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HuSongWen use simple instrument at home make a"Hemodialysis machine".

  昨天,南通人胡颂文自制“钢的肾”维持生命13年的故事成为了微博热议的话题。自制“钢的肾”减少透析成本,甚至还“科普”给其他患者,胡颂文奇迹般的13年透析生活除了令人匪夷所思之外,更多的还有些心酸。但江苏省中医院肾内科主任孙伟告诉记者,重复使用透析器,自制“钢的肾”容易产生操作不规范、感染等一系列问题,胡颂文的做法不可效仿。扬子晚报记者 杨甜子

yesterday,Nantong people HuSongWen homemade"Steel kidney"Maintain life 13 years of story became the micro bo hot topic of discussion.homemade"Steel kidney"Reduce dialysis cost,even"science"To other patients,HuSongWen miracle 13 years dialysis life in addition to a fantastic outside,More some feel sad.But the jiangsu province hospital of traditional Chinese medicine urology department director SunWei told reporters,Repeated use dialyzer,homemade"Steel kidney"Easy to produce the operation is not standard/A series of problems such as infection,HuSongWen practice not to follow.Yangzi evening news reporter Yang sweet fruit


 让人心酸的“奇迹” Let a person sad"miracle"


尿毒病人无奈自制透析器 单次成本仅10元奇迹存活13年 Urine poison patient but homemade dialyser single cost only 10 yuan miracle survival 13 years


According to the[Southern weekend]reports,Nantong man HuSongWen poor family,Has been more than eighty years old, and his mother depended on each other.Since 1993 were diagnosed with uremia began,HuSongWen have to against the dialysis life,In the hospital for treatment of spent home savings.In order to save money,HuSongWen with kitchen utensils/Containers and simple instrument at home make a"Hemodialysis machine".


Dialysis with dialysis fluid is he buy powder,And pure water with a configuration,Flush pipe brine is also what you bought.This single cost can be reduced to 10 yuan.Plus in recent years to sharply reduce the blood transfusion apparatus/Hose costs,Total count down,A buffet dialysis cost less than sixty yuan,Only one 8 of the hemodialysis in hospital.A month has to be 13 times hemodialysis,Total count down is less than one thousand yuan.


Really do when dialysis,liquor/intubation/Flushing process also once let HuSongWen helter skelter,But he quickly adapted to down,Even can make blood vessels puncture.A long time,HuSongWen even learned to oneself adjust to take off the water.So he miraculously survived 13 years,Far more than the average dialysis patients with uremia survival period.


自制“钢的肾”有什么风险? 容易导致感染发生 homemade"Steel kidney"What is the risk? Easy to cause the infection


HuSongWen of"self-taught"Let many people feel surprised."Steel kidney"The named also spread far and wide.Reporters found through all comments,HuSongWen in sympathy with the outside,Many people also is in doubt,homemade"Steel kidney"Whether can accord with dialysis safety requirements?


Yangzi evening news reporter interviewed the jiangsu province hospital of traditional Chinese medicine SunWei urology department director.SunWei said,HuSongWen experience is deserving of sympathy,But homemade"Steel kidney"Practice but do not follow,"Kidney disease infection occurred in patients with high and low state immunity related,Repeated use dialyzer is easy to cause infection."SunWei said.Like HuSongWen that use pure water as dialysis water practice is not desirable,"Dialysis water quality/Dosage has strict requirements and regulations,If you use pure water,The water can affect human body trace element,Lead to long-term complications."

  折射低收入群“病不起”之痛 每周千元的血透费用让人咋舌 Refraction low-income group"Disease not"The pain of one thousand yuan a week of hemodialysis cost let a person be left speechless with wonder or fear


Kidney dialysis patients need to rely on to maintain life,But the dialysis"cost"But let many people be left speechless with wonder or fear,400 yuan a,Three times a week down is 1200 yuan.But SunWei told reporters,The price haven't adjusted the.According to the provisions of the provincial price bureau,The provincial public hospital dialysis a charge is 400 yuan.The price from 2000 until now has been have no a rise."If there is a health care of the patients,Health care about can submit an expense account more than 90%."


医生支招:腹膜透析成本更低 The doctor move:Peritoneal dialysis cost lower


If there is no hemodialysis"Artificial kidney",Patients with kidney disease can through what method to maintain life?As a senior expert kidney disease,SunWei Suggestions,Besides the regular hemodialysis,Consider using peritoneal dialysis treatment of renal diseases as the first choice of alternative methods.At the same time, lower price is higher than conventional hemodialysis a lot.SunWei and reporters calculate a bill,If the home peritoneal dialysis,Each year than hemodialysis can save ten thousand multivariate.


Peritoneal dialysis is a kind of different from blood dialysis dialysis mode,It USES a person's own abdominal cavity and surrounding abdominal peritoneal dialysis.The reporter understands,Peritoneal dialysis treatment for almost all of the patients with uremia.At the same time,Peritoneal dialysis patients of cardiovascular protective effect is better than that of hemodialysis.Don't need to use heparin anticoagulant,So to have little effect on patients bleeding tendency.HuSongWen homemade"Steel kidney"Home hemodialysis is not recommended,But peritoneal dialysis is able to do at home.SunWei introduces to the reporter,"Peritoneal dialysis easy operation,Don't need large equipment,The patient can at home to dialysis,"


SunWei said,Peritoneal dialysis before shall establish dialysate in celiac path.The doctor will pass a small operation will be a piece of soft ductile dialysis tube into the patient.Dialysis tube as a pencil degree of finish,When patients don't have it,Clothes can cover it,So to see outside.Dialysis tube if protection well can be used for life.The type of peritoneal dialysis mode,The medical personnel according to the patient's condition/Way of life/Complete peritoneal dialysis operation ability and decide.Two kinds of peritoneal dialysis is continuing,That is every moment in the body of too much water and waste,This is similar to normal kidney.so,Patient's diet restrictions may not like blood dialysis so demanding.
