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广州退休医保向外来户籍人员打开大门 Guangzhou retired medical insurance to foreign household open the door

  基本医保 The basic medical insurance

  只要继续缴纳养老保险 As long as you continue to pay endowment insurance

  外地户籍 Nonlocal census register

  过了法定退休年龄,养老保险却还未缴够年限 The legal and emeritus age,Endowment insurance but haven't paid enough fixed number of year

  通知细则 Notification rules

  元旦起实施 New Year's day on the implementation of the

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Comply with this city worker is basic endowment insurance(Hereinafter referred to as the "endowment insurance)Relevant personnel prescribed by the delay payment,During the period of delay pay endowment insurance,Can the relevant provisions of the personal identity according to no. 34 of insurance of primary medical treatment in the city.Among them,Non - this city census register personnel interruption delay pay endowment insurance,Stop to attend insurance of primary medical treatment at the same time.


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Delay in this city endowment insurance of pay of personnel to accord with the monthly basic endowment insurance gold conditions is dealt with explain receive procedures of primary endowment insurance gold,To reach the city basic medical insurance regulation capture expends fixed number of year,Enjoy treatment of insurance of retiree medical treatment.Have not reached the city basic medical insurance regulation capture expends fixed number of year,After press formulary pay transitional basic medical treatment insurance gold,Enjoy treatment of insurance of retiree medical treatment.

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To participate in provincial worker is basic endowment insurance,The original has set up a file in the city attend insurance of primary medical treatment,Conform to the provisions of the related to delay this city endowment insurance expends,During the period of delay pay endowment insurance,Can be reference to the above provisions.


本地户籍 This locality census register

  算算账 SuanSuanZhang

  案例: The case:


Endowment insurance pay for 13 years,Two years;The basic medical insurance payment 8 years,Two years.


以前 before


Transition to pay medical insurance gold to get retired medical insurance treatment,Monthly pay club - 7.5% of the wage.


 以后 after


Monthly club - 4% of the wage to pay is basic medical treatment insurance,At the same time can enjoy treatment of primary health care.


 省一半钱 Save half the money

  待遇更好 Better treatment


More than legal and emeritus age,During the period of delay pay endowment insurance,Still can participate in the basic medical insurance.The policy that local elderly residents save nearly half of the medical insurance gold,Also in guangzhou to work hard but failed to meet the foreign household personnel of emeritus pay opened a door to enjoy the retirement health insurance.This is yesterday, reporters learned from the guangzhou human resources and social security bureau of a big good news.


累计缴费满10年 Accumulative total capture expends full 10 years

  可享退休医保待遇 Retire to enjoy medical insurance treatment


Guangzhou citizens zhang aunt is 60 years old,But because there has been no regular work,She is only 13 years the endowment insurance capture expends fixed number of year,According to the national minimum 15 years of capture expends fixed number of year,Zhang aunt will delay for two years to get old-age pension.At the same time, she also does not have capture to expend of insurance of primary medical treatment of 10 years,Only eight years,so,Also cannot enjoy the treatment of retiree health care.


In accordance with the relevant provisions of the before,Has more than retirement age of zhang aunt during this period only to residents medical insurance;Or wait until she endowment insurance pay is full 15 years/When reaching emeritus condition,To get through the transition to pay medical insurance gold,Get retired medical insurance treatment.


Because residents medical insurance is not total fixed number of year,Basic medical insurance of fixed number of year.According to provisions of before,Zhang aunt can capture every year in residents medical insurance,Lower pay is basic medical insurance.now,Zhang aunt in delay pay endowment insurance at the same time continue to participate in the basic medical insurance as an individual,Not only can enjoy treatment of primary health care,And wait until she meets the endowment insurance conditions,At the same time, the basic medical insurance payment also for ten years(Now the lowest fixed number of year)after,Directly can enjoy retiree health care,Treatment is better than on-the-job personnel's medical insurance treatment,Let alone better than residents medical insurance treatment.


本市老年居民: Elderly residents in the city:

  可省近半“医疗过渡金” Can save nearly half"Medical transition gold"


Just a few days ago,Guangzhou people club bureau released[About achieving legal and emeritus age to relevant personnel to participate in the guangzhou inform of the relevant questions of the basic medical insurance].notice,From 1 January this year,Conform to the guangzhou worker is basic endowment insurance(Hereinafter referred to as the "endowment insurance)Relevant personnel prescribed by the delay payment,During the period of delay pay endowment insurance,Attend insurance of primary medical treatment to personal identity.


"For local elderly residents,The biggest benefit is to save money."Guangzhou people social medical insurance bureau in zhang told reporters yesterday.Because pay medical insurance gold,Is in accordance with the club - the proportion of 7.5% of the wage payment,But the pay is basic medical treatment insurance is in accordance with the club - 4% of the wage to pay.According to the guangzhou 4789 yuan the club flat salary at present,Every month is equivalent to save the medical insurance fee of $167.6,If to zhang aunt/Are calculated in two years,That is 4022.76 yuan.For the elderly residents income is not much,Almost save nearly half the transition of gold.


"and,In them to take part in the process of basic medical insurance,The same can enjoy treatment of primary health care."Zhang said.


外地户籍居民: Other residents:

  敞开广州退休医保大门 Guangzhou retired medical insurance door open


"The policy for nonlocal census register of more positive."Zhang further explained to reporters.Because before this,Foreign household staff in guangzhou one of the basic medical insurance must meet two conditions:Or has the guangzhou labor relations,Is on-the-job personnel;Either with guangzhou's retirement pay.


Guangzhou happened before a typical case,A migrant workers work in guangzhou for many years,But in the end found himself the endowment insurance of not reaching emeritus standards,Can't get in guangzhou,At the same time,Can't enjoy the retirement health care treatment of guangzhou.And this kind of situation,Will be released with the notice to solve.


"After the policy came out,Foreign staff census register,During the period of delay pay endowment insurance,Can also be achieved through the way of people to participate in the basic medical insurance retired medical insurance treatment,Equivalent to they opened a door to the retirement health insurance."Zhang said.

  根据养老保险相关规定,缴费满十年的外来户籍人员,可以在就业地区通过延缴养老保险的方式达到退休条件。“如果他们延缴养老保险,我们认为他们想在当地退休,所以同时也允许他们以个人身份参加基本医保,最后达到满足退休医保的条件。但是如果他们中断了延缴养老保险,则同时停止参加基本医保。”张学文表示。( 文/记者蒋悦飞 通讯员张鹏)

Endowment insurance according to relevant provisions,Pay full 10 years of foreign household registration,Can be in employment areas reaching emeritus condition by means of delay pay endowment insurance."If they delay to pay endowment insurance,We think they want to retire at the local,So at the same time also allow them to participate in the basic medical insurance as an individual,Finally meet retirement health conditions.But if they interrupt the delay pay endowment insurance,While at the same time to stop to participate in the basic medical insurance."Zhang said.( Wen/reporter JiangYueFei correspondent zhang peng)
