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  “今年,基本药物要正式进入辽宁的三甲医院,而且三甲医院对于基本药物的使用 率要 达到25-30%。”昨日,在政协辽宁省第十一届委员会第一次会议上,辽宁省政协委员、省卫生厅厅长王大南在接受记者专访时如是说。基本药物在辽宁基层医院使用的这两年,给百姓省下了100个亿的药费支出。待基本药物走进三甲医院,更会对缓解百姓看病贵问题起到积极作用。

"This year,Essential drugs to formally enter the liaoning province 3 armour hospital,And 3 armour hospital for basic drug use rate to reach 25-30%."yesterday,The Chinese people's political consultative committee of the 11th in liaoning province first meeting,Liaoning province political consultative conference (CPPCC)/Provincial health department director WangDaNa when accepting a reporter to interview said.Basic drugs in liaoning basic-level hospitals use these two years,To the people saved 100 medicine expenditure.To essential drugs into the hospital,More people to alleviate the doctor your questions have a positive effect.


可更好缓解看病贵问题 Can better ease the doctor your problem


Basic drugs in liaoning use time for two years,But only limited to use in basic-level hospitals.WangDaNa said,This year will be formally introduced basic drugs to 3 armour hospital.Let the high ratio of essential drugs,Benefit more people.


Popularly say,Essential drugs is relatively cheap and fine five.Zero spread sales is essential drugs system in the process of implementation of the important link.that,In the primary care unit the sales of essential drugs,Without any intermediate tariffs,Direct purchase price to sell to the people,This can let the victim to save a lot of medicine expenditure.


The reporter understands,According to the current[National essential drugs list(Basic medical and health institutions with the use of)](2009 edition),Liaoning basic medical and health institutions can be equipped with basic drugs on a total of 307 varieties.Liaoning province and in 307 countries on the basis of basic drugs,New supplement 212 kind of essential drugs for people choose when go to a doctor.that,Liaoning residents to grassroots medical establishment go to a doctor,A total of 519 kinds of zero price difference can choose the basic drugs"This year,Essential drugs will be in liaoning grassroots medical institutions on the basis of comprehensive use,Into the big hospitals."WangDaNa said,3 armour hospital for basic drug utilization rate to reach 25% 30%,The control of hospital medicine,Curb excessive medical treatment can have better effect.At the same time,Also can better ease your problem people to see a doctor.


 基本药物将增至500种 Basic drugs will be increased to 500


In addition WangDaNa also revealed,New national essential drugs list in the first half of this year will be issued.the,Catalogue of drug types will be from the current 307 increase to 500,Can give patients to provide more affordable medicines."The new national essential drugs list,Covers more drug types,Also more suitable for city use big hospitals."WangDaNa to press for example,Antibiotics such as this one,The new national essential drugs list contains forty kinds of antibiotics,And the big city hospital use of antibiotics will probably need only fifty kinds of.Can say,After the supplement of the national essential drugs list contains drugs,Better able to meet the needs of the large hospital.At the same time,Zero spread also can let people save a lot of cost.As for the use of the new national essential drugs list later,Liaoning is still will continue to supplement the basic types of drugs,WangDaNa said,Even on a case-by-case basis.


 两年给百姓省了100亿 Two years to save 10 billion people


WangDaNa introduced,Basic drug use so far,To liaoning people saved 100 spending,Easing citizens the doctor your problem.At the same time,The general public also saw in the basic medical institutions the doctor prescribe both cheap and almost don't have to queue advantage,The ailment little pain,Also no longer gathers together go to large hospital.Data display,Since the implementation of essential drugs system,Grassroots medical institutions according to the patient group increased by 80% than before.At the same time,Liaoning's basic medical institutions layout also has the certain scale,Has initially formed when go to a doctor 15 minutes walk.


meanwhile,WangDaNa told reporters,Although grassroots medical institutions of the patients group increased a lot,But the absolute number of patients is still not much.The next step will be supporting grassroots medical institutions to make special advantage,Let the health resources can be fully used.


 改革22个县级公立医院 22 public hospital reform at or above the county level


At present,Liaoning at or above the county level of the public hospital reform is of implementation,Last year there were 11 counties(city)As the first public hospital at or above the county level of the pilot,Began to test the waters public hospital reform.WangDaNa said,Liaoning with a total of 44 a public hospital at or above the county level,This year also will expand the scope of public hospital at or above the county level,The pilot will be expanded to 50%.that,Before the end of this year,There will be 22 public hospital reform began at or above the county level.And the hospital reform,For the reform of the big city hospital experience.


WangDaNa also introduces,This year at or above the county level in the hospital,Essential drugs to the utilization rate of 40%.


 今年启动“医联体”试点 Starting this year"Medical conjoined"pilot

  百姓常说看病难、看病贵,其实,这与医疗资源的不平均有关。王大南介绍,卫生资源不足,主要指的是优质资源不足。其实从辽宁的情况看,每千人的床位数等指标来衡量,辽宁的卫生资源还算比较好。现在的问题就是,如何让这些资源得到合理的使用。“今年要启动‘医联体’试点工作。让辽宁省里最好的医疗资源,下沉到社区医院、县级医院。”王大南说,我们倡导分级治疗,是什么样的病,就到哪一级别的医院去就医。这样基层医院的资源能够被激活,能得到更充分的利用。大医院也能腾出精力,专攻疑难重症。( 时代商报记者李越 )

People often say that see a doctor difficult/The doctor your,In fact,The medical resources and not the average.WangDaNa introduced,Health resources,Refers to the high quality resources.But from the view of liaoning province,Every one thousand people such as bedspace indicators to measure,Liaoning health resources will be better.The question now is,How to make these resources get reasonable use."To start this year‘Medical conjoined’Pilot work.Make the best of liaoning province medical resources,Sinking to the community hospital/Hospital at or above the county level."WangDaNa said,We advocate classification treatment,What kind of disease,Went to the level to which the other hospital to go to a doctor.This grassroots hospital resources can be activated,Can get more fully utilized.Big hospitals can make energy,Specialize in difficult severe.( Age commercial daily reporter li more )
