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主要发病人群:10~25岁的成人儿童与60岁以上的老人 The main of the crowd:10 ~ 25 adult children and old people over the age of 60


治疗方法:造血干细胞移植和免疫抑制疗法 treatment:Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and immunosuppressive therapy


医生建议:超过75%存活率 父母不要轻易放弃救治 The doctor advised:More than 75% surial parents don't give up easily


Three years ago the winter night,Nine-year-old jack Bauer in jiangxi hometown suddenly big vomiting blood,Diagnosed with aplastic anemia(Hereinafter referred to as"Aplastic anemia"),Local doctors expect him to live but for a year.Jack's parents take him in Shanghai/hangzhou,Finally come to guangzhou.now,Under the assistance of the parties,Jack Bauer survived.


However,,Not all children can like jack Bauer lucky.According to guangzhou first people's hospital onset of experts,now,"Aplastic anemia"Has a terminal illness.But every year there are ten cases of regret for delay treatment from the children,"Many parents mistakenly give up treatment to the child."


两大“拦路虎”:认识误区和巨额治疗费用 Two big"obstacle":Misunderstanding and huge treatment costs


Three years ago in winter,Nine-year-old jack Bauer is jiangxi home fire for warmth,All of a sudden"wow"1 of spitting up blood.The hospital diagnosis,Jack Bauer get aplastic anemia."Then the doctor said,There's nothing to get it,Jack Bauer can only live for one year at most."Jack's parents are both farmers,Home didn't savings.but,For three years,Parents with a small strong all the way from Shanghai/hangzhou,Traveled to guangzhou again,All healed.In order to son,They sold all the valuables at home,Also on the hundreds of thousands of debt.Jack came to the onset of the first people's hospital in guangzhou last year.After more than a year of treatment,Jack Bauer is now the basic recovery,Can was released from the hospital soon.


However, in the hospital,Every year there are still a lot"Aplastic anemia"Especially children patients with death because of the delay treatment."A year in our hospital alone is more than ten."A city authoritative experts in qilu hospital professor MaoPing said.


City a hospital director of qilu WangShunQing analysis said,"Aplastic anemia"The reason will be delay,Know the pitfalls and cost are two main reasons."A lot of parents,Including many grass-roots hospital doctor‘Aplastic anemia’Understanding is very limited,A lot of people to think that he had a terminal illness,Give up treatment."


The second,A lot of patients and families don't know that heavy"Aplastic anemia"Onset need as soon as possible to have treatment the blood center of experience,Think only anemia,In the clinic/Community hospital transfusion,The best treatment time delay.As a matter of fact,"Aplastic anemia"The best treatment time is within 40 days after diagnosis.


"On the other hand,The expensive treatment costs also let many people in trouble."Generally speaking,,Take the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation treatment costs about 250000 ~ 300000,But donor hematopoietic stem cells is very difficult to find,So patients generally choose immunosuppressive therapy,Treatment process need to use some of the senior drug belong to at one's own expenses.It is understood,At present our country medical insurance and new farming was close to aplastic anemia on major disease special subsidy policy,Not pay fees only enjoy 30% of general submit an expense account.

  在昨日的病友会上, 王顺清向记者透露,目前,市一医院血液科和志愿者团体已经打造了一个名为“生命的呼唤——重型再生障碍性贫血患者救助”的项目,目标是能筹集到100万左右的资金,每年资助10个重型“再障”患儿。“对于低龄的患儿,有时十几万就能让他们重获新生,有志于此的企业和团体可以与我们联系。”王顺清说。

In yesterday's roommate at the meeting, WangShunQing revealed to reporters,At present,,A city hospital onset and volunteer groups have made a name"Life's call - patients with severe aplastic anemia"Of the project,The goal is to raise to about 1 million,Every year for 10 heavy"Aplastic anemia"children."For young children,Sometimes thousands can let them regain a new life,Interested in the group of enterprises and can contact with us."WangShunQing said.


医生:“再障”非绝症 The doctor:"Aplastic anemia"Non - terminal illness


Is second only to leukemia in the onset of aplastic anemia"killer".WangShunQing introduced,Adolescents between the ages of 10 ~ 25/Children and old people over the age of 60 is the main pathogenesis of aplastic anemia."Once the onset,Patients will appear serious anemia/Skin mucosal bleeding/Retinal bleeding and infection syndrome."


Have data to show,The world is about 2/10 the incidence of aplastic anemia,While in China the incidence of estimation is 2 ~ 3 times of this number,Nearly twenty percent of patients to severe aplastic anemia.In guangdong,The onset is a hospital"Aplastic anemia"Patients were compared with a centralized place,From 1998 to now, a total of 80 patients treated"Aplastic anemia"In patients with.


Professor MaoPing is a city authoritative experts in qilu hospital,He said,Many people put"Aplastic anemia"As leukemia."In fact‘Aplastic anemia’Is bone marrow hematopoietic,Bone marrow and leukaemia is created‘Bad blood’,Pathogenesis is completely different."Professor MaoPing vividly explained.

  十多年前,“再障”患者的死亡率高达95%。但近20年来,“再障”的治疗有了突破性的发展。现在治疗“再障”的主要方法包括造血干细胞移植和免疫抑制疗法,预计有超过75%的患者在采用这两种治疗方案后将会长期存活。“其中如果能在同胞兄弟中获得配型成功,进行造血干细胞移植,治愈率更高达80%~90%。”毛平说:“‘再障’治愈后基本不会复发。”(文/记者黎蘅 通讯员徐晶)

Ten years ago,"Aplastic anemia"The patient's mortality rate as high as 95%.But over the past 20 years,"Aplastic anemia"The development of a breakthrough in the treatment of.Now the treatment"Aplastic anemia"The main methods include hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and immunosuppressive therapy,Is expected to more than 75% of the patients in the two treatment after will live for a long time."Which if can matches success in their siblings,Of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,Higher cure rate was 80% ~ 90%."MaoPingShui:"‘Aplastic anemia’Basic won't recurrence after curing."(The text/reporter LiHeng correspondent xu)
