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山东叫停“以药补医”反应不一 有患者费用反升--亲稳网络舆情监测室


On January 23,,The reporter comes to public hospital reform pilot units at or above the county level(shandong)Zoucheng city people's hospital,Outpatient service hall with patients in an endless stream,Outpatient service registration office also queue forme.Since last October 1 cancelled since drug addition,The hospital MenZhenLiang 1200 people a day on average,Compared with the same period last year,Increased by 25.96%,meanwhile,The third hospital than the same period last year increased by 16.2%.


According to the requirement of reform of public hospitals,January 1,,Zoucheng maternal and child care service centre/Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine/First aid center at or above the county level three hospital also began to medical reform,To improve the medical service cost,To make up for the drug zero spread sales and reduced 80% of reasonable income.The move,The hospital and patient have different reactions.


综合性医院 Comprehensive hospital


信心十足 confident


Since last October 1,Zoucheng city people's hospital drugs all a zero rate sales,Essential drugs use proportion is 80.7%,Accounted for 36.6% of total sales.On January 1st,Zoucheng maternal and child care service centre/Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine/First aid center also to implement the drug zero spread sales.Public hospital compensation by the service charge/Drug addition income and government subsidies three channels,To service charges and the government subsidies two channels.


Zoucheng city people's hospital according to the implementation of essential drugs system since the data statistics,In October 2011 - December,Per capita outpatient service cost is 242.32 yuan,The same period last year is 222.17 yuan,The average per capita medical cost reduced to 20.15 yuan;The average cost in hospital in October 2011 - December is 5974.95 yuan,The same period last year is 5155.26 yuan,Per capita hospitalization cost reduce 819.69 yuan.


Can say,Cancel to medicine for medical,People enjoy the reform brings benefits;At the same time,To improve medical service price,Also let in zoucheng city people's hospital and general hospital to reduce the rationality of the obtained income compensation.


Implement drug zero rate after sales,The original drug sales revenue of the reasonable price for the hospital to reduce part of the reasonable income,That is the amount of compensation should be.Last December 29,,Jining city bureau of commodity price/health/People club bureau issued[About at or above the county level in zoucheng city public hospital comprehensive reform pilot medicine price adjustment scheme opinion].20% of the total amount of compensation by the government financial compensation,80% through the adjustment to improve medical service price compensation,Improve the medical service price project made outpatient service fee/Hospital inspecting fee/nurse/Hospital operation,The amount of compensation shall be accounted for the proportion of 15%, respectively/30%/25%/30%.


According to introducing,In 2011,,Zoucheng city people's hospital drug purchase amount for 81.44 million yuan,Reasonable price differentials for 12.35 million yuan,Price adjustment should share amount is about 9.88 million yuan,The government should take amount is 2.47 million yuan,According to the calculation,After adjusting the amount of compensation for the actual price is 9.92 million yuan,Compared to the amount of compensation should be a surplus.This also let in zoucheng city people's hospital director liu meter mountain is a bottom spirit that,Continue to deepen the reform"confident".

  中医院 Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine

  入不敷出 Cannot make ends meet


Zoucheng city people's hospital operating room charge nurse WuLin said,Hospital operation in current standard basis after increased 25%,Do before a appendicitis operation need operation fee is 1000 yuan,Is now need 1250 yuan.Due to the operating room is very busy work,About to do every day more than 30 cases of surgery,The price and operation,To reduce hospital reasonable income, can be a big compensation.


And different comprehensive hospital,The hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in zoucheng city LiuKaiJun but no price to behave very optimistic,Because the measure and not really"ease"Cancel the drug addition to bring hospital of traditional Chinese medicine"damage".


LiuKaiJun introduced,To the traditional Chinese medicine for medical institutions,Itself foundation is weak,The main source of income for hospital of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment technology and Chinese medicine yinpian, etc,Compared to general hospital surgery a much smaller proportion.Cancel to medicine for medical,Even improve the medical service cost,Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine is still"Cannot make ends meet".


2011 in zoucheng city hospital of traditional Chinese medicine operating status display,The hospital drug purchase amount for 17.22 million yuan,According to the calculation,Reasonable price differentials for 2.69 million yuan,The government should take 540000 yuan,Price adjustment should share amount is 2.15 million yuan.But according to the pilot medicine price adjustment scheme,After the price adjustment of the actual amount of compensation is only 1.665 million yuan,There are 485000 yuan of gap.According to last year's operating status,Gap will reach 700000 yuan.


LiuKaiJun think,In recent years has been advocated to develop appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine,But changes in hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, is undoubtedly a blow.this,Jining city health bureau deputy director ZhangZuoHui said,Price adjustment has just started,Such new problems/The new situation,Then according to the actual situation to make adjustment.


In addition,One of the pilot counties MenShangXian has yet to improve medical service price,Because MenShangXian operation is put forward according to the proportion of the original price 20% raise prices,And at or above the county level in zoucheng city public hospital executive standard differ."We hope to make the unified standard,If the whole jining prices are not unified,Certainly will cause a lot of unnecessary conflict."ZhangZuoHui said.

  少数患者 A few patients

  费用不降反升 Cost don't drop back up


The reporter understands,The medical service price adjustment in the outpatient service people/Hospital people/Open bedspace/The medical service income and data,According to 2011 data of the measurement.Drug reasonable price with 2011 annual drug purchase price as the foundation,Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine paramagnetic and 15% rate,The Chinese herbal medicine and 25% rate determined,According to the calculation of the four pilot zoucheng public hospital should compensate total amount is about 17.51 million yuan.


the,80% of the total amount of compensation,That is 14.01 million yuan should be through the adjustment of medical service price compensation.The amount of compensation shall be apportioned to all the quasi adjustment of medical service projects,In the original basis nursing raised 100%,Hospitalization fee also made by every $2 to $14.


Through the ways of investigation,Most of the patients on the part of the price adjustment not too seriously."Although nurse/Hospital inspecting fee and operation are improved,But because of the three are within the scope of reimbursement,So patients can accept."A urology department patients family members said,For patients in hospital for,Cancel the 15% of the drug addition and improve the medical service price,in"A liter of a drop"in,Patients overall burden or reduce a lot.


And hospitalization of patients"reasonable"different,There is quite a WeiCi outpatient:"Before hanging a number to five dollars,Now all doubled."According to introducing,At present general outpatient inspecting fee by each 2 yuan up to 7 yuan;The cost of inspecting expert outpatient service every 6 yuan up to 11 yuan;Famous experts inspecting fee by every twenty yuan up to 25 yuan;The cost of emergency inspecting every 5 yuan up to ten yuan.


but,Due to the outpatient service fee is not within the scope of reimbursement,That appeared a few patients go to a doctor instead of spending is increased after the situation.this,Liu meter mountain Suggestions,Should be formulated as soon as possible new farming together/Health supporting policies,The clinic treatment costs into the scope of reimbursement,In order to achieve the comprehensive reform of public hospital at or above the county level shall we the purpose of convenience.
