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独子因车祸深度昏迷 父亲决定无偿捐赠其器官--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


On January 16,,ZiYangOu yiyang city changchun town bamboo home village before Chen shou,To make the life the most important/The most painful decision, there will be no treatment hope only child ChenJiaYu organs donated,Let the child's life in the other person's body has continued.


遭遇车祸,20岁小伙救治无望 Car accident,Twenty years old boy treatment of hopelessness


1 October, late 7 PM,Yiyang Minneapolis water international water will hotel staff/Twenty years old young man ChenJiaYu,In yiyang city KangFu south road FuZhongFu sections in a motorcycle crash,The craniocerebral injury,The third yiyang city people's hospital eighteen hours without get better,In 11, turn to the center of yiyang city hospital.


The ChenJiaYu,Already in a deep coma.The CT inspection,Find the right frontal and temporal top epidural hematoma,The central hospital of yiyang city immediately to the operation of the hematoma.the,ChenJiaYu pushed to severe medicine.The next,ChenJiaYu began to struggle with death.A wall outside relatives,pain/Suffering the,Pray miracle.


however,From 11 to 15,Almost one day a dying notice.The family had a premonition that bad.The doctor said,ChenJiaYu survive are slim.


A few days after,ChenJiaYu has been in a period of cerebral edema,Condition is getting worse.15 3 when,The spontaneous breathing stops,Rely on breathing machine and drug keep the flame of life.The doctor analysis,The survival probability to zero.


ChenJiaYu home is very poor,Just borrow cover the bridal chamber,There is no money for delivery operation.Hit and party is also poor families,Up and down only sent 13000 yuan medical treatment.Engaged in to 16,,ChenJiaYu medical fee as high as ten thousand yuan of seven or eight onwards,The money is all the relatives and friends gather together.


父亲决定,无偿捐赠儿子器官 The father decided to,Voluntary donation son organ


Early January 16,,After a night of thinking,ChenJiaYu father Chen shou, first make a painful decision:Voluntary donation son's organs.


Decided to a,In some places are shocked,Admire a,There is concern that the,More is moved.


Chen shou, first a real farmers,Bumpy life.Several years ago,His house for others,Roof collapsing,He was cast into a serious injury.In 2008,,He gave a car accident,hand/Head hit by,Broke three ribs,Lose labor ability.In 2010,,Naturally the upright he,To others for mediation disputes,Chaos in the head was cut into serious injury...But life misfortune/Family poor,And don't let the finest man yield,He is still optimistic,Still helpful.


But this time,He cried.At 5 PM every day four,Under the cover of all trapped fell asleep,He quietly run to a corner,Big smoke/Silent tears - this is his only son,So young,And very sensible."Loathe to give up the,The more I cannot let the son so silently walk.Maybe others think I cruel,Even some people will say that I sell son organ,But no matter what others say/How to see,I am from death through several trips to the edge of the people,Life feeling more.Other people's life is life,Can save a is a."Chen shou first SOB to loved ones/Neighbor said.then,He went to the relevant departments to deal with the formalities of organ donation.


将“生命礼物”献给最需要的人 will"Life presents"To the people who need it the most


Chen shou's first decide contribution son after organ,Relatives and friends deeper into the grief.They not only the first old Chen shou, admire,And to ChenJiaYu will depart be reluctant to part with.As for the final point of mind,ChenJiaYu 13 hall cousin pool 1000 multivariate money,ChenJiaYu to buy a new dress."Better yu never through what good clothes."ChenJiaYu cousin ChenJiaBen moaning sigh a way.

  1月18日,记者从益阳市中心医院获悉,17日凌晨1时许,陈佳宇被推出重症监护室,到手术室进行了捐献手术,捐出一肝、两肾。“我要将儿子的这份‘生命礼物’,无偿献给最需要的人。希望儿子的在天之灵也感到欣慰。”陈寿先说。(三湘都市报 郭云飞)

1 month and day,Reporters from the central hospital of yiyang city,17, at about 1 am,ChenJiaYu is introduced in medicine,The contribution to the operating room operation,Donated a liver/Two kidney."I will the son‘Life presents’,Free to the people who need it the most.Hope the son also feel gratified."Chen shou say first.(GuoYunFei sanxiang urban paper)
