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女子冰冻街头晕倒抽搐 “最美女医生”当场急救--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
yesterday,The 26-year-old Wilcox j(The allotted time periods specified by the)Suddenly faint in the streets of frozen/Vomit white mo,Passers-by sees are at a loss what to do,Happened to changsha 120 emergency center director for pre-hospital emergency she is passing by,A rapid rescue them after she from"The gate"Back before.After the story spread,Start by some net friend as changsha this year"The most beautiful woman the doctor".
In the morning at 7 20 xu,In changsha right road and WanFuLu intersection,A green in their 20 s were the woman suddenly fainted on the frozen ground,Whole body twitching and froth at the mouth.Passing pedestrians do not understand the emergency rescue,overwhelmed.
At this moment,In changsha city 120 emergency center director for pre-hospital emergency start just pass by this place to work,She hurriedly stepped forward to the women's rescue them."I had to see her lying on the ground,Mouth have hair black,Consciousness is not very clear,How to shout don't respond,Vomit white mo,His mouth have food scraps."She is with her more than 10 years working experience,Preliminary judgment the woman may be a seizure.
She immediately will open women's jaw,Found in mouth do have vomit,So she quickly put the strange woman in the name of the scarf,Help clear woman oral vomit,Her chin up,The body side,And help passers-by,The women's movement to a half sit lie,To prevent again vomiting.then,She dialed 120,Woman was rushed to hospital for rescue in changsha city center.
经初步诊断,女子突然晕倒,疑似癫痫发作所致,需到神经内科进一步检查确诊,她身上除有轻微的摔伤外,并无大碍。昨日早上8时许,她从模糊的意识中逐渐苏醒过来。由于是突然晕倒,她对后面发生的事情,已经一点都记不起来了。在得知是120急救中心的赵珊救了自己后,张茜激动得热泪盈眶。赵珊一直陪着她,直到张茜的家人来到医院,赵珊才悄悄离开。(记者 匡春林 通讯员 汤雪)
After the initial diagnosis,The woman suddenly faint,Suspected seizures,Need to neurology further examination diagnosis,Her except slightly hurt,Are not as serious.At 8 yesterday morning,Her from the consciousness of fuzzy gradually wake up.Because is suddenly faints,She told what happened behind,Already can't remember at all.In that is 120 emergency center after she saved himself,Wilcox j excitement to tears.She has been with her,Until Wilcox j family came to the hospital,ZhaoShanCai silently leave.(The reporter KuangChunLin correspondent ShangXue)
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