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浙江器官捐献数量排全国第二 仍难满足移植需求--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  中新网杭州1月16日电 (记者 邵燕飞 实习生 谢盼盼)近日,浙江省温州市4岁男孩王志杰因为头部重伤脑死亡,其父母决定捐献孩子的肝脏、肾脏和眼角膜,而王志杰也成为浙江省第二位儿童器官捐献者。16日,记者从浙江省人体器官捐献办公室了解到,浙江人体器官捐献数量排全国第二,但在临床移植上,目前仍无法满足移植需求。

Beijing hangzhou on January 16 (ShaoYanFei intern reporter xie meaning)recently,Zhejiang wenzhou 4 years old boy wang zhijie because the head injury brain death,The parents decided to contribution the child's liver/Kidney and corneal,Zhejiang province wang zhijie and has become the second children organ donor.16,Reporters from zhejiang province human organ donation office to know,Zhejiang human organ donation amount the second row,But in the clinical transplantation,Still can't meet demand transplantation.


Media reports,Live in wenzhou wang zhijie because he fell down from the second floor,Head hit by.Heal invalid after,Wang zhijie parents made contributions to children all organs.The zhejiang province human organ donation office expert evaluation test,Small directly liver/Corneal and kidney which conform to the conditions of donation.


14,Small directly liver and kidney was overnight from wenzhou to hangzhou,Transplantation to two adults and one child.15,In wenzhou medical college affiliated eye optical hospital,Small directly donor cornea and successfully transplanted to a wenzhou cangnan female patients.


16,Reporters from zhejiang province human organ donation office staff CaoYanFang place to know,Zhejiang from August 2010 to carry out organ donation work,Wang zhijie is the first children's organ donor,Zhejiang province is the second child organ donor.


CaoYanFang told reporters,The first case of zhejiang province children organ donor is a from zhejiang jinhua 10 years old boy,Wang zhijie is also with head injury,Healing after invalid donated liver/Kidney and corneal.


It is reported,So far,Zhejiang province has been accepted for 76 cases of organ donation surgery,Life more than 200 lives.CaoYanFang said,Human organ donation or in the young and middle-aged primarily,The proportion of zhejiang all organ donation of about 67%,Like small directly such minor organ donation number has accounted for about 17%.


Zhejiang province human organ donation data display,Zhejiang each year of human organ donation quantity is the multiple times increase,In August 2010 to carry out gifts to the end of the year work to realize contributions in 2 cases,In 2011, 13 cases contributions,In 2012, 57 cases of donation,Since 2013 the contribution today realize 4 cases.


As of December 31, 2012,The organ donation data display,A total of 584 cases of realize the donation,The 72 cases of zhejiang province,Is the second organ donation provinces.Gifts data are highest in 161 cases of guangdong province.


In the big organ donation in,In the human body organ donation of kidney is larger,About 67% of the kidney,Liver about 31%.


Zhejiang province human organ donation deputy director of the office of the JiYunSong said,Although in recent years,Human organ donation cause of zhejiang province has made great progress,But still can't meet the demand of clinical organ transplantation.At present the human organ transplant is most lacking in the liver and kidney.


News from zhejiang university medical school first affiliated hospital liver transplant center to know,The hospital every day average 30 patients waiting for liver transplantation,Of donor liver demand is very big.


Zhejiang university medical school first affiliated hospital kidney disease, deputy director of the center WuJianYong told reporters,At present ZheYi hospital and 1500 patients in the waiting for kidney transplantation,And ZheYi hospital 2012 kidney transplant has done only 263 cases,Renal transplantation needs very urgent.


JiYunSong think,In the human body organ donation related regulations on,Zhejiang province human organ donation office also continuously push forward the perfect,Will further encourage the public to participate in the guide to the public welfare undertakings to.Such as,Set up the recall of donor memorial places,Some change the social ideas,Let the human body organ donor get more respect and admiration.(finish)
