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重伤男子因没床位延误治疗身亡 家属获赔19万元--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
因没床位延误治疗男子身亡 家属获赔19万元 Because no beds delay treatment man died HuoPei family 190000 yuan
In 2010,,Live in jiaonan(Now huang dao the area,Similarly hereinafter)Zhang of the accident,Was sent to a local hospital,The patient was diagnosed as right femoral comminuted fracture,The doctor for its operation,But on the following day take a turn for the worse,Not get better after treatment,Hospital hospital treatment suggestion zhang,But in no contact in advance under the condition of receiving unit,Zhang in the delayed more than four hours,Some hospitals during to bed full strength shall not be treated.Finally zhang was sent to a hospital in Qingdao,The doctor rescue is still no save zhang's life.Family is very angry,Two hospitals to court,Claim a total of more than 570000 yuan,After the verdict/Second after mediation,Case party the dust settles.
事发:骨折导致肺栓塞 the:Fracture cause pulmonary embolism
Forties zhang 13 March 2010 go out fracture accident.Zhang's family members,In the afternoon the doctor to the injured area were fixed surgery,Surgery has been called zhang fracture site very ache.The second day zhang and looking for a doctor,Say the right lower limb severe pain,Numbness not,The doctor will do in the process.But at seven zhang pain up again,The doctor after consultation by ultrasonic tip,Zhang right lower limb has the possibility of thrombosis.And with the family after communication,Hospital suggest turn higher hospital for treatment.The hospital took out a description,The way to a hospital may appear embolic loss to pulmonary embolism/Cerebral embolism and serious complications,Appear cardiopulmonary arrest risk that the family members,Family members to agree and sign.
意外:转诊耗费4个小时 accident:Referral spend four hours
家属称,虽然同意转诊,可让他们意外的是,该医院并没有提前联系好接收医院,导致救护车从3月14日晚8时一直转到3月15日凌晨零时,期间救护车曾到过几家医院,但由于没有床位医院不予收治。最后张某被送往青岛市区一家医院,凌晨2时进入手术室治疗。 4时25分张某情况危险,医生为其注射药物并采取急救措施,一直抢救至6时20分仍没有恢复迹象,最后医生宣告张某死亡。病理报告显示,其肺动脉血栓栓塞。其家属认为,两家医院在对张某的诊疗过程中并没有采取积极抢救措施,延误了治疗时间,造成张某死亡,要求两家医院赔偿各项损失共计57万余元。
Family members,Although agree to referral,Can let them surprise,The hospital did not advance contact receiving hospital,Lead to an ambulance from March 14 late 8 has been turned to March 15 at zero hour,During the ambulance have been a few hospitals,But since there is no hospital beds were not.Finally zhang was taken to a hospital in Qingdao city,At 2 in the operating room treatment. 4 when 25 points zhang dangerous situation,The doctor for the injection drug and take emergency measures,Always save to 6 to points is still no sign of recovery,Finally the doctor declared zhang death.Pathology report,The pulmonary thromboembolism.Their families think,Two hospitals in the process of diagnosis and treatment of zhang took no active rescue measures,Delayed treatment time,Death caused by zhang,Two hospitals for compensation of the loss of more than 570000 yuan.
鉴定:医院确实存在疏忽 appraisal:Hospital exists negligence
In the case of two hospitals for medical accident appraisal,Court judicial authentication by Shanghai institute of science and technology, the judicial authentication center of the appraisal.
Appraisal agency said,Zhang direct cause of death is pulmonary embolism,Jiaonan the hospital existence fault.In addition, according to the relevant provisions of the state,Such as hospital patients unable to carry out effective when diagnosis and treatment,Can consider referral,But in advance to contact with the hospital,The consent of the agreed to a hospital.Jiaonan the hospital without contact proper circumstances will patients do referral treatment,Results after hospitals are for"No beds"And is not income,A certain extent delayed the treatment time.
Qingdao treated zhang hospital patients in hospital after the operation is timely,necessary,But he can't for pulmonary embolism take effective preventive measures,There is also a certain fault.
一审:家属获赔19万元 first:HuoPei family 190000 yuan
2012年8月,法院做出一审判决,胶南市某医院赔偿原告的各项经济损失15万余元,赔偿精神损害抚慰金1万元,青岛市某医院赔偿2.6万元,精神损害抚慰金5000元,共计约19万元。(青岛晚报 记者 雷林)
In August 2012,A court verdict,A hospital department for the plaintiff's various economic losses of more than 150000 yuan,Compensation for mental injury solatium is 10000 yuan,Qingdao a hospital pay 26000 yuan,Mental injury solatium is 5000 yuan,A total of about 190000 yuan.(Qingdao evening news reporter LeiLin)
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