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曝海南省人民医院救护车无车牌 回应称实属无奈--亲稳网络舆情监测室


On January 3,,Net friend on the micro bo,Hainan province people's hospital of the ambulance should not hang date card is on the road.People's hospital of hainan province relevant responsible person,The ambulance was on the ship,Don't hang date card really helpless.Relevant person in charge of the hainan province, traffic police corps,All vehicles on the road must be suspended vehicle date card(Or temporary date card).


 网曝:救护车未挂号牌就上路行驶 Nets dishonestly:The ambulance not hanging paddle before you on the road


On January 3,,Net friend on the micro bo"3, about 5 o 'clock PM,Qiong zhou bridge on the sea,A marked‘People's hospital of hainan province’The unlicensed ambulance is on the road.120 first aid person why no brand?People's hospital of hainan province forget hanging plate?Is the black car?"The micro bo caused attention from Internet users.The net friend"Mr JiangZhuang"think:(The license plate of the ambulance)Could it be lost?The net friend"The islanders Dainty"said:Two days ago to see when there is no oh.The net friend"Blue territory 2013"said:It's not the challenge"The most severe preceeding"??


 医院:救护车当时运送病人确实没挂牌 The hospital:The ambulance transport patients were really not listed


On January 4,,The south China sea network reporter in hainan province people's hospital emergency department saw the hospital parking lot in front of the ambulance,Are not hanging paddle before.then,Relevant person in charge of the people's hospital of hainan province said,Users reflects not hanging paddle before the ambulance is their an ambulance,The ambulance was carrying a patient from wenchang.As for why didn't hang motor vehicle date card,The relevant person in charge said,They is the license plate of the hospital by ambulance,But do not hang up."Is more than our hospital,Many hospitals of ambulance haven't hang plate."Because the ambulance to transport often had a disease/Accidents of the patient,Many times to a red light/speeding/Change lane, etc,Everything is in order to rescue the patient in a timely manner.And an ambulance but traffic violation,Although the country has a regulation can be eliminated in the tubal branch,But in hainan it is difficult to eliminate this kind of traffic violations,So simply won't hang date card of motor vehicles.


 交警:任何机动车上路都必须悬挂号牌 The traffic police:Any vehicle on the road must be hanging paddle before

  1月4日,南海网记者走访了海口市内多家医院发现,救护车不挂机动车号牌的现象随处可见。海南省交警总队相关负责人表示,所有机动车上道路行驶必须悬挂机动车号牌(或临时号牌),救护车、警车、消防这些特种车辆不能例外。根据按有关法律、法规的规定:警车、消防车、救护车等特种车辆在执行紧急任务时,确保安全的前提下,不受行驶路线、行驶方向、行驶速度和信号灯的限制。特种车辆若在执行紧急任务而违反交通犯规被抓拍,特种车辆所在单位可提供相关证明,向当地交警部门申请消除交通违法记录。(南海网记者高鹏 实习生蒙职宇)

On January 4,,South China sea network reporter visited haikou city more hospitals,The ambulance not hang the phenomenon of the motor vehicle date card can be seen everywhere.Relevant person in charge of the hainan province, traffic police corps,All vehicles on the road must be suspended vehicle date card(Or temporary date card),The ambulance/The police car/Fire control these special vehicle can't exception.According to the relevant laws/The provisions of the laws and regulations:The police car/The fire engine/When carrying out an urgent task in the ambulance and other special vehicles,To ensure the safety of the premise,From driving route/Driving direction/Speed and the limitation of the lights.Special vehicle in emergency missions and violation of traffic rules by paparazzi,Special vehicle unit can provide relevant proof,Apply to the local police department to eliminate traffic illegal record.(The south China sea network reporter by intern meng yu)
