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Foshan civilian battalion hospital set up for ten years,Foshan public and private hospital contact for ten years.


Ten years,Almost every private hospital in the citizens have their own understanding,Memory carries on private hospital dribs and drabs,Whether question or trust,Whether it is reasonable or prejudice,undeniable,Civilian battalion hospital have already walked into the life of the foshan residents,however,Southern daily reporter to the deepening of the foshan residents survey found,Most of the people is to civilian battalion hospital is mark"By spectrum"!With such a variety of doubt and worry,Civilian battalion hospital how to really approached foshan citizens?

  ●第一印象不靠谱的广告 First impression - without spectrum of advertising!


Whether street newspapers,Or narrow alleys metope publicity language,Or on the telephone pole"A small patch",Civilian battalion hospital advertising penetration in foshan residents of life in the middle.These many advertising is many people know the city is located in the edge of the civilian battalion hospital first window,Formed for private hospital"The first impression".


On January 12, in the morning,Live in chancheng district of ms. Chen with 3 years old baby to foshan a hospital to see a cold.Although big long queues nearly an hour,Although the doctor time only a few minutes,She still felt gratified;Although from home to the city by a hospital takes half an hour,And walk 10 minutes to the hospital wing,She still firm chose public hospital.


"You see,Male is not gynecological!"Pointing to a private hospital staff with the streets by advertising,Ms. Chen straight shook his head,"Very by spectrum,Influence of the children well."


In a series of treatment of sterility/All kinds of venereal advertising under the bombing,Civilian battalion hospital become many people heart treatment all kinds of gynecology/Adult skin disease of specialized hospital,Of course it is impossible to make people close to.


"This kind of advertising occupy the civilian battalion hospital propaganda content of eighty percent,The first impression did not set up good."Foshan health xiang hospital WaiXuan coco long Lin introduced new town,Early foshan civilian battalion hospital in pursuit of short-term profit,Positioning direction do wrong,Especially some exaggerated propaganda/Excessive packaging propaganda,More disturbed the private medical market development.


It is understood,2006 years ago,Foshan greatly small private hospital take propaganda strategy is first of all kinds of advertisement publicity through out open awareness,The patient after is attracted,Failed to achieve desired therapeutic effect,disappointment,From now on psychological have the hospital being questioned,And this kind of question because of halo effect,Will directly affect the civilian battalion hospital.


State food and drug administration, statistics show,2012 years ago the stage 3 provinces(area/city)food/Drug regulators were reported at the same level and to the administrative department for industry and commerce on the illegal drug advertisements 135735 times,Involved in illegal advertisement products take 252 times suspended sales/Corrective measures within a prescribed time limit.


"Country to illegal medical advertisement have been investigated and severely.Since 2006,Press and publication administration and state administration for industry and commerce has issued an emergency notice it,To include venereal disease/Cancer and abortion of advertising, etc,All the magazines and TV are not allowed to published.Is mainly in view of the private medical institutions advertising chaos phenomenon."Foshan health related staff talked about,In recent years,Foshan health bureau to this kind of advertising and increase the strength,Compared to four or five years ago,Situation has improved.

  ●二见印象医疗事故曝光多发地 - two see impression medical accident nonimmune exposure


About the therapeutic level,Civilian battalion hospital for the public to talk about the most,Not medical skills of the famous doctor,Not advanced treatment instrument,Is not advanced treatment concept,But by the media exposure of a series of medical accident.


"Media exposure of medical accident,Seven chengdu happened in private hospitals."Foshan health xiang hospital WaiXuan coco long Lin introduced new town,In all kinds of media exposure of medical accident,Civilian battalion hospital became the worst-hit areas.


"In fact,Just for medical accident,Whether public hospitals or civilian battalion hospital has occurring in every year,Due to the volume of civilian battalion hospital than public hospital a lot less,Medical accidents in the absolute number of private and less,Just because the media often exposure,Civilian battalion hospital to the public left quite profound negative impression."Foshan civilian battalion hospital association LongXiangYu is introduced,In recent years,Civilian battalion hospital management more and more normative,Medical accident probability is greatly reduced,But as long as there is medical accident exposure is usually private hospital,The public trust of civilian battalion hospital because the exposure of medical accident is more and more intense,Even some advantage of private hospitals,The public is not willing to come.


In the big drain work to wang wife pregnant last year production experience,Was also.


"My wife was going to go to a private hospital of department of gynaecology production,The main is that private hospital is closer to home,Cost is cheaper also."Wang took out the civilian battalion hospital outpatient service record,"Had no think private hospitals have how old is not good".


But his wife two days before production,I read in the newspaper about a private hospital gynecological medical accident reports,Surprised out in a cold sweat,"Say what,She do not want to go to a private hospital",Wang introduced,His wife prenatal stress,Amniotic fluid is broken,When the situation is very critical,But his wife still insist on to go to the city a hospital awaiting delivery,"Because not reserve beds,Almost live in,But the newspaper that shenzhen medical accident reports to our shadow is too big,For the life of the things we have to care."


Wang also has many of the workers from civilian battalion hospital to go to public hospital similar experience,"Even if we inductrial injury insurance and some civilian battalion hospital orthopedic hospital hook,But there are still many people to go to the big public hospital".


This may and civilian battalion hospital management level/The ability to withstand risks and public relations capacity relative public hospital the poor.Many medical accident,Civilian battalion hospital may not need to take much responsibility,But they are better than the general public hospital more afraid of medical arbitration/Medical lawsuit,After all, civilian battalion hospital reputation/Strength is far inferior to public hospital,Once the dispute start,Private hospitals will account for general lee.Many medical disputes as a result,Civilian battalion hospital won the lawsuit,Lost reputation,Some even closed the certificate.Foshan lawyers association staff about medical accident dispute for civilian battalion hospital blow,Think it and civilian battalion hospital don't pay attention to build good public praise,For good public opinion environment related.

  ●再见印象冰火两重天就医体验 - bye impression between ice hot medical treatment experience


Compared to wander in the civilian battalion hospital patients at the door,In the civilian battalion hospital through treatment of the patients to civilian battalion hospital service has a deeper understanding.


In 2010,,Foshan kai tak hospital once bustling,In living near zhang also to check once intestines and stomach."The nurses wore pretty uniform,System with‘Welcome to’lined",For every coming patients,They are smiling,Provide very good service,The old man action inconvenience and special person transfers,"When I told them the impression is very good,Feel service attitude is really good."


But in 2011,Zhang kai tak again came to the hospital,In the service hall for ten minutes also have no a staff to guide.Appeared in"A cold cost 3000 yuan"Excessive medical treatment after the event,Kai tak hospital swing left out a lot,Staff service attitude is not before the enthusiasm.


But this is not completely let zhang chill,In his view,The final quality of service should be reflected in the doctor's treatment and level.But after an operation take out stitches experience,Let he finally to civilian battalion hospital, the cold heart.


"Before and after the service attitude,Difference is too big,Now civilian battalion hospital in my heart image basically into the negative."Xiao zhang is introduced,Since his experience was side after the relatives and friends know,You are no longer choose private hospital.


Service attitude is the soft power of the hospital,Interview a lot of people think that lead to civilian battalion hospital service quality is the main reason of the civilian battalion hospital too pay attention to short-term benefits,Hope that in one or two years to recover the investment cost,To provide better service to the early,Trying to attract patients,Along with the performance decline,Also too busy service attitude,In the final analysis or because too by the.


According to a set of foshan health statistics,Last year in medical dispute complaint cases,Lead to medical disputes have various factors,But to a party for medical behavior and treatment effect in the majority of the complaint.In 201 cases of medical behavior/Informed consent is not implement or can't explain/Not satisfied with the service attitude and case complaints occupy fifty percent.Foshan health related working personnel to explain,These are not satisfied with the conditions include excessive medical treatment/Ailment great order,Even JiaShouShu events.

  -相关 - related

  市民“就医心理说” citizens"Psychological doctor said"


Along with the economic and social development,People's medical and health care in a constantly changing concept,Medical process,Gradually formed some common"Medical psychology",These medical psychology directly affects the hospital,Especially the development of private hospitals.

  心理1:爱扎堆 Psychological 1:Love gathers together


Size disease toghter gathers together public hospitals,A lot of people is a kind of typical medical psychology.


And this kind of psychological cause is the direct result of,Whether the cold has a fever or surgery,Many people are willing to to public hospitals long queues,Which leads to large hospital beds turnover difficult,It is difficult to find a bed,And civilian battalion hospital outpatient rate and hospitalization rate is low,Beds vacant.


In the third quarter in 2012 in foshan straight hospital medical service integrated information statistics show,Including a city hospital/City hospital of traditional Chinese medicine/City two hospital/City three hospital/City four hospital/City five hospital/City maternal and child care service centre and city stomatological hospital, foshan key large hospital discharge number has been high,In July of 19138 people,In August of 19875 people,In September of 19271 people.


Foshan city health bureau introduced related staff,The data up there has been an increase in the last year,Go to large hospital to grow the number.


"People see a doctor should act according to actual circumstances,Whether a serious illness/Ailment want to go to large hospital psychological not only to increase the patient a doctor's waiting time,Also give big hospitals caused trouble,Also caused the private medical institutions of the waste of resources."Foshan health bureau deputy director TanGuangMing Suggestions.

  心理2:医院不能死人 Psychological 2:Hospitals are not dead


Hospital is the place to make,In the majority of citizens in the heart,If a death case,So the hospital and medical skill not jing will hang equals sign.


"Most people heart there is the idea,But no according to specific analysis",Foshan zhongshan hospital in clinic LiuJiPeng is introduced,Many people come to a house before hospital may have in many hospitals,Various hospitals take different treatment methods,The patient's condition is also different,If blood loss too much,It is possible to just entered the hospital,Haven't surgery seat died.And this kind of circumstance,The patient's family will directly blame hospital,The hospital is helpless.And this kind of case spread more long,For hospital credit loss is very big also.

  佛山市第一医院副院长谭伟棠认为,一个真正负责任的医生是不会轻易下保证,一种病情百分百医治成功的概率是几乎不存在的。徐佳佳 吴晓芳

Foshan first vice President of the hospital TanWeiTang think,A real responsible doctor is not easily guarantee,A kind of illness heal successful probability is almost not exist.XuJiaJia WuXiaoFang
