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两岁儿童被镰刀插入头部 开颅取出(图)--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Yesterday in the morning,At the age of two around southwest was sent to a hospital emergency department,Doctors are scared out in a cold sweat:A 40 cm long sickle in her left eye.This knife on baby head for more than 10 hours,Six doctors to just remove the craniotomy.This is children accident injury cases together,Many parents around the injury to the heart breaks.


琳琳有可能失明 Around is likely to fail


Around the father working in Shanghai,Grandpa is also working in the county.At ordinary times,At the age of two she followed her mother/My grandmother lived together in sichuan TongJiangXian WenSheng township.A year ago,My sister was born,Stay at home to two of the adult is more busy.


The day before yesterday evening,My mother in the kitchen cooking,Grandma to chrysanthemum is responsible for the care of my little sister,Around one in the living room to play.Regardless of chrysanthemum remember,Around is sitting on the sofa,"I left in less than 20 minutes,Even in the dream that this time the child will have an accident."Hear the sound of the crying,Two adults hurriedly rushed into the living room,When he saw around again,Be scared all pins and needles,A 40 cm long sickle into around the left eye,Her face is blood.


"Two adults froze,A said I will draw out a sword,One can't pull out,Give me a call immediately."Uncle party Ming said,After heard the news,He immediately went around home,And stop the youth.Yesterday in the morning,Southwest around Lin was sent to hospital emergency department."Seeing the situation of children accident injury,But such a big knife inserted into the eyes,It's the first time we see."Doctors say,Brain computed tomography (CT) showed,The sickle of 40 cm long for 32.6 mm from the left eye insert intracranial.


At noon yesterday,Six surgeon/Eye doctor together,Do the craniotomy surgery for around,Although the knife was out smoothly,But the child's eye to remove,Still need to do the further diagnosis.

  硬物刺入体内勿擅取 Abvance of body piercing don't good at


Heard that the child may fail,At the age of 25 step mother crying.Until now,The young mother daughter also don't know where to find the knife,How to don't be careful of the inserted in again.


"The child injury,Parents always make operations,But it can't careless."Deputy director of the southwest hospital neurosurgery ZhuGang said,From daily of situation,The accident harm children focuses on children control ability is weak of 1-3 years,Accident occurs commonly in the condition of unattended,If it is something hard to insert the body,Parents don't pull it out without authorization,Should immediately send medical.

  同时,即将到来的寒假,也是每年儿童意外伤害的高发期。家中无人时,家长应把刀剪、玻璃器皿放在儿童够不着的地方,药品、清洁剂、杀虫剂应放入上锁的抽屉,家长们也应避免由于大人监管不善导致孩子受伤。(记者 王珊)

At the same time,The coming winter vacation,Is a year of children accident frequency.No one home,Parents should put the knife cut/Glass in place out of the reach of children,drug/cleaner/Pesticides should be put in the lock drawer,Parents should also be avoided due to poor adult supervision children hurt.(The reporter wang shan)
