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  专家提示,盐蒸橙子这种方法并不能作为治疗咳嗽的首要手段及主要药物。新京报记者 王远征 摄

Expert clew,Steamed salted orange this way and not as a primary means and main drug for the treatment of cough.The Beijing news reporter WangYuanZheng perturbation



Tangerine skin after long time preservation,Traditional Chinese medicine will call it dried tangerine or orange peel,Have the effect of cough.

  刚刚进入二十四节气中的“小寒”,这也标志着我们已经开始进入一年中最寒冷的日子。随着气温的降低,一些疾病也接踵而至。感冒、咳嗽是冬季的常见病、多发病,而最近关于盐蒸橘子可以治疗咳嗽的偏方也在网上广泛传播,也有人称“盐蒸橙子治疗咳嗽 放倒一切止咳药消炎药”。能够治疗咳嗽的偏方究竟是“盐蒸橘子”还是“盐蒸橙子”?偏方治疗咳嗽效果如何?专家告诉记者,无论是橘子还是橙子,对于治疗咳嗽都有一定的辅助效果,但只能将其当作偏方使用。

Just enter the 24 solar terms"slight",It also marked the we have begun to enter the coldest day of the year.With the decrease of temperature,Some diseases are to follow.Catch a cold/Cough is the common disease in winter/frequently,And more recently about steamed salted orange can be folk prescription for the treatment of cough also widely spread on the Internet,Also have said"Steamed salted orange cough down all cough expectorant".Can what folk prescription for the treatment of cough"Steamed salted orange"or"Steamed salted oranges"?Folk prescription treatment cough effect how?Experts told reporters,Both orange and orange,For the treatment of cough has certain effect,But can only be used as a folk prescription.


“盐蒸橘子”、“盐蒸橙子”仅能当作偏方 "Steamed salted orange"/"Steamed salted oranges"Can only be used as a folk prescription


For the folk prescription can treat cough,There are two version of web,Whether it is able to cough"Steamed salted orange"or"Steamed salted oranges",this,China-japan friendship hospital of traditional Chinese medicine the respiratory professor zhang shu difficult said in an interview with the newspaper,"The two folk prescription has certain truth,Because from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine,orange/Orange itself also has some medicinal value,The role of both reduce phlegm,It is also commonly used to reduce phlegm in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the two kinds of medicine."


For the folk prescription of action,Also have experts say."In my opinion,Steamed salted orange folk prescription there is no reason for the treatment of cough.Steam orange may have certain effect to the cold,But there is no need to add salt,Because salt intake is easy to cause the cough,The role of salt does not have a cough.Steamed salted oranges also makes no sense,moreover,Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of cough medicine generally is not add salt.Unless it is kidney cough,That is equivalent to cough of heart failure,This completely different from respiratory cough",The gate side, director of the hospital respiratory medicine YongJun told reporters,There are many kinds of cough,chill/Nourish and can cause a cough,But no matter what kind of cough,We can only put the steamed salted orange as a folk prescription,Specific reason to have it's hard to say,Isn't worth popularization.

  痰湿偏热应选用盐蒸橙子 Phlegmy wet partial heat should choose steamed salted oranges


since"Steamed salted orange"and"Steamed salted oranges"For the treatment of cough have some supplementary role,Whether there is difference between both?this,Zhang shu is difficult to say,Steamed salted oranges and salt steam orange to aid in the treatment of cough has certain effect,Citizens in the selection,To specific look at the crowd.Orange of partial temperature,And the orange is slants cool,so,If patients with cough is phlegmy wet slant cold sex,Can choose steamed salted method of orange,If patients with sputum wet tends to heat,Should use salt for oranges.so,Although it is folk prescription for the treatment of cough,In selection should be based on individual constitution.


不能替代药物治疗 Cannot replace medical treatment


Zhang shu difficult specifically,Both salt steamed steamed orange orange or salt,Although for the treatment of cough have some supplementary role,But need to remind people of is,This is, after all, folk prescription,It is difficult to say the folk prescription can treat cough,And it's to be done.By the folk prescription can treat cough,It only can be used as auxiliary means or dietotherapy method for the treatment of cough,Symptomatic and premise should also be mentioned,Vary from person to person.


Zhang shu to remind,These two methods do not as a primary means and main drug for the treatment of cough,Because these two kinds of folk prescription of efficacy is not strong,Citizens have the symptoms of cough,Should go to hospital first.

  ■ 热点问答 S hot question and answer

  蒸熟后吃不出咸味是适合剂量 Steamed after don't eat salty is suitable for dose


Q excessive salt intake itself will lead to cough or aggravating cough symptoms,The folk prescription with evaporate salt orange or orange,Salt intake will aggravate cough?The folk prescription of salt should be how to grasp?


Zhang shu difficult:Too much salt is easy to cause the cough,I also said to cough in clinical patients,Salty things should eat less,Because of excessive salt intake will stimulate the throat,Instead more easy to cough.


Folk prescription the key lies in the grasp of how much salt.Add some salt to be properly,About the salt dosage,If you don't eat salty after steamed,Is the right;If the steam after eating out of salty,It means put too much salt is,In the folk prescription,How much salt is more important.In a word,Just put a little salt is possible,But in actual operation must grasp when the extent of the salt.


Q salt steamed steamed orange orange and salt of folk prescription,The old man/Children whether can be used?


Zhang shu difficult:The old man/Children are all can use,Because these two kinds of folk prescription is safer.


Q causes of cough a lot,Including cold/The wind is hot/The summer wet/Lung qi deficiency, and so on,Steamed salted orange or orange the folk prescription of whether it is effective for cough due to a variety of causes?


Zhang shu difficult:Cough is caused by a variety of reasons,But steamed salted orange or orange folk prescription is not suitable for adjuvant treatment of all of the cough.This folk prescription can only be used for adjuvant treatment phlegmy wet cough,Need to remind you is,All the folk prescription never fit for treatment of cough,Is not as the main treatment of cough,Such as dry cough is not share the folk prescription.


脾胃虚寒的人慎用此偏方 The people used the folk prescription of spleen deficiency cold


Q sell orange in the market now/orange/Citrus fruit such as,Looks similar to,Taste gap is not large also,Its medicinal value whether there is difference?Can absorb in a large amount for a long time?


Zhang shu difficult:mandarin/orange/orange/Grapefruit fruit such as,Normal intake is no problem.But except oranges,Several are partial flat or cool,so,Individual being cold symptoms is not suitable for a large number of patients,This kind of crowd if suffering from a cough,Will be careful with the folk prescription.


Edge YongJun:orange/orange/Grapefruit itself has certain expectorant effect, etc,But also differs between them.Slant orange temperature,Orange is mild,But the grapefruit is slants cool.


Professor of Beijing university of Chinese medicine basic medical formulae HuSuMin:Plants of the genus citrus orange belongs to the facters such as different,Belong to rutaceae,But different genera,So this several kinds of fruit to eat the taste is also different.From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine,Three sexual flavour were different,Dried tangerine or orange peel of temperature,Have the effect of phlegm spleen.Orange immature or nearly ripe orange peel is commonly used in medicine,Slant cold sex,And mainly for belly bulge/The pain,Move bowels impassability and symptoms such as chest tightness.so,These 3 kinds of fruits belongs to rutaceae though,But there are still a lot of difference.


 ■ 相关链接 S relevant link

  火烤橘子或可治疗寒性咳嗽 Fire orange or treatment of cold cough


"About steamed salted oranges or steamed salted orange can be folk prescription for the treatment of cough I didn't heard before,but,As far as I know,Folk fire orange useful approach for the treatment of cough,Use a small fire after the orange peel baked skinning eat oranges,It can be used in the treatment of cough.This way, the old man/Suitable for all children,But there is a need,Citizens should first make clear the property of cough is mainly used in the treatment of phlegmy wet cough,But if it is hot cough,Produce sputum of yellow,A sticky stiff -,It is not suitable for this method,Because orange is warm.Cold cough/Phlegmy wet cough, etc. Can be used.The wind hot cough is not to be",HuSuMin told reporters.


HuSuMin further explanation,Orange peel after long time preservation,Traditional Chinese medicine will call it dried tangerine or orange peel,Have the effect of cough.Through a small fire,Can make orange peel of the effective components,To achieve the wet/The effect of cough,To treat cough.As for the orange,Traditional Chinese medicine in general use immature or nearly mature orange twist,Is it the effect of resolving phlegm.Cough commonly use orange peel of more.

  本版采写/新京报记者 张秀兰

This board selects ZhangXiuLan/Beijing news reporters
