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让心身“最佳状态”过大年 防节日综合征困扰--亲稳网络舆情监测室


守夜、春晚、走亲访友、欢聚畅饮……春节即将来临,专家提示,越是喜庆忙碌,越要注意心身保健,防止“节日综合征”的困扰。 vigil/Day television gala/visits/Together drink...The Spring Festival is coming,Expert clew,Festival more busy,More attention should be paid to psychosomatic health,prevent"Holiday syndrome"problems.


让心身“最佳状态”过大年 Let the psychosomatic"best"Over annual


Stock up on their doors/Visits originally is the Spring Festival is the most lively happy things,But many people but more to Chinese New Year,The more feel waist sour backache,In confusion,Spirit also as usual.Concerned investigation shows,"Holiday syndrome"Incidence increased year by year.This is mainly because before and after the holidays,The law of at ordinary times life was disturbed,The body cannot adapt to immediately,If plus long time shopping shopping,Frequent party,Or is too much rich food intake,Body is easy to"Unbearable heavy burden",Makes some disease"Takes the".


过节其实“不轻松” Feast in fact"Don't easily"


"Although Chinese Spring Festival is coming,But I don't feel easy."On February 3,,Reporters saw jinan citizens lijie(alias)when,She reluctantly told reporters,His now even a bit"Feast phobia"."In last year's Spring Festival holiday/National Day double festival Mid-Autumn festival the two‘Golden week’period,I will‘disease’Two field,Continuous chest distress/headache/dizziness/dismayed,At first also can endure a tough,But after a work can't hold on,Had to go to hospital."


Why not long body"Keep good"?Lijie seem to be some embarrassed:"Is my main could not help myself.Big workload at ordinary times,I will catch up with the long vacation‘Won't’Used to more sleep,The day shopping/party,Watch television at night/Internet,Everyday want to stay until 1 or 2 o 'clock before going to bed,Every time a began to feel very full/A big time,But in the last two days was not the matter say,Also all dizzy brain bulge,Then think of holiday haven't had enough and a lot of work to finish the task,More become depressed/Special nervous and irritable,To work very inconsistent,Start all night and night insomnia..."


"Sometimes think about also do not have a good holiday,Life will be a lot of rules."In the provincial capital of a business unit to work LiuDaWei(alias)A proverb to reporters.a"'m restless"Holiday let him always tired good moment.The original,Every holiday,He will drive to visit back,The next each day is busy with visits,And these relatives gather once,And those students drink a field,A week off,Not only did not use holiday to get sufficient rest,Intestines and stomach and therefore the confederation."Back to jinan after,Always feel chest distress/weak/collywobbles,Don not find back to a state.Because there is no way to mention essence absolute being son,After the work also often inefficient.And this kind of situation has been several times,You say sorrow people don't worry about people."


莫小视“节日综合征”的威力 Mo key"Holiday syndrome"power

  “这些症状都是‘节日综合征’的表现,它可让越来越多的人感觉‘过个节很辛苦’。” 山东省精神卫生中心医教科副主任苏磊对记者说。

"These are symptoms‘Holiday syndrome’performance,It can let more and more people feel‘A day is very hard’." Shandong province YiJiao mental health center, deputy director of the department SuLei told reporters.


What is the holiday syndrome?SuLei told reporters,Holiday will be from some people's hard work/Learning state"liberation"out,That they have the concentration of free leisure time,If there is no restraint overly loose,May make the body not only get plenty of rest,Also break the original law of daily life,More than a personal capacity,Cause psychological and physiological imbalance normal state,Make psychosomatic present the state of health,The specific performance of dizziness/tinnitus/Bosom frowsty/sleepy/weak/anorexia/indigestion/Nausea and vomiting/Diarrhea abdominal pain/Emotional annoyed/Depressed, etc,If this condition persisted,And get good accommodation,Will affect the normal after learning/Living and working.


"There are still a lot of people‘Holiday syndrome’Performance for‘Don't adapt to the’,This state may also will continue to day."Jinan five hospital emergency department, deputy director of the WangLiJun told reporters.At ordinary times,As a kind of stress mechanism,The human brain center will set up a highly stressful thinking operation mode.If a high tension from the state to stop,The original that adapt to the nervous rhythm psychological mode will suddenly lost object content,At this time,Weekdays are always overtime work people,In the face of the loose environment but feel does not adapt;The same,After the long holiday,People from holiday relaxed state suddenly back to the busy work,Spirit suddenly nervous,Many people tend to be nervous regulation turbulence,Anxiety may appear/depressed/insomnia/Symptoms such as irritable,Even to go to work/To go to school with fear,And in a highly excited after the holidays,Many people will have a lonely/The feeling of boredom into my mind,Even cause depression mood,And these are also"Holiday syndrome"One of the typical performance.


调适心情过好佳节 Adjust the mood a good season


so,How to avoid"Holiday syndrome"Respectively??


Deputy director of the WangLiJun think,This kind of phenomenon"Can be prevented".He suggested that,Keep a common heart a good holiday.Holidays try not to disturb the original law of life;Avoid tobacco's/High fat diet/Carbonated drinks/Coffee etc,These food can stimulate the intestinal mucosa,Hinder the absorption of nutrition;Pay attention to the psychological of smooth transition,Timely after‘Go dry’;In various ways to actively adjust state of mind,Pay attention to diet light,Drink plain boiled water,Eat more fruit/vegetables;In addition,Can also do more conducive to the physical and mental health of sports."Of course,If the body appear serious symptoms of discomfort,Shall be immediately to normal hospital for inspection,misdiagnosis."

  而苏磊则认为,做好自我心理调节的工作十分必要。他建议,春节期间,也可以静下来做点安静的事,比如慢跑、听听舒缓放松的音乐等等,主动把握自己“过年的节奏”。“如果出现了所谓‘节日综合征’的一些心理波动,比如心烦、焦虑等,可每隔1小时进行1次慢而深的呼吸,闭上眼睛,双肩下垂,让大脑处于静思状态;也要适当吃些口味清淡的食品,每晚坚持热水泡脚,再辅以一些可以健胃消食的药物,或者多做些运动来调理生物钟紊乱造成的失眠、倦怠、厌食等症状,比如散步、打太极、做瑜珈……如此一来,可以有效地解除疲劳、恢复精力,增加免疫力和抵抗力。”(记者 田可新 通讯员 王莹)

And SuLei is considered,Do self psychological adjustment work is necessary.He suggested that,During the Spring Festival,Also can calm down to do things quiet,Such as jogging/Listen to soothing music to relax, etc,Active grasp myself"The rhythm of the Chinese New Year"."If the emergence of the so-called‘Holiday syndrome’Some of the psychological fluctuation,Such as upset/anxiety,But every other one hour first slow and deep breathing,Close your eyes,Shoulders sag,Let the brain state of meditation;Also want to eat some appropriate taste bland food,Every night to hot bubble foot,Again complementary with some can be xiaoshi drugs,Or do some exercise to regulate biological clock disorders cause insomnia/burnout/Symptoms such as anorexia,Such as a country walk,/Tai chi/Doing yoga...so,Can effectively relieve fatigue/Recovery energy,Increase immunity and resistance."(Reporter field can be new reporter wang ying)
