacturing with formaldehyde to exceed bid more than 400 times"Formaldehyde pig blood"case.Two businessmen put pig blood into the pool,Against the into chemical formaldehyde for two or three hours,Out when"Duck blood"sales.More than a year ten tons"Formaldehyde pig blood"Flows into the market.By the end of 2011 to 2012 by the end of march,Guangdong foshan GaoMingWei pole seasoning food co., LTD. Purchase liquid salt soy sauce production 760 tons of finished products and semi-finished products,Find out the illegal use of industrial salt production of soy sauce semi-finished products,Already into the pearl river delta city of 5 7 home seasoning enterprise.


That serious harm to human health,It deliberately added illegally,The reason it is illegal to bring the profits,A food enterprise in charge in an interview."A ton of edible salt than a ton of industrial salt price higher than to nearly 800 yuan,For small and medium-sized enterprise to use the lure of the great industrial salt.meanwhile,Industrial salt processing of soy sauce is not like other deadly poison as immediate items,The human body trace food will not immediately appear poisoning symptoms,The offender was the possibility is very small."


China agricultural university in food science and nutrition engineering institute, an associate professor at ZhuYi think,Part of the law enforcement of the law enforcement is lax weakened to some extent the deterrent threat of government supervision.Should adopt"averagely"Law enforcement way,Improve enterprise illegal cost,Illegal enterprise will be fined to break the bank,Once the illegal cannot be allowed to enter the industry for the second time.


Guangdong province pledges inspect bureau officials said,Should be abandoned the food safety supervision department section the disadvantages of supervision,And gradually realize linkage/Department linkage,Realize the food safety incident rapid response.For food safety problems,Should according to"Air pass"On the basis of processing,And when is the case,Do the sources of the raw materials/Product flow not find out the don't pass;Problem product not recall/Untreated don't pass;Outlaws not punished the don't pass.


安全标准之困 Safety standards of the trapped


Since the 2009 years since the implementation of food safety,The ministry of public health and the ministry of agriculture, etc to set up a evaluation committee for national food safety standards,Have been formulated and published more than 260 a number of new national food safety standards.In the standard gradually perfect at the same time,Local exposure of food safety problems show the food safety of the mandatory technical specifications are still to be strengthen.


Guangzhou may check out more than 120 tons of cabbage contains formaldehyde,Some vegetables parts vendors use formaldehyde solution spray cabbage for fresh phenomenon has appeared three/Four years.The relevant government department person in charge said:"Formaldehyde in Chinese cabbage on fresh this problem,Now come to no clear rules can use.Formaldehyde does not belong to pesticide category,Agricultural use of pesticides to enter the market is generally detection pesticide residue,Don't usually use formaldehyde detection of preservation of medicine."


similarly,By the end of the year of the capital market liquor plasticizer overweight events but also indicates the lack of standards.When the drunkard wine was exposure plasticizing agent problem,Liquor industry in the national standard and no plasticizer index.To prove whether the overweight,Only in accordance with GB/T21911-2008[Food of phthalic acid ester measurement]And GB9685-2008[Food container packaging materials used additive use health standard],But not for liquor industry of customizing.


The ministry of agriculture agricultural products quality and safety supervision bureau experts said,Shall be made by the government leading to speed up the pace of the perfect food safety standards to increase the food safety standards in scientific research,Change the current food safety standards/detection/Evaluation of the technical support ability weak condition.


监管成本之困 The cost of supervision of the trapped


In the national competent departments under the push,"Food safety traceability system"Is this year since the food safety supervision areas of window.Reporter investigation to know,This public expectations of traceability system is faced with high cost/Promote the difficult question.


In early 2012,Shanghai announced the already established pork information tracing system,This year will be extended to beef and mutton.Currently in Shanghai for sale with pork"Electronic id card"- chip,Can record the live pig breeding/slaughter/processing/Transportation and sale link,If found,Completely can be traced back to the responsible persons,And then the most severe punishment/Law enforcement will be involved in processing.The food safety traceability system immediately in seed/vegetables/meat/Dairy products/Soy sauce and other food be promotion use.


However have to face is,Traceability system is facing higher operating costs.A soy sauce production enterprise person in charge told reporters,Material testing/process/The factory inspection, and other links/Many time need specialist management data,The profit of the enterprise a is also a significant spending.


A special production"Electronic id card"Person in charge of the enterprise told reporters,Due to the present"Electronic id card"The popularity of the range is not wide,production/sales/Information production costs are very high,General enterprise to bear the costs."The price per pouch twenty yuan vegetables as an example,Bags inside the chip installation cost reached 0.5 yuan,fertilization/Play pesticide/Processing the information need to enter,Add up the cost is higher."


Shenzhen arrogant crown science and technology industrial co., LTD., general manager JiaoLin said,Traceability system technical problem is solved,But how to combine government and industry resources but still have a long way to go."The traceability system if unable to realize the national network,Great power will be reduced,Difficult to play a role,But this need with the aid of government and industry association to promote together."(Reporter the survey hill)
