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膨化食品反式脂肪实测超标 专家:多吃天然食品--亲稳舆论引导监测室

膨化食品反式脂肪实测超标 专家:多吃天然食品近日,在北京服装学院材料科学与工程学院实验室,在记者的陪同下,实验人员将样品放到旋转蒸发器中进行萃取,以检测其中的反式脂肪含量recently,In the Beijing institute of clothing technology materials science and engineering college laboratory,At the press, accompanied by,Experimental personnel will sample in rotary evaporator in extraction,To detect the trans fat content.膨化食品反式脂肪实测超标 专家:多吃天然食品                              实验人员称量取样油炸型薯片。                               Experimental personnel weighing sampling Fried potato chips type.


The national food safety standards[The general principles of prepackaging food nutrition labels]today(On February 1,)Already a 1 months.Careful consumers is not difficult to find,chips/cake/Biscuits, etc on the outer package food directly mark"0"Trans fats.


recently,Reporter select part trans fats nominal for"0"Following the personnel of puffed food testing,Results show that are more than the required 0.3 g / 100 g trans fat zero threshold value,Non Fried type puffed food also contain trans fats.Experts to remind,Trans fatty acids cause cardiovascular disease/The harm of development influence public opinion has long,Consumers can't see is"0"Trans fat and non Fried,This kind of food to chow down.


 膨化食品反式脂肪多标注为“0” Puffed food trans fat mark for"0"


On January 1,,The ministry of health for[The general principles of prepackaging food nutrition labels]Officially adopted.In accordance with the provisions,All prepackaging food must be forced dimension energy/protein/fat/Carbohydrates and sodium and core content of nutrients.Standard food, such as using the hydrogenated oil,And contain artificial cream/shortening/Generation of cocoa butter to hydrogenated oil as the main raw material products,Should mark out trans fats(acid)content.


Reporter recently in the department store/Carrefour supermarket stores such as maliandao shop to see,"Good good"/"Good beautiful friend"/"Can bick"chips,Article cheese/shrimp/Hamburg ball of puffed food, etc,"Mann's can be"/"GongYi mansion"/"Fort bin"bread/cake,Nutrition table column are mark on the trans fats"0 grams"content.Some brand still is in even positive marked out"Zero trans fats"/"No trans fats"",Some is will"Non Fried"Greatly displayed.


 不标注真实含量易误导消费者 Not marked the real content easy to mislead consumers


The food standard"0"Trans fat is by spectrum?"Non Fried"Food have trans fatty acid?


After the ministry of health in[The general principles of prepackaging food nutrition labels]For trans fatty acid provides a zero threshold value:That is every 100 grams trans fatty acid content in the products less than or equal to 0.3 grams,Trans fatty acids can label for"0".


Reporters from the supermarket to buy common potato chips/Hamburg ball/Chicken flavor liquor block 3 kind of puffed food,By the Beijing institute of clothing technology materials science and engineering college lab for testing.The results have shown that,Three kinds of puffed food whether Fried or non Fried,Whether or not marked"0"Trans fats,The actual content is more than the required 0.3 g / 100 g zero threshold value.


Beijing institute of clothing technology materials science and engineering college associate professor kung 龑 pointed out,More than zero threshold value,You should identify the trans fatty acid content of the true,Otherwise, they do not meet the food safety standards,More on consumers' misleading and cheating.


 ■ 名词解释 S series

  反式脂肪酸 Trans fatty acids


Also known as hydrogenated fatty acid,Is a kind of unsaturated fatty acid,Mainly from after partially hydrogenated vegetable oil,To make the food taste good and long shelf life,But the health is not good,Is not the human body needed nutrients.Could cause atherosclerosis/Coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular disease,Cause birth difficult/Inhibit the growth and development of infants and young children.International would have to trans fatty acid give attention,The European and American countries have legislative restrictions,In the food on trans fatty acids, limited,The United Nations food and agriculture organization and the world health organization recommended intake per person a day of trans fatty acid intake of no more than 1% of the total quantity of heat,Equivalent to about 2 grams.Our country in January this year of implementation[The general principles of prepackaging food nutrition labels]The requirement in the express label content.


 ■ 实验 S experiment

  “非油炸”食品反式脂肪更多 "Non Fried"Food trans fat more


The purpose:Test Fried/Non Fried puffed food of the trans fatty acid content.


Experimental process:From the supermarket to buy three kinds of puffed food bags,There are two dimension trans fatty acids for"0",Two kinds of nominal"Non Fried".Detect personnel opened the package,Each take 5 grams left and right sides.Join organic solvent,In rotary evaporator,Maintain a constant temperature for extraction,About 30 minutes,To extract solution derived processing.Garnish with trace injection needle take colorless supernatant fluid,Into high performance liquid chromatograph analysis,The computer screen to begin to form spectrum diagram.


The experimental results:Testing personnel introduces,It is found that the,Three kinds of puffed food are detected more than 0.3 g / 100 g zero threshold value of trans fatty acids,Non Fried puffed food also contain trans fatty acid.the,The Fried chicken flavor liquor puffed food trans fatty acid content of the piece the most,Every 100 g contains 0.8256 g.


 ■ 专家提醒 S experts remind

  防反式脂肪应少摄取人造奶油 Counter-attack type fat intake should be less margarine


Beijing institute of clothing technology, an associate professor of materials science and engineering college 龑 kung is introduced,Trans fatty acids could cause atherosclerosis/Coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular disease,Grows diabetes,Interference essential fatty acid metabolism,Cause birth difficult/Inhibit the growth and development of infants and young children.


According to introducing,bread/cookies/Milk tea/Egg yolk pie food,If the process with the hydrogenated vegetable oil,There will be content ranging from trans fatty acid.so,When consumer is bought can pay attention to the packaging of food ingredients,There are hydrogenated vegetable oil/Planting the fat end/shortening/margarine/Artificial ghee and raw materials,Usually have a trans fatty acid,To absorb less as far as possible.Never because mark for trans fatty acid"0",Let children a lot of food.


China agricultural university institute of food nutrition and food safety system, an associate professor at FanZhiGong pointed out,In addition to the content of trans fatty acids outside,Consumers should also pay attention to food total fat content.Such as the hydrogenated vegetable oil replaced with palm oil,Trans fatty acids is no,But a lot of saturated fatty acids are high,And it is pure fat,Will also increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

  所以,无论食品中有没有反式脂肪酸,只要是加入了大量脂肪,就会有健康风险,建议平时多吃没有加油、没有加糖的天然食材、杂粮豆薯、蔬菜水果等。(记者廖爱玲 摄影/实习生 翟超)

so,Whatever food you trans fatty acid,As long as it is to join a lot of fat,There will be health risks,Advice to eat more at ordinary times without refueling/No sugar natural ingredients/Grains yam bean/Fruits and vegetables, etc.(Reporter LiaoAiLing photography/ZhaiChao interns)
