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逾八成受访者工作后体重增加 建议预防“过劳肥”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
nowadays,many"Office worker"Have such experience:Everyday from early favour to night,'m dead-beat,This thought will be thin,Results the weight but soared.Because of the working pressure/Irregular diet/Often stay up late and other reasons,Some work busy people but more and more fat,This phenomenon has been called"Overfatigue fat".
recently,The China youth daily social survey center through the sohu network and public opinion China of 2848 people of a survey,62.0% of the people the truth there are a lot of people"Overfatigue fat",19.8% of the people think"Very much".75.7% of the people think,"Long time to sit with her work,Lack of exercise"Is lead to"Overfatigue fat"The leading cause of.
respondents,After 70 39.9%,80 accounted for 35.0%,After 90 3.6%.
84.8%的人参加工作后体重增加 84.8% of the people after working weight gain
Investigation shows that,84.8% of respondents said after work to gain weight,33.2% of the people gain weight to overweight.
Mr. Wood in gansu province of grass-roots civil servants,Although the feeling is very busy every day very worried,But more and more fat,The body also is worse and worse."Since joining the work,Long-term irregular diet.Because his family from unit far,At half past six every morning to start work,Breakfast naturally jumped over the.Usually I often go to the countryside,At noon on right in,Lunch is towing a dinner.Hungry belly a day,As the evening dinner party,It is easy to eat and drink too much."He said,Due to the grass-roots work strong maneuverability/pressure,And his colleagues there similar.
Zhejiang's secondary Sir Also have the same feeling,Because the material supply department,Always not to eat drink business partners,Often on the wine table is all some high quantity of heat food,Very easy to add fertilizer."No dinner party,Will one day sit in front of the computer work eight hours.I now weekly exercise three or four times a year,Weight is on the rise."
What is causing the workplace people"Overfatigue fat"?Investigation shows that,"Long time to sit with her work,Lack of exercise"Row at the top of,75.7% of people choose this,The second is"Job is busy,Irregular diet"(61.7%),The third is"Every day is very tired,Don't have the energy and time movement"(55.9%).then:"More entertainment,Easy to eat and drink too much"(53.9%),"Time nervous,Lack of sleep"(49.9%),"Psychological pressure,Through the eat to decompression"(39.6%)etc.
"pressure/Lack of sleep lead to obesity,Is mainly due to the hypothalamus function in disorder."Shanghai shuguang hospital endocrinology chief physician ZhouLiGang told reporters,Long time stress can cause hypothalamus and brain almond tree leaves management sleep and emotional neurons work abnormal,Making management diet balance of neurons,Cause appetite change.So some people especially women,The more the pressure, the more you want,Finally to absorb overmuch quantity of heat.In addition,Hypothalamic function disorder,Still can cause human hormone level changes,That man is easy to become fat.
73.7%的人建议形成良好生活习惯以预防“过劳肥” 73.7% of the people suggest to form good habits to prevent"Overfatigue fat"
"Now many young people always think you in good health,Minor illness pain can't inspire their crisis."In ji Lin hospital ms. Zhang said,Her lover is"Overfatigue fat"A member of the team."Although have been hurried him movement,But he is not a day or two at most insist on the below.According to this kind of situation develop,And he is a few bigger,The body will be a big problem."Ms. Zhang said concerns.
调查中,93.3%的人认为 “过劳肥”的危害大,其中60.7%的人认为危害非常大。
In the investigation,93.3% of the people think "Overfatigue fat"Harm big,60.7% of the people think that harm is very big.
"Obesity can cause type 2 diabetes,And myocardial ischemia/Myocardial infarction/Cerebral thrombosis/Hypertension disease of heart head blood-vessel."ZhouLiGang said,Obesity caused by the disease referred to"Metabolic syndrome",According to the different genes,For the performance of the different organs damage."Overweight if often feel tired/weak/Insomnia and,Need to go to a hospital checking as soon as possible."He reminded,General medical for 35 years being overweight or obese people is not enough,They should go to endocrinology for professional inspection,Prompt understanding his physical condition.
"Our age,Not only should busy at work,Even in the face of the parents endowment/Their children to school, etc. Various kinds of family pressure,Is afraid that the oneself have a serious illness."Mr. Wood told reporters,Not long ago,He found himself in hospital blood fat and blood pressure tends to,It makes him more worried about your body.
To prevent and reduce the workplace"Overfatigue fat",Respondents gives the Suggestions below:"Insist to take exercise,Form good habits"(73.7%),"Scientific arrangement work and rest,As far as possible to stay up late"(62.4%),"Food law,Eat less snacks and food taken late at night"(57.1%)etc.
55.7% said enterprises should pay attention to employee health of body and mind,Give employees the pressure and the tasks to be moderate;54.5% of the people hope enterprise try to create conditions,Let the staff more than the movement and relax.
A public opinion China netizen called for,Conditional units to establish staff canteen,Provide low oil low salt health working lunch,At the same time many organization staff doing outdoor activities,And the establishment of counseling,In order to promote physical and mental health of employees.
周里钢建议,已经超重或肥胖的人要在饮食上加以控制,注意选取含高纤维素、适量蛋白质、少淀粉、低脂肪的食物。同时他建议,人们多参加群体性活动。“对于一些想通过运动减肥的人来说,长期坚持很不容易。如果和朋友、亲人一起进行,就可以让运动会变得愉快一些,并有利于保持好心情。”本报记者 周易
ZhouLiGang Suggestions,Have overweight or obese people on food to control,Pay attention to selection contains high cellulose/Moderate protein/Less starch/Low fat diet.At the same time he suggested,People to take part in group activities."For some think through the motion to reduce weight of people,It's not easy to insist for a long time.If and friends/Together with loved ones,Can let the games become happy some,And to keep a good mood."Our reporter book
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