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警方现场查获的大量病死猪肉及“问题”腌腊制品。 沙区警方供图
The police seized a large number of pork and illness"problems"gases. Suitable for the police for diagram
The police seized the Y bacon.
[food safety]
1 month and day,Shapingba district public security bureau destroyed every four illegal production does not comply with the safety standards of HeiWoDian gases,The criminal suspect arrested eight,Seized value of about 500000 yuan of pork and illness gases 10 tons,Timely stop does not comply with the safety standard gases into the market,Public security safety table.
下水道流猪毛 Sewer flow pig hair
便衣民警发现黑窝点 Plainclothes police HeiWoDian found
According to the ministry of public security"Defend against food safety crime table"The special action of unified deployment,The police organization,Closely around gases/Bulk food/Health food/Leisure food and other goods sell like hot cakes during the Spring Festival,Together with the industry and commerce/health/rural/Quality supervision departments joint law enforcement,The key place/Key parts/Key enterprises to strengthen LianZha integrated.
In the daily inspection,Shapingba district public security bureau police learned that pear bay near a farmer's market in some illegal production does not comply with the safety standards of gases clues.
January 24,,Plainclothes police dressing up,To the farmer's market CunDian MoPai nearby,Found in a remote corner of the market a few houses suspicious,The day the door shut,But in and around when,A few houses roof will happen to coincide emitted smoke.Near the door,From inside the stink.In order to further control situation,Police a few days all night keep watch,Every day at dawn found suspicious house sewer will discharge a large number of pig hair/All foreign,And in 27 morning at about 5 a truck pull a lot of frozen meat.
精心准备雷霆行动 Preparation of action
警方一举捣毁4窝点 The police every trashed and shelter
1 month and day,The police decided to carry out catch action.According to the public security sub-bureau shapingba district crimes team chief introduction,In order to ensure catch success,Articles will be suspect,Substation to catch action for careful planning and deployment.
In the time,Choose "afternoon about all suspect in the shelter when processing gases to catch;In the personnel,Branches out nearly 30 capable police,Joint area the bureau/Industrial and commercial bureau and other departments staff unified action;According to two shelter have evil Wolf dog prevent strangers near the situation,Police arrest to the uniform of the German shepherd XieJu,Ensure that the first time unblocked.
1 month and day six o 'clock in the evening,Four HeiWoDian was in full swing when processing gases,Joint law enforcement soldier in four road and action,The criminal suspect arrested at eight,Including XieMou(female)/Li a(female)/LiuMou and some four HeiWoDian boss.The seized a large number of gases and pork liver/Frozen meat and raw materials,The initial check,Raw materials are ill pork.The basis of,Four HeiWoDian are no commercial license/No health permit/No production license.
警方提醒市民 Police remind people
到正规商家买腌腊制品 To regular merchants buy gases
According to the suspect XieMou confessed,Her illness in order to increase the pork mention color presentation,In the curing process of bacon to add the Sudan red.
Police in the site search to suspected countries banned food additive Sudan red 1 bag,The sample has been sent related departments detection.According to several suspects confessed,In the near future they bought a lot from informal channels without legal procedures of pork,Ready to curing for bacon/After the sausage during the Spring Festival for a lot more money,Thought is doing the dream about making money,Is the police seized.
Police say,Food safety is people's health and life safety,Is social harmony and stability,Is the social from all walks of life and the masses of the people's livelihood attention important problem.
全市各级公安机关将主动出击、全面摸排,发现一起查处一起,保障市民餐桌安全。同时,提醒广大市民,不要贪图便宜从临时摊点、流动摊贩处购买腌腊制品,一定要从货源渠道正规的商家购买。 重庆晨报记者 刘波 实习生 刘玉婷
The public security organs at all levels will be initiative/Comprehensive MoPai,Find and together together,Public security safety table.At the same time,Remind citizens,Don't covet petty gain from temporary roadway/Flow vendors purchased gases,Must from the source channel formal business purchase. Chongqing morning paper reporter LiuBo LiuYuTing interns
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