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雾霾比吸烟更易致癌 尽量不外出选口罩需谨慎--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


More recently appeared more serious fog haze weather,Cause the public to fog haze days did not affect their health high attention.Experts say,According to this year on January 1, the began to implement[Ambient air quality standard],When encounter severe contamination,Heart disease and symptoms in patients with lung disease can significantly increased,Movement of the tolerance will reduce,Healthy people in common adverse reactions.so,The necessary preventive measures must catch up with.


雾天比吸烟更易致癌 Fog than smoking are more likely to cause cancer


Fog haze of composition is very complicated,Including hundreds of atmospheric particulates.Which is harmful to human health are mainly diameter less than 10 micron aerosol particles,It can directly enter and adhesion in the human body in the upper and lower respiratory tract and lung lobe,Cause rhinitis/Conditions such as bronchitis,In the long run, this kind of environment also can cause lung cancer.


In addition to cancer,Fog or haze days heart killer.Some studies have suggested that,The air pollutants when increase,Cardiovascular patients increased mortality.Haze days of particle pollutants will not only cause myocardial infarction,Still can cause myocardial ischemia or damage.


Fog haze shrouded in low pressure,The air oxygen levels declined,Then easy to feel chest distress.Damp cold fog haze still can cause cold stimulation,Cause vasospasm/Blood pressure fluctuation/Cardiac load increase, etc.At the same time,Fog haze of some pathogens can lead to headaches,Even hypertension/Diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage.

  生活中牢记四个“尽量” Life remember four"As far as possible"

  尽量别外出 雾霾天应尽量减少外出,如需外出可戴棉质口罩来预防。外出归来及时清洗脸部及裸露皮肤,也可用清水冲洗鼻腔。

Try not to go out fog haze days should decrease as far as possible to go out,If you want to go out can wear cotton mask to prevent.Back out timely cleaning face and bare skin,Also can use water flushing nasal cavity.

  尽量别去人多地方 例如超市、商场,这些地方空气流通差,易造成呼吸系统疾病交叉感染

Try not to go to many places such as supermarkets/market,These places poor air circulation,Easy to cause respiratory disease cross infection

  开车时尽量别开窗 开车时尽量不要打开车窗,空调应用内循环。

As far as possible when driving don't open the window when driving try not to open the window,Air conditioning circulation within the application.

  尽量别晨练 雾霾天气晨练除了可导致呼吸系统疾病外,亦可导致心脑血管疾病。尤其冬季,天气寒冷可造成血管痉挛,出现血压升高、心绞痛。

Try not to do morning exercises fog haze weather do morning exercises besides can lead to respiratory system disease outside,Can also cause disease of heart head blood-vessel.Especially in winter,Cold weather can cause vasospasm,Appear raised blood pressure/Angina pectoris.

  选择口罩需因人而异 Choose mask should be vary from person to person


Continuous fog haze weather take fire masks sales.But choose what kind of mask,Still need because of the person/Because of the different purposes and.According to introducing,Masks have different models,Suitable for different users.If it is used to stop particulates enter human body,Disposable surgical mask can.Experts say,Surgical mask is aimed at more than PM3 particulates,For PM2.5 the following fine particulate effect may be a little smaller.And experts say,Even medical disposable respirator,To PM2.5 defense ability are limited,The fashion mask is more no matter used.

  合格的N95口罩防护口罩在防尘方面就专业得多了。有专家认为,大气中对人体健康威胁最大的颗粒物是直径为10微米以下的可吸入颗粒物(PM10),尤其是直径为2.5微米以下的可入肺颗粒物(PM2.5)。合格的N95口罩对于这种气溶胶的过滤率应在95%以上。所以,如果正确佩戴N95或级别更高的防尘口罩,即便空气质量指数(AQI)报告重度污染,外出的我们也能稍稍安心些。(钟 尧)

Qualified N95 respirator masks in dust in much more professional.Some experts think the,The atmosphere on human health is the biggest threat of particle diameter of 10 microns particulates(PM10 readings - which were taken),Especially the diameter 2.5 microns of particles into the lungs(PM2.5).Qualified N95 mask for this kind of aerosol filtration rate should be in more than 95%.so,If the right to wear N95 or level higher dust mask,Even if air quality index(AQI)Report severe pollution,We can also go out a little more at ease.(Clock yao)
