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中新网焉耆1月16日电 (余小疆 杨志荣 徐楠楠)“平时老人家在家闲不住,时常下地拔草、拾棉花,农忙时还做饭。”16日,百岁老人田秀莲见儿子张盘根跟记者聊天,便从沙发上站起身,给花浇水去了,又去厨房取出一把大葱,坐在炉子边剥起葱来,手脚娴熟。
Beijing yanqi on January 16 (Little more than XuNanNan YangZhiRong in xinjiang)"At ordinary times at home old'm restless,Often pull up weeds and/Pick up cotton,Rush when cooking."16,- year - old man TianXiuLian son saw a packing with reporters chat,He stood up from the sofa,Water the flowers to the,And went to the kitchen to take out a green Chinese onion,Sitting on the hearth peel the onion to,With hands and feet.
Four miles in yanqi county city son town gram pier village TianXiuLian centenarians,Just one hundred years old this year the whole,Body hale and hearty,Walk light,More let a person is to surprise,TianXiuLian old man living longer and young,Before his silvery white,In recent years some hair and slowly turned black.
"I have five granddaughters/A son and a great grandchild,The most happy thing is that they come back to see me,Accompany me to speak/chat."TianXiuLian told reporters,My granddaughter is too dirty,As soon as you come back to me and accompany me a chat.
Reporters from TianXiuLian old man out of the house and came to the seven star town 109 - year - old vomit and flood the old man's house,Into the gate,His only son born to him in his teeth shave,Daughter-in-law guli sweat is busy and do pull blade.Tooth unripe told reporters:"The old man never picky about food,Common home do eat??????."
"Pull up flood parents early death,Youth is the flock for others,Is eating party grew up,He is a man in love,A friend's house whose relatives have occasion,He will go to Chou Chou."Tooth unripe side to his father shave side chat with reporters,"Father's body is very good,Usually also not how to go to the hospital,If caught a cold,Take some hot soup rice,The sweating is good."
Tooth survive told reporters:"The old man is'm restless.Like to take a walk in the village,In the sun,No psychological burden,And the government every month send them living subsidies,They feel sureness/happiness.
In recent years,In order to let the old people in the old age life more security,At the age of the subsidy policy for:Every half an year is an issue,Whoever has the community census register,December 31st of the same year at least 80 years old(Including 80 years old)The old man can get.80 to 89 - year - old man,Monthly subsidy fifty yuan,Half a year allowance of 300 yuan;90 to 99 - year - old man,Monthly allowance of 120 yuan,Half a year allowance of 720 yuan;More than 100 - year - old old man,Monthly allowance of 200 yuan,Half a year allowance of 1200 yuan.
Hill has a tendency to one thousand trees,The rare centenarian.According to[The qualification for the 2012 - year - old counties in xinjiang information statistics]display,The general xinjiang Mongolian autonomous prefecture(Referred to as bazhou)A - year - old woman and man,The oldest old man is 113 years old.And in yanqi county has - year - old woman 7 people,The oldest 110 years old.
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