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男子取牙模时突然死亡 家属质疑医院用过期针水--亲稳舆论引导监测室


recently,Netizens Posting said,On January 15,,A man to order to current conditions are maternity and child care centers take tooth die,But in a died in the process.On February 5,Reporter contacted the family members of the deceased,To the authors on the visit.


 家属 family

  当事医生前后说法不一 The parties have different views before and after


The wife of the dead GaoGuiJuan told the evening news reporter,Husband SongYun Wu 43 years old this year,The accident left at eight o 'clock the couple go out together,SongYun Wu is going to the hospital to prepare set teeth."Less than half past ten in the morning,He unit of leadership is to call me,Said LaoSong in hospital,Call I go to."GaoGuiJuan said,His head was a blank,Followed on the car,Quickly to the hospital,Crossing a little traffic jam,"I jump down from the car,The trot up the stairs."


The department of stomatology,The door stood a group of people,Through the crowd,GaoGuiJuan saw her husband lying on the work station next to the floor."Lips is broken,Oral are surrounded by white things,Neck have bruises,His mouth also contain a root diameter 1 cm more green plastic pipe."GaoGuiJuan said,His touched the husband's hand and neck,Some temperature.


"LaoSong,How do you the?"GaoGuiJuan turned,To the dean said:"Elder sister,LaoSong is going to a hospital?"but,No one answered her.


Six o 'clock in the afternoon,Hospitals and the family members of the deceased had a meeting together.GaoGuiJuan clearly remember,At that time,For her husband do tooth die doctor WuChaoWen on family statement said,When SongYun Wu take up fang die,Is taking the tooth tooth when a mold,WuChaoWen had gone out outside the corridor cleaning mould.After SongYun found in Wu lie in operation stage,Head slanting toward the side,Mouth also pry open."At that time our family relatives went to more than ten people,Everyone to listen to him so said are all very excited,Also blame why did he want to go away."


And afterwards,WuChaoWen provide a written statement on,Is another story,"Upper jaw teeth impression take good,I put the upper jaw teeth impression in the pool side,Spray on iodine disinfection.Then switch mandibular impression material,Began to take mandibular impression,Two minutes later,SongYun Wu suddenly appeared head not independent to this side of the window,(I)Hurriedly call his name,No response."


 质疑 question

  针水有效期被改了两次 The validity of the needle water was changed twice


SongYun Wu nephew to the reporter XuZhaoHong provides a set of accident,Family members in the department of stomatology clinic in photographs.The period of validity of the water more box needle is altered with a pen.The most obvious is a box to acetyl MaoHua glycosides injection,The period of validity of the box has twice been altered.A red pen TuGaiCheng"In November 2010",Then they were black stroke off,Beside write"In February 2015".


On January 25th,In the related departments of the cooperation,Kunming for forensic SongYun Wu body on the autopsy,SongYun Wu two brother and brother-in-law participate.SongYun Wu three elder brother SongYunHong told reporters,When an autopsy,He saw the forensic from SongYun Wu endotracheal took out a piece of 2 cm long 1 cm wide white foreign body."This article white things should be do tooth die of silica gel,In addition,Surface no different,We layman don't know the real cause of death is what."

  医院 hospital

  细节由宣传部统一回复 Details of the propaganda department of the unified reply


At noon on 5,Evening news reporters came to order to maternal and child care service centre,The accident of the department of stomatology door lock.Director Yang ying ping told reporters,SongYun Wu accident,The hospital has to family advances 50000 yuan of money.Department of stomatology in accordance with the requirements of the family members have also been sealed,Didn't open it.but,For other details,Yang ying ping said:"The master of all cases have been through the county health bureau report to the county party committee propaganda department,The propaganda department to reporters undertake unity reply."


then,Reporter contacted the LuFeng county party committee propaganda department related working personnel.Staff said,In SongYun Wu take tooth die process after the accident,County maternal and child care service centre has arouse our doctors and county hospital doctor the rescue.Rescue invalid after,Rescue field and related equipment has sealed protection according to related regulations.At present,SongYun Wu body has done the related autopsy,Only related autopsy report after coming out,To have a scientific basis to define it.(SunQinXia)
