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  中新网1月18日电 据卫生部网站消息,卫生部日前发布了2012年第四季度全国食物中毒事件情况的通报。通报指出,春节临近,各种形式的聚餐活动增多,食物中毒发生几率加大,要加强食物中毒的风险评估和主动预防工作。

Beijing January and, according to the ministry of health news website,Ministry of health has issued the fourth quarter of 2012 national food poisoning events of the bulletin.Report points out that,The Spring Festival is near,Various forms of dinner activities increased,Food poisoning increased risk,To strengthen the food poisoning risk assessment and active prevention work.


The fourth quarter of 2012,The ministry of health through the public health emergencies network straight news groups in all received the national food poisoning kind of emergent public health events(Hereinafter referred to as "food poisoning events)The report and the,Poisoning 1225 people,The death 53 people.Compared with the same period in 2011,Report to reduce 13.0% occur,The number of poisoning reduced by 34.7%,The death toll increased by 71.0%.

  报告指出,第四季度, 有毒动植物及毒蘑菇引起的食物中毒事件的报告起数和死亡人数最多,分别占总报告起数和死亡人数的50.0%和75.5%;微生物性食物中毒事件的中毒人数最多,占总中毒人数57.1%。 发生在家庭的食物中毒事件的报告起数、中毒人数和死亡人数均最多,分别占总报告起数、中毒人数和死亡人数的67.5%、49.4%和96.2%。学生食物中毒事件6起,中毒309人,无死亡;均发生于学校集体食堂。

The report says,The fourth quarter, Poisonous plants and animals and poisonous mushroom cause of food poisoning events occur and report the most deaths,About of the total respectively report occur and deaths of 50.0% and 75.5%;Microorganisms food poisoning events of the largest number of poisoning,57.1% of the total number of poisoning. Happened in the family of food poisoning events occur when the report/The number of poisoning and death toll are the most,Total occur respectively report/The number of poisoning and 67.5% of all deaths/49.4% and 96.2%.Students with food poisoning and up,Poisoning 309 people,No death;All the school collective happened dining room.


The report says,Poisonous plants and animals and poisonous mushroom cause of food poisoning incidents occur when the report and the death toll at most,Food poisoning events is the main cause of death,The main factors including poisonous mushroom poisoning/Fugu toxin/Not cooked green beans/herbs/Tung oil fruit/Hook kiss, etc,Chemical food poisoning events of the main factors for nitrite poisoning/Butyl sulphur phosphorous,/Tetramine and methanol.


The report stressed,The Spring Festival is near,Various forms of dinner activities increased,Food poisoning increased risk.All health departments should do during the festival in advance of the food safety risk assessment,It places emphasis/Part of the/Key crowd of food poisoning prevention work to the relevant regulatory authorities put forward Suggestions.The medical and health institutions at various levels to strengthen emergency watching,Do emergency preparation,Earnestly food poisoning event information report/Medical treatment and epidemiological investigation, etc.


The report calls for,According to the health department around this area actual situation,Establish food poisoning event risk assessment mechanism,Combined with food poisoning happens seasonal/regional/Main poisoning factors and other features,Regular or irregular to develop analysis evaluation,Released to the public in time to prevent food poisoning of targeted health message,And doing well the prevention knowledge propaganda and health education.At the same time,To strengthen basic medical institutions of medical personnel training,Improve food poisoning diagnosis and treatment level,Reduce the fatality rate of food poisoning patients.
