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石家庄市十天59人“猝死” 天冷成诱因--亲稳舆论引导监测室


From this month 1 to yesterday(10),Urban happen"Sudden death"Total 59 cases,This figure is about twice as usual.Reporters yesterday from the city emergency center learn,The past ten days,"Sudden death"The patient ZaDuiEr obviously.Which have caused by trauma"Sudden death",Have basic chronic disease induced"Sudden death",Also have due to fatigue appear too"Sudden death".Emergency expert analysis,In addition to the outside factors,And capital in the near future there is certain relation between the low temperature.Experts remind the public,When air temperature pelter,Must pay attention to keep warm,Have basic chronic disease, people should take medicine on time,And ready for loading JiuXinWan/Nitroglycerin, etc.


 一上午发生两起“猝死” One morning the two happened"Sudden death"


Yesterday at about 9,The city emergency center 120 telephone suddenly rang,Alarm said,A district southwest a man happened sudden death.First aid center control center emergency contact ambulance team to the scene."We arrived, we found,The patient has stopped breathing and heartbeat."The city emergency center home visit doctor a male fly said,happen"Sudden death"The is a old man.In view of the family heart stopped breathing for a long time,And give up the rescue.After understanding,The 65 - year - old man this year,After cancer,And belongs to late.


Forty minutes,A male fly and colleagues to control center and urgent tasks:An age for women in 34"Sudden death",A male fly and his colleagues immediately rushed to the scene of a patient of emergency rescue,And soon will be sent to a nearby hospital patients to do further rescue."According to the patient family member is introduced,Patients with diabetes."


"Yesterday,The reporter learns,This woman is still in patients in the emergency rescue.


 十天市区“猝死”59人 Ten days the"Sudden death"59 people


The city emergency center statistics show,From this month 1 to 5 yesterday afternoon,Happened in the city"Sudden death"Cases were 59 people,This figure is about twice as usual.Reporters from the city of emergency center,In case of"Sudden death"patients,Most of the age in fifty years old,And with such as high blood pressure/High blood fat/Chronic illnesses such as diabetes.At the same time,There is also a part of it is by trauma or too tired and cause"Sudden death"of.


In a city hospital emergency department director WangShengChi said,Every winter is the high incidence of disease of heart head blood-vessel,This is because the human body in low temperature environment where,Vascular shrinkable,Causing increased blood pressure,Cardiac load increase,So as to greatly increase the risk of myocardial infarction and cerebral hemorrhage.If meet the emotional or strenuous exercise,Will further increase cardiac load,The whole body blood circulation overload operation,Cause sudden death occurred.


"Long engaged in the high strength work people/Old people/Heart cerebrovascular history/Overweight people are sudden death high-risk groups,This part of the population in the winter needs to be aware of the occurrence of sudden death."WangShengChi said.


 年轻人疲劳过度易“猝死” The young man too tired easily"Sudden death"


WangShengChi said,The internal causes of sudden death is one of the major organs have potential disease/Outbreak of disease or abnormal physical and allergic constitution,Among them with heart disease, the most rare,Such as coronary heart disease/myocarditis/Primary cardiomyopathy/Rheumatic heart disease/Primary ventricular fibrillation/Quiet heart arrest/Congenital heart disease,Can lead to heart suddenly stop effective contraction,Cause a serious shortage of pump blood around the body.Because of sudden onset of,Patients generally not timely rescue and death.


In the eyes of WangShengChi,If young people happen"Sudden death",The main reason is the excessive fatigue."Epidemiological survey,Sudden death occurred in people,In addition to cerebrovascular diseases of the outside,Long-term stay up late/Routine irregular/Long-term mental stress/stress/Gluttony is lead to sudden death risk factors."


The reporter understands,Although the sudden,But there are quite a few people in the sudden death of the former is a sign,Such as chest pain/Difficulty breathing/Labored breathing/Bosom frowsty/palpitation/weak/The symptom such as giddy.If you can alert,Can from largely to prevent the occurrence of sudden death.


 “黄金抢救六分钟” "Golden rescue six minutes"


For patients with sudden death,First aid in"Golden rescue six minutes"said.If a patient is in sudden death,The most brain cells can support 6-8 minutes.If people can grasp the original 6 minutes to actively rescue,Perhaps with more chance to survive.


Rescue the method is as follows:The first/Patients will be back on a card or on the ground,Hurriedly call 120 emergency phone;The second/The patients with mouth clean foreign body;The third/If patients without breathing,Immediate to the mouth-to-mouth twice;The fourth/Check the carotid artery,If no beat,Cardiac press.When pressure double palms root posted on patient sternum lower segment,On the other hand fold in this only on the back,Two elbow joint stretched,On the upper part of the body weight do fast press,Make sternum subsidence about 5 cm,Press the frequency for 100 beats per minute or so.


 防“猝死”五攻略 prevent"Sudden death"Five strategy


WangShengChi said,Due to sudden death mostly happened suddenly,Often do not have time for treatment,So prevention is better than cure.


Winter, pay attention to keep warm.This is particularly important for capital for citizens,Winter large difference in temperature of inside and outside,People go out must do warm warm work.At the same time,From indoor out first open the door in the corridor to the for a while,No discomfort to go outside.


- adhere to the drug.Heart cerebrovascular disease of people should be under the guidance of a doctor to take medicine/Medicine law.At the same time,To maintain blood pressure/Blood sugar/The level of blood lipid in the stable.


Wine - to give up smoking,Rational diet.People should eat more vegetables and fruits,Eat less fat high food.At the same time,Don't eat and drink too much,So also easy to cause arrhythmia.In addition,People should also maintain defecate unobstructed.Constipation defecate when force will increase abdominal pressure,Easy to induce acute onset coronary heart disease and cause arrhythmia,And then lead to the occurrence of sudden death.


- keep the psychological balance,mood,generous,Emotional stability.


- exercising,Sports can't be too severe,Carry momentum is too big.Violent motion by reducing the parasympathetic nervous tension,Increased sympathetic nervous tension,Can make the heart rate increase fast,Induced arrhythmia,Therefore be getting on in years old people had better choose some slow mode of motion,If take a walk/taijiquan.


Need special remind is,Cerebrovascular patients should prepare some such as nitroglycerin/This JiuXinWan available, etc.In case of an emergency,Immediately went to sublingual including suit a this kind of drugs,Often can largely save his life.Reporter WangFengWei ShiHe interns
